216 英语词类基本应用(十) Agreement of Pronouns with Antecedents 一致性 7/3/2019
爱我们的天父, 求祢赦免我骄傲的罪, 赐我新生命, 使我不再受魔鬼的捆绑. 谢谢祢赐孩子毅力, 能遵照祢的旨意, 永不放弃, 继续博客的写作. 在今生我要永远向人见证耶稣基督是祢的儿子, 祂为赎我的罪钉死在十字架上. 奉主耶稣的圣名祈祷.
编辑者一向仰慕林肯总统, 他是虔诚的基督信仰者, 他在美国内战极度危急时, 有人问他, “上帝是站在你一边吗?” 他肯定的说, “不是去问上帝是站在我们这边, 而是要问我们是否站在上帝那边.”
“教学相长” 这句自古由来的座右铭, 编辑者今天才真正体会到它的意义. 多次向访友介绍英语语法的结构基础时, 总要提出 “动词与主语的一致性”. 却没有注意到其一致性只涉及到三种词类 : 动词, 名词, 及代名词. 而其中以代名词使用得最为频繁及显著. 与其它的词类无关. 并且, 是在造句时常常出错的地方. 为什么会出错? 因为在我国语言句子中没有这样的结构.
“动词与主语的一致性” 比较深入一些, 容后详述. 现在是谈词类基本应用, 所以只谈代名词与先行词(Antecedent)的一致性.
编辑者仍用代名词翻译 ‘pronoun’, 因为它是用来代替名词的词类. 在解释句子一致性的讨论中有个词儿称为先行词, 是代名词所代表前面提到的名词.
例如 :
The boys corrected
their mistakes.
( ‘boys’ 是代名词 ‘their’ 的先行词. 它总是出现在要代表它的代名词前面. 故选择该代名词来代替前面的名词‘boys’时, 必须特别注意这代名词的人称(personal), 数(number), 性(gender)要一致. 句子的意念才会清晰明暸. 在这里, 先行词 ‘boys’ 是男性, 第三人称多数; 代名词 ‘their’ 是第三人称多数, 所有性. 句子合乎一致性的条件, 其意思简洁明确.)
练习 : 试写出下列各句的代名词, 然后写出它的先行词. (Write each
pronoun. Then write its antecedent.)
1. Thurgood Marshall was
born in Maryland; his grandfather had been taken to Maryland as a slave.
2. Marshall's
parents wanted to give their son a good education.
3. Marshall's mother was a teacher in the school her son attended.
4. Marshall decided that he wanted to be a lawyer.
5. Marshall
attended Howard University Law School. It accepted black students when many other schools did not.
练习 : 试从括号中选出正确的代名词填入句子内. (Write the
pronoun in parentheses that correctly completes each sentence.)
1. Marshall's
mother sold ______ engagement ring to help pay for law school
(his, her)
2. Marshall was grateful to
(him, her)
3. Marshall later graduated first in _______ class.
(his, their)
4. President
Johnson appointed _______to the Supreme Court.
(him, them)
5 When people
disagree with a court decision, ___appeal to the Supreme
(they, it)
(they, it)
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