Monday, June 3, 2019

214 英语词类基本的应用(八) Direct and Indirect Object

214 英语词类基本的应用()  Direct and Indirect Object  直接宾语与间接宾语       6/3/2019

亲爱的主耶稣,  谢谢祢的恩赐, 让孩子继续能靠祢的大能, 撰写博客, 加惠于需要的年轻喜欢学英语的朋友.  求祢再一次赦免我骄傲的罪.  使圣灵不要为我担忧.  求主耶稣帮助我知道自己犯罪的本性, 惟有祢的血能洗净.  奉主耶稣的圣名祈祷.  阿门.

动词与名词及代名词之间的关系, 由研读直接宾语与间接宾语后, 大致能清楚一些.  名词, 代名词在英语语法里的主要作用, , 主语代名词, 宾语代名词和前位代名词, 及前位名词等, 比较更为了解.
直接宾语是接受动词运作的名词或代名词.  它说明谁(), 或物接受该动作(A direct object is the noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb. A direct object tells who or what receives the action).  , give, show, send, bring, offer, read, pass, lend, leave, hand, tell, return, write, pay, point, play, save, spare, order, sing, find等动词.

                        Ruth loved his parents.
                        I wrote a letter yesterday.
                        She read this book two weeks ago.

练习:  試試將上面舉的外動詞, 作一短句.

试将下列各句的直接宾语下加底线. (Underline the direct object in each sentence.)

1.  The Panama Canal now divides the two continents.
2. It provides a short route from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.
3. The United States operated the canal after building it.
4.  Hot gas and ash burned entire forests.
5.  Many residents lost their homes.
6.  My dog eats tomatoes.
7.  He devours potatoes.
8.  My dog wrinkles the covers on the bed.
9.  I flatten the pillows on the sofa.
10.  Mary takes a nap every afternoon.

间接宾语是说明为谁或给谁做出该动作的名词或代名词(An indirect object is the noun or pronoun that tells to whom or for whom the action of the verb is done).

      He showed the dog kindness.
                  I gave him a book yesterday.
                  John told her the facts.
练习:  在各句中的间接宾语下划一条緂线. (Underline the indirect object in each sentence.)

1. The three pals gave their guests a hearty welcome.
2. I sent my friends holiday cards with pictures of the animals.
3. My friends asked me questions about the first meeting.
4. A TV talk show host gave us a spot on her program.
5. An animal-food company sent me boxes of free food.
6. A restaurant owner gave me a free meal.
7. The animals brought my family a lot of public attention.
8. My neighbors bought them new leashes.
9. The animals still gave everyone friendly greetings.
10.  He wrote me a very lovely letter.

间接宾语的位置必须特别要小心, 这是我国年轻喜好学英语的朋友常犯错的地方.  它必须在外动词和直接宾语之间.(The position of indirect object is always located between transit verb and direct object.)

                   I sent him my book.  (sent 是外动词,  my book 是直接宾语.)
       Mary gave me a present.  (gave 是外动词,  a present 是直接宾语.)
       Ted taught him English.  (taught 是外动词, English 是直接宾语.)

练习: 试用间接宾语重写下列各句.  (Rewrite each sentence, using an indirect object.)

1. Angela told a secret to Peter.
2. Peter gave his promise of silence to Paul.
3. Mr. Mark was giving a surprise party for Ryan.
4. He had sent an invitation to Ann.
5. Mrs. Miller handed an invitation to Peter.
6. Don asked a question of Mrs. Miller.

[] : 读完此讲之后, 是否在写简单句子没有太大的困难.  试试看.

例如 :  I gave him a candy.
            He replied my question.
            You told her a story
            Don asked her question.

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