108 as 和 like 11/8/2014
编辑者今日晨修时, 读到马可福音四章3-9节撒种的比喻. 圣灵让我回想到1955年读台大外交系所撰编的大一英文课本时, 课文中有一篇如诗般的短文, 请让我恭敬的录下, 说出为什幺将近六十年后的今天仍记忆犹新.
3 “Listen to this! Behold, the sower went out to sow; 4 as he was
sowing, some seed fell beside the road,
and the birds came and ate it up. 5 Other seed fell on
the rocky ground where it did not have much soil; and immediately it sprang up because it
had no depth of soil. 6 And
after the sun had risen, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered away. 7 Other
seed fell among the thorns, and the
thorns came up and choked it, and it yielded no
crop. 8 Other seeds fell into the good soil, and as they grew up and increased, they yielded a crop and
produced thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold.” 9 And He was saying, “He who has ears to
hear, let
him hear.”
3 “你们听啊!有一个撒种的出去撒种. 4撒的时候, 有落在路旁的, 飞鸟来吃尽了; 5 有落在土浅石头地上的, 土既不深, 发苗最快, 6日头出来一晒, 因为没有根, 就枯干了; 7有落在荆棘里的, 荆棘长起来, 把他挤住了, 就不结实; 8又有落在好土里的, 就发生长大, 结实有三十倍的, 有六十倍的, 有一百倍的.” 9 又说:“有耳可听的,就应当听!”
编辑者有基督信仰. 上帝的话有如种子, 带有生命. 我是否听了后, 立刻被撒旦引诱就失去了新生命; 还是听了后, 没有扎根, 热心了一阵, 没有带领人得新生命, 我的新生命也失去了; 要不然是我得了新生命后, 开始作见证, 传福音, 在以后成长时期, 受不了世俗的肉体的情欲, 眼目的情欲 和今生的骄傲等的挤压, 新生命就枯萎死了. 第四种人, 得了新生命, 就不住的祷告, 天天的灵修, 经常的读经, 生活在上帝的旨意里, 他就得人如得鱼一样, 结的果实满满. 这种有基督信仰的门徒令我实在羡慕. 这教训我必须要牢记在心里, 实行它们.
喜爱英语学习的青年朋友们, 您们會发现在这短短的六句英语中却含有十二个有关介词的短语. 用不到一百四十个字, 却透露了一篇人生中的大道理. 编辑者認為这段圣经中也显示学习英语的过程.
第一种学习英文的朋友, 其学习的意志如种子落在路旁, 更本“无心”, 经不起别人几句冷言冷语, 立刻放弃了. 第二种人, 开始很有热忱的学习的心, 因为没有扎根; 换句话说, 就是目标不明确, 经不起考验, 就放弃了. 第三种有心学习的人, 却没有得到好的方法, 或不听老师的谆谆告诫, 更经不起世上容易谋生的各行各业的引诱, 就轻言放弃. 最后一种学习英语的朋友是“永不放弃(never give up)” 的, 咬紧牙关的跟它作伴, 听老师的带领, 大声的朗诵英语短文, 背生字及做习题. 成功的曙光必定是在最黑暗的深夜后出现. 多努力的就多享受英语所带给我们的幸福.
like 是介词, 有 'similar to' (与什幺相似) 和 'the same as' (和什幺一样) 的意义. 但在应用时要留意在其后所接應該是宾语 (示如有底线的字).
What a beautiful house! It's
like a palace. (不可用 'as a palace')
'What does Mary do?' 'She's a teacher, like me.' (不可用 'as me')
Be careful! The floor has
been polished. It's like walking on ice.
(不可用 'as walking')
It's raining again. I hate
weather like this. (不可用 'as this')
as 的应用不像 'like' , 因它是 “连词”. 其后一定要跟 “主语 + 动词” 用它连接一个子句.
I didn't move anything. I
left everything as I found it.
They did as they promised.
(等于写 They did
what they promised.)
[注]: 试比较下列两句:
You should have done it
like this. (like 加代名词 ‘pronoun’ 作宾语)
You should have done it as
I showed you.
(as 加 “主语 + 动词 ‘subject +
verb’ ” 连接子句)
as 也有时用作介词使得, 但其意义却与 “like” 不同.
Stephen Wang is the manager
of a company. As the manager, he has to make
many important
decisions. ('As the manager' 他是在经理的位置)
Mary Wang is the assistant
manager. Like the manager (Stephen Wang), she also
has to make important
decisions. ('Like the manager' 她像是经理)
Everyone is ill at home. Our
house is like a hospital. (我们的家像是医院)
若 as 当作介词使用, 有 “在这位置(in the position of)” 或 “在这形式(in the form of)” 的意思.
The news of her death came
as a great shock.
Many English words (如, 'work' 和 'rain') can be used as verbs or nouns.
A few years ago I worked as a bus driver. (不用 ' like a bus driver ' )
A few years ago I worked as a bus driver. (不用 ' like a bus driver ' )
We've got a garage but we haven't got a car, so we use the garage as a workshop.
试将 like 或 as 填入空格中, 以完成该句.
1. Your English is very fluent. I wish I could speak like
you. 范例
2. Don't take my advice if you don't want to. You can do --- you like.
3. You waste too much time doing things --- sitting in cafes all day.
4. 1 wish I had a car --- yours.
5. There's no need to change your clothes. You can go out --- you are.
6. My neighbor's house is full of interesting things. It's --- a museum.
7. 1 think I preferred this room --- it was, before we decorated it.
8. When we asked Ruth to help us, she agreed immediately --- I knew she
9. Mary has been working --- a waitress for the last two months.
10. While we were on holiday, we spent most of our time doing active
things ---
sailing, water skiing and
11. You're different from the other people I know. I don't know anyone
--- you.
12. The news that Lydia and Wilkin
were getting married came --- a complete
surprise to me.
surprise to me.
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