Friday, May 24, 2019

213 基本动词应用(七) Transitive and Intransitive Verb

213 基本动词应用() Transitive and Intransitive Verb 外动词及内动词   5/24/2019

亲爱的主耶稣求祢使孩子能靠祢复活的大能胜过魔鬼的引诱不至堕落到情欲及骄傲的罪中 .  能为祢向世人作见证, 见证祢是上帝的儿子, 活在我的心里, 并且祢无时无刻都在垂听我的祈求.  赐给我智慧和能力, 英文文法博客诚实的完成. 奉主耶稣的名祷告.  阿门.

在前讲博客中提到 irregular verb 的重要. 为什幺重要? 因为它变化后的字的发音不同了.  你若不注意, 那幺你讲的英语, 别人就听不懂.  例如, eat, ate, eaten.  你平常听惯了eat, 后来为了要用在过去发生的事上, , I ate my lunch an hour ago. “ate” “eat” 是全然不同的发音.  在这里又证明大声的在早晨头脑清醒时朗诵英语的好处.  使你熟悉字词的发音.  还有你必须记住, 否则你要写过去时制的句子就很困难, 更不要说写完了时态(perfect aspect)的句子, , I have eaten my dinner.

现在要谈的是两种不同的动词的种类, 也非常要紧.  外动词(v.t.)及内动词(v.i.), 前人翻译为及物动词和不及物动词, 也很好, 因为它顾到这两类动词的使用目的.  外动词是要顾及有宾语来接受它的动作, 例如, I wrote him a letter yesterday. 中的write是外动词, 它必须要两个宾语来完成这句子的意思. 其中him 是间接宾语(indirect object), a letter 是直接宾语(direct object). 内动词没有这个必要. 例如, I sing, 其动词sing 不必要任何宾语来接受它的动作. 

编辑者建议学习外动词及内动词的方法是:不要死背因为太多要查字典,  write, show give 等等外动词后面都注有小字 v.t.,be, sing, swim等等内动词后面都注有小字v.i., 有的字典用别的符号来代表, , Pocket Oxford Chinese Dictionary(English-Chinese Chinese-English 英汉-汉英) 字典, 它们用[ T ]外动词及用[ I ]指内动词, 请注意.  碰到动词不清楚它到底是外动词或内动词时, 就翻字典.  这就是编辑者为什幺再三嘱咐爱好学英语者要买一本价钱较贵的字典, 供一生之用.  

外动词是有动作的动词, 它的后面须要有名词或代名词跟随, 用来作接受它动作的宾语(A transitive verb is an action verb that is followed by a noun or a pronoun that receives the action).
例如:           I know the story.
                        Stephen drove the car most of the way.
He gave  me a book last week.
                          (me 代名词, 间接宾语,  book 名词, 直接宾语)

[] : 红字是外动词, 其后面都必须跟有名词或代名词来接受它的动作.                  

内动词是任何不需要宾语用来接受它的动作的动作动词, 并包括所有的连系动词在内(An intransitive verb includes all linking verbs and any action verbs that do not take an object).
    例如:           My friends cried. 
                        The cat bristled.
                        The children rode in the back seat.
     [] : 红字是内动词, 其后面都没有跟名词或代名词, 而只有最后一句後面跟随前置词短语, 不是它的宾语.

练习:  试在每句的动词下加于一横线, 然后注明它是外动词或内动词:             
           Underline the verb in each sentence.  Label it transitive or intransitive.

1. Our family went to the Grand Canyon last month.           
2. I got a cat from the former tenants.
3. Ruth and the dog sat quietly on the sofa.
4. He drove for miles through the desert.            
5. The dog would see me soon.
6. Paul saw the canyon first.                        
7. Ted loved the shepherd!                            
8. The next day the caretaker did stop.         
9. John had found a home on the mountain. 
10. The workers had built a sturdy metal fence.       

Sunday, May 12, 2019

212 英语基本动词应用(六) Irregular Verb 不規則動詞

212  英语基本动词应用()     Irregular Verb      不規則動詞                       5/12/2019

親愛的主耶穌, 求加添孩子的信心, 我很軟弱, 常常被魔鬼引誘, 墮落到眼目的情慾及今生的驕傲的罪中, 求祢使孩子能靠祢復活的大能勝過. 奉主耶穌的聖名禱告.  阿門.

前講提到 Present tenses, past tenses, future tenses.  為的是要說明動詞時制的變化不要過於思想得太複雜. 實際常常使用的只有三種形式.  至於為什麼有多至十二種多的變化, 是加上了時態(aspect)的考慮的原故.

時態的考慮曾在博客209210討論過, 就是正在時態(progressive aspect)及完了時態(perfect aspect). 前者是與 ‘verb to be’ 連繫動詞與本動詞的現在分詞(present participle  ‘verb + ing’)所組成.  , I am going to school now.  What am I going to do ? 極為有用的英語口語.

 完了時態也是英語口語中常常使用的.  它必須是 ‘verb to have’ 助動詞與本動詞的的過去分詞(past participle)組成.  I have done my homework.  過去分詞是組成完了時態的因素之一. 過去分詞的形成有兩種. 動詞規則變化及不規則變化.  動詞不規則變化形成過去時制和過去分詞的字尾不是在本動詞尾部加 ‘+ed’ , 其變化多端(Remember that an irregular verb is a verb that does not end with ed to show the past and the past participle).  如下面所示: 

present                        past                     past participle                     
is, are, am                was  were                      been                                    
has, have                     had                              had                                     
does, do                       did                               done                                    

編輯者建議學習不規則動詞的方法是不要死背, 因為太多, 選常常使用的動詞先記, , eat, speak, do, have, play, write, sing, shine, show swim 等等. 其中若發現是規則變化的不記.  , play.  這樣慢慢學下來, 也就够當時你的英文程度使用.  知道嗎?  編輯者常常犯貪多的毛病, 浪費時間, 使學習緩慢.  還有常常用熟悉的不規則動詞作練習, 不但學會造句, 也把這些不規則動詞記起來了.  它太重要, 記不牢不規則動詞, 註定學不好英文的命運.  就如我們學英語不留意單詞的縮寫(abbreviation)的發音,  ,  isn’t, aren’t, it’s, I’m(I am) 等等.  那就註定了你聽不懂英語, 和你說的英語別人聽不懂的情況(是編輯者悟出的道理, 對嗎?).  最後要提醒訪友們, 每本英漢字典的後面都附有不規則動詞變化表, 很好用.  編輯者在此附上極為常用的一此動詞, 請查字典把它們的過去時制和過去分詞填滿.

Present(現在時制)                 Past(過去時制)                       Past Participle(過去分詞)
is, are, am                                           
has, have
. hike
. try
. show
. talk
. bring
. ring
. create
. fly
. drink
. witness
. wear
. catch
. grow
. begin
. go
. sit
. think
. see
. teach
. understand
. forget
. splash
. eat
. watch
. arrive
完了時態有現在完了時態(has done), 過去完了時態(had done), 和未來完了時態(will have done). 
                   Stephen has written a letter. (present perfect)
       Stephen had written a letter yesterday. (past perfect)
       Stephen will have written a letter tomorrow. (future perfect)

練習一 :  試在下列各句中把現在完了時態, 過去完了時態, 和未來完了時態用底線註明.
Underline the verb in each sentence and label it present perfect, past perfect, or future perfect.

1. We have started a reading club.                                                     範例
2. I will have finished the book before the next meeting.                 範例
3. By next year, we will have traveled to Taiwan.
4. The school newspaper has written about our group.
5. Ruth often had suggested the book Little Women to the club members last year.
6. The reporter had interviewed us last year.
7. I have always enjoyed books by Lin,  Yu – Yang(林語堂).
8. We have chosen the book The New Testament as our next selection.

練習二 :  試用正確的完了時態, 完成下列各句 (動詞在括弧內).
Complete each sentence, using the correct perfect aspect of each verb in parentheses.
1. Paul _____ sitting next to John this year. (enjoy)
2. He ___not_____ her before September. (meet)
3. Next week they ______ each other for six months. (know)
4. They ______ often _______ their favorite books this year. (share)
5. Paul read a novel because John _______ it. (recommend)

Thursday, May 2, 2019

211 英语基本动词应用(五) Start to Learn English 开始学英语

211  英语基本动词应用()            Start to Learn English        开始学英语        5/2/2019

我们的天父上帝, 求怜悯孩子的骄傲的罪, 使孩子做事要踏实, 不要好高骛远.  谢谢祢, 求祢继续, 让孩子能一生一世以心灵和诚实事奉祢,  求祢开孩子的眼睛, 知道祢快要再来, 让我好好的预备祢的再来. 奉主耶稣的名祈祷.  阿门.

学习语言最主要的目的是: 要作思想的互相沟通.  要怎幺样来沟通, 就是要学像别国的语言.  例如, 刚开始学英文, 对于英语的词类以及它们之间的关系要弄清楚, , 单数和复数, 主语和述语等等. 然后才能达到要想说, ‘我该怎幺办?’ 这句中国话, 用英语来说,   ' What am I going to do?’.  所以编辑者忆起在四川, 成都, 灌县, 蒲阳场空军幼年学校读书, 在初中三年级英文老师邓岳宗先生苦口婆心的叮嘱下, 使我养成学习不能求急, 要脚踏实地,  重复又重复的学习. 

Present, Past, and Future Tenses: 

Be’, ‘Have’, and ‘Do’ 等动词的现在时制, 过去时制, 和未来时制表示于下 .

现在时制                  过去时制                 未来时制
is, are, am                    was                           will be
has, have                     had                           will have
do, does                       did                            will do

[]:  请注意, 实际上在动词时制方面, 其变化只有时制(present)’ 过去时制past)’ 两者, 而未来时制(future)你必须要加 ‘will’ 助动词才行. 意思是可不必太烦心于市场贩卖的语法课本, 提出12种动词的时制的变化, 因而减少学习的兴趣.
The tense of a verb tells the time of the action or being.  Present tense tells that something is happening now.
                 I am going home.
                 Mary is doing her homework.
                 You are watching movie.
Past tense tells that something happened in the past. The action is over. Therefore a past time adverb must be put in the sentences ( red words).
     I was at home yesterday.
                 Mary went to China last month.
                 Yesterday you prepared the ground for the tomatoes.

Future tense tells that something will happen in the future. Use will with the verb.  Therefore a future time adverb must be put in the sentences ( red words).

        例如 :
        I will be home tomorrow.
                    Mary will do her homework next hour.
                    You will watch this movie next week.

练习一:  试在下列句中找出动词, 并写明是现在时制’, ‘过去时制’, 未来时制’. (Write the verb from each sentence and label it present, past, or future.)
       1.  Ruth works in her garden every day.
       2. John pulls weeds every day.
       3. The garden will soon be full of vegetables.
       4.  I am going to school right now.
       5. Tomorrow  will set the plants in the ground.
       6. The visiting team always bats first.
       7.  They planted carrots last week.
       8. Sometimes a player changes positions.
       9. Stephen will pick radishes tomorrow.
       10. The coach gives everyone a chance to play.

练习二:  试在下列句中选择在括号内适当的动词填入.
              (Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses):

  1. I _____ excited about our camping trip.
          (am, is)
  1. ________you looking forward to it, too?
           (Is, Are)
  1. _________your family go camping often?
           (Does, Do)
  1. Last  year we ______________going camping once each month.
                                     (was, were)
  1. We _________ planning to go camping every year.
                    (is, are)
  1. Last week Ruth ____________going to come camping with us each day.
                                        (was, were)
  1. His parents   ______ not letting him go camping.
                                 (is, are)   
  1. I __________not think that is fair.
               (does, do)
  1. We ________   purchased a lot of camping equipment.
                 (has, have)

  1.  He ______  not think that is quite right.
               (does, do)