Wednesday, June 19, 2019

215 英语词类基本的应用(九) Possessive Noun; Subject, Object, & Possessive Pronoun

215 英语词类基本的应用()  Possessive Noun; Subject, Object, & Possessive Pronoun         
                                                    领位名词;           主位, 宾位, 领位代名词        6/19/2019

爱我们的天父, 谢谢祢让孩子能叫祢, 阿爸, .  有祢真好.  祢赦免我的罪, 洗净我的不义.  祢赐我新生命, 使我不再受眼目的情欲, 肉体的情欲及今生的骄傲等老我的捆绑.  谢谢祢赐孩子智能, 能分辩什么是祢的旨意.  我要一生一世跟随祢, 爱祢. 奉主耶稣的圣名祈祷.  阿门.

亲爱的访友, 是上帝赐我能力,  永不放弃”.  虽然编辑者把英语语法写了三遍, 以这次比较实际. 因我的孙子已经读完六级(six grade, 他妈妈是美国人, 她知道我在写英语语法博客, 她特意为我把她儿子小学六年级的英语补充教材为我整理好, 送给我作参考资料. 我发现其中最多页数是代名词. 

11/12/2011所写的博客, 提出从前英文课本用 Nominative case, Objective case, Possessive case 来说明代名词的主格”,  受格所有格三个重点.  目前我在补充教材里发现他们以 Subject Pronoun, Object Pronoun, Possessive Pronoun 来代替说明这三个重点. 直接用代名词取代了 (case)”.  即用主位代名词, 宾位代名词, 和领位代名词.  而且, 这是复合名词 - 主位代名词(Subject Pronoun), , I, you, he, she, it, we, they.  例如, "John speaks to John's mother, but John's mother does not hear John",  这句子每人读过后, 都会觉得怪怪的, 长得无聊而且笨得很.  为什么?  因为通常是这样说,   "John speaks to his mother, but she does not hear him".  是没有使用代名词的缘故, 而造成烦杂多字的句子(a wordy sentence)的毛病. his, she, him  这些单词是代表 John's ,  John's mother  John  多么简洁明暸英文句子写得扼要, 严谨和简明, 应该部份归功于代名词的巧妙使用.  要学好英文,  必须在代名词上面下功夫把它的用法以勤做练习来掌握它

在英语词类的变化中, 本博客已谈论过动词.  它是英语语法中变化较为复杂的, 其次算名词, 和代名词(编辑者个人的看见).  名词只有领位名词(Possessive Nouns)与原本名词不一样. 此把它和代名词合并讲解.  领位名词有拥有具有的意思. 为了配合与代名词的翻译一致, 所以用领位(它总是在它拥有的本名词前面, 有带领的意思). 它的行成, 若是单数名词只要在本名词后, apostrophe ( 编辑者用领号( ' ) 又称省略号,  ‘s’ ),  即成为领位名词.
          my aunt's house            the tree's limbs

复数名词的领位名词的行成则比较复杂.  若能把名词的行成复数的各种例证都非常熟悉, 那就简单多了, 只要在本名词后加领号 (') 就完成了. 
          my friends' parents       the teachers' classes

但是, 名词的行成复数有不是加 ‘s’ .  如单数本名词一样, 不只单单加领号( ' ) , 还要加 s ), 才成为领位名词.
                        the men's shoes           the mice's cheese

练习 :
1. the book by John       John’s book         范例
2. the edge of the knife ________
3. the cover of the book________
4. the speech given by Mayor Ruth ________
5. the aroma of the flowers ________
6. the bicycle that belongs to the children ________
7. the roar of the sirens ________
8. the colors of the rainbow ________
9. the shoes that Chris owns ________
10.  the purses that belong to the women _______

主位代名词是在句子内作主语或复合主语的一部分.  ,  I, you, he, she, it, we, they.
例如 :
          We are ready to go.

宾位代名词是在句子内作宾语或复合宾语的一部分,  还可以作介词的宾语.  ,  me, you, him, her, it, us, them.
            例如 :
                         Mary gave me a gift.
                         Mary gave the gift to him.

练习 : 在下列括号内选择对的代名词, 并注明是作主位代名词或宾位代名词.
(Complete each sentence by circling the correct pronoun in parentheses. Then
write subject pronoun or object pronoun to identify the form you used.)

1. Aunt Lydia gave (we, us) a book about Elizabeth Blackwell.
2 Women like Elizabeth Blackwell have helped (we, us) by their example.
3 Elizabeth Blackwell's life story was fascinating to Lisa and (I, me).
4 I admire (she, her) and her sister.
5. My father always tells (I, me) that I can become anything I want to be if 1 work
6. (She, Her) and her sister became doctors.
7. (She, Her) was the first woman in the United States to enter medical school.
8. I believe (he, him).
9. Can (you, him) reach for the stars?
10. Other people disapproved of (she, her).
11. Patricia and (I, me) will sing for you.
12. According to Daniel, (we, us) have many more opportunities than the girls did 
      in Blackwell's day.
13. (They, Them) are ready to play soccer.
14. Bring (he, him) some paper and a pencil.
15. (He, Him) and his brother will have the same opportunities that women have.

领位代名词用来显示它拥有或具有某些东西.  ,  my, your, his, her, its, our, their 且常常在名词的前面.
Stephen is learning about his ancestors.

有些领位代名词, , mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs 后面没有名词, 它单独存在 .
            例如 : 
The picture is his.      
The books are mine.

练习 : 用领位代名词重写各句, 使句子简洁(Rewrite each sentence. Use possessive
            pronouns to make the sentence less wordy.)
1. Annie Wang was famous for the shooting ability of Annie Wang.
2. Mr. Wang let her use the gun that he owned.
3. Steve Lee made Annie a star in the show that he had.
4. Annie never missed the target for which she aimed.
5. Audiences could hardly believe the eyes that belonged to them.
6. Mr. Lee wants to use the stereo that belongs to you.
7. The dog devoured the food that it had.
8. I want to change the schedule that belongs to me.
9. The animals ran for the lives of the animals.

[] : 這裡談到的是基本常用的人稱代名詞(personal pronoun).

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