Thursday, October 10, 2019

224 英语词类基本应用 (十八 ) Review Preposition Usage 复习介词用法

224  英語單詞類基本應用十八  Review Preposition Usage    複習介詞用法 10/10/2019        
我們親愛的主  求賜憐憫  容孩子首先跪在祢的面前祈禱祈求祢,幫助我戰勝魔鬼抗拒它的引誘使我謙卑的懇求祢的大能再次勝過眼目的情慾肉體的情慾和今生的驕傲為了祢的全然的智狀語從句:良善為了祢眷顧人類的慈愛和對孩子永不止息的愛的憐憫  主啊!我讚美祢敬拜祢  我要永遠跟隨祢  奉主耶穌的名禱告  阿門

基本上 介詞無法解釋清楚因為它們是被習慣的使用只有多多練習多多誦讀熟能生巧  今把發表在222 講博客的練習放上答案供參考及複習

1. Charlotte Bronte, the author of Jane Eyre (简爱) lived __from__ 1816  to 1855.
2. Charlotte was the eldest _of__  the four Bronte sisters.
3.  __During__ their childhood, Charlotte and her sister Emily attended a school that both girls hated because __of___ its inhumane treatment _to___ the students.
4. Charlotte wrote a scathing account _of__ this heartless school _in__ her book, Jane Eyre.
5. __In___ 1842 Charlotte went __to___ Brussels.
6. She worked _ for___ a while __as___ a governess there.
7. Her heroine Jane also spent most __of____ her time __as____ a governess.
8. Charlotte returned home soon _from____ Brussels.
9. She was needed desperately _by__ her blind father, alcoholic brother, and   
gravely ill sisters.  (passive voice)
10. The sisters tried publishing a book _of___ poems, but were unsuccessful.
11. The sisters then returned __to____ writing fiction, and each produced a novel.
12. Charlotte's first book, The Professor, was flatly and coldly refused _by_ the 
publishers. (passive voice)
13. Her next novel, Jane Eyre, was very successful; _from_ it she received  much 
fame and praise.

今把发表在223讲博客的练习放上答案, 供参考及复习.

     1.   Bye! See you __A, or  D___.
            A.  Friday  B.  at Friday  C.  in  Friday  D.  on Friday
      2.   Hurry! The train leaves___E_____ five minutes. 
            A.  at  B.  on  C.   from   D.   after  E.   in
      3. “How long will you be away?” “__C or D_____ Monday.”
            A. On   B.  To   C.  Until   D.   Till   E.  Since
      4.   We played basketball yesterday. We played __B___two hours.
            A.   in   B.   for   C.   since   D.  during 
      5.   I always have breakfast before __A or D___to work.
            A.  I go   B.  go   C.  to go   D.  going
      6.  Write your name__ A___ the top of the page.
           A.  at   B.  on   C.  in   D.  to
      7.  There are a lot of apples__B__ those trees.
           A.  at   B.  on   C.  in   D.  to
      8.  What’s the largest city__C__ the world?
           A.  at   B.  on   C.  in   D.  of
      9.  The office is ___B___ the second floor.
           A.  at   B.  on   C.  in   D.  to
      10.  I met a lot of people__D___ the party.
           A.  on   B.  to   C.  in   D.  at
      11.  I want to go __D___ Mexico next year.
           A.  at   B.  on   C.  in   D.  to
      12. What time did you arrive ___A____ the hotel?
           A.  at   B.  on   C.  in   D.  to
      13.  “Where is Don in this picture?”  “Don is _C_  Bob.”
          A.  at front of   B.  in the front of   C.  in front of   D.  in front from
      14.  I jumped __D__ the wall into the garden.
          A.  on   B.  through   C.  across   D.  over   E. above
      15.  Jane isn’t at work this week. She’s ___A___ vacation.
           A.  on   B.  in   C.  for   D.  to   E.  at

新的练习:  填入 at, in

  1. Amy was born _____ 1988.
  2.  I got up _____ 8:00 this morning.
  3. I like to get up early ______ the morning.
  4. I like to look at the stars _____ night.
  5. My brother got married _____ May.
  6. We often go to the beach _____ the summer.
  7. Let’s meet _____ 7:30 tomorrow night.
  8. The company started ______ 1989.
  9. I’ll send you the money _______ the end of the month..
  10. 咖啡館晚上營業。午夜________關閉。


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