Wednesday, October 23, 2019

227 英语词类基本应用 (二十一) Subordinating Conjunction 从属连词

227 英语词类基本应用 (二十一)     Subordinating Conjunction     从属连词        10/23/2019
我们亲爱的天父,  感谢祢赐孩子生命气息, 能平安喜乐的在世渡日.  恳求祢赐下恩典使我能活出祢的样式, 柔和谦卑, 有常为别人设想的心志.  主阿, 感谢祢让孩子知道祢的旨意, 文字事工作我一生事奉祢的方向.  奉主耶稣的名祷告.  阿门.

从属连词连接不同等的两个子句, 一个是主要子句, 又称独立子句(independent  clause); 另一个是附属子句(dependent clause).  附属子句由从属连词引进, 给独立子句加以进一步的描述或解说, 使句子更为简洁有力. 常用的从属连词有after, although, as, because, before, if, since, unless, whatever, when, whenever, where, wherever, while.  它们可以在句中任何的位置. 
           Until you finish your homework, don't turn on the television.
            做完功课后, 才打开电视.
                       Miss Wang will decorate for the party while I wrap the presents.
                        在王小姐布置园游会的同时, 我则包装礼物.

因为是从属连词, 所以不能被使用在单独的一个子句中, 必须是连接两个子句, 以表达它们之间的主要和从属的关系. 又因为该类功能词, 在我国的文字语言中少见, 故特别从其使用的功能方面加以解释:

例如:    As I was late, I did 'not receive a copy of the outline.
                         Now that he was poor, his friends would not recognize him.
(因为他现在穷了, 朋友们都不肯认他.)
Since it is already late, I must return.    
(因为天晚了, 我们必须回去.)

            例如:    He was (as可以省去) sly as (省去了 'he was') a fox.
They were as glad to see me as I was to see them.
(他们见我, 像我见他们一样的快乐.)
                        Just as sheep must have shepherds, so men must have leaders.
(正像羊需要牧人, 群体需要领袖一样.)
Here was an offer such as he had never had before.

Even if he tries, he may not succeed. (既使他一试再试, 也许不会成功.)
Even though he explained it in Chinese, we couldn’t understand.
(既使他用中国话解释, 我们也听不懂.)
No matter what you think, you should obey at once. 
(不管你怎么样想, 你必须立刻服从.)
I know nothing about the subject, while you know everything.
(我对该题目一无所知, 而你却瞭若指掌.)

                     If you have done your best, you need not feel bad about your failure.
         (若你尽力而为, 你就不要因失败而懊恼.)
        In case that you do not understand, I shall explain it to you again.
        (若你实在不明白, 我可以再对你解释一遍.)
       They passed him on condition that he work harder.
        (他们让他及格, 以他要更加努力为条件.)
       I am glad to help you provided (that) you try to help yourself.
        (若你试着自己帮助自己, 我乐意恊助你.)

                     Learn to do as you are instructed (to do).  (照着所教的去做.)
         They looked at him as if they pitied him.  (他们看着他好象怜悯他似的.)
         Always work as though your teacher were watching you.

                     I was making little progress, so I decided to quit.
                       (我没有什么进步, 所以我决定不干了.) 
        They studied English every day so that they soon mastered it.
          (他们每天都读英文, 不久他便能运用英文自如了.)
        He likes books so much that he is always reading.
         (他这样的喜欢书, 以至时常在读.)
                    We had such a good time that we all decided to stay.
                     (我们相處很融洽, 以至我们决定留下.)

[] : 从属连词是用来连接子句, 子句是有主词和动词的短语, 因其所包括的意义不完整, 所以称为从属子句;  若其表示完整的意念, 则叫做独立子句.  在下讲中将详细阐释.     

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