Sunday, February 7, 2016


152英语语法应用(三十九)       Theme translation  英语篇章的中文翻译                   2/7/2016

中文与英语的篇章结构大致相似, 只是段落构成和句子安排有些不同例如, 英语篇章的组织结构是先有主题句, 紧接着是围绕主题句的支持句,然后收尾中文篇章的组织结构主要是 , , , 之用法,  “是破题, 显示主题的要旨, “是承接主题的含意加以论述, “围绕着主题的意思辗转申述, “就是结论

篇章英翻中的过程是要对原文的整篇写作内容及形式作精密的分析内容的分析是注意原文的题旨是什幺, 原作者的主要意念何在, 然后进行对其人物及意境和情节发展加以分析形式分析应注重段落的衔接和其时序及语句位置的研究, 以顺应中文篇章的言语和文化的结构在最后重复检视时, 应尽量求真实, 其次考虑通顺, 切忌漏译.

“Realities 真实的见证一书的后记──祷告就是力量一文, 是优美的英语篇章, 为玛利姊妹会施宁院母所撰写, 从她经历上帝在她的人生的实际, 虔敬的把她的心思或意念顺从上帝的旨意, 用优美的文字表达出来的真实的见证编辑者再三以默祷的心来读它谨以其结论帖出与有基督信仰的访者共享.

                        Prayer is power                        祷告就是力量

The Way to Prayer     如何祈祷

In what way, however, shall we come to daring faith, to childlike trusting, to persevering and earnest prayer, and to prayer out of a repentant heart? Can only specially blessed people pray this way? No, God reveals these ways of prayer for all Christians. And in our Lord Jesus Christ they have all been manifested. It only means that we must make the next step in real life. I do not have to get worked up, but I must stand on the assurances which the Lord has given me by His Word, or personally in certain situations of need. Surely the gift of faith exists as a gift of grace from the Holy Spirit where great commitments in God's kingdom are involved.  But Jesus says: "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you receive it, and you will" (Mark 11:24). And this pertains to every Christian for his prayer life.

究竟怎样才能使我们有勇往直前的信心, 孩子般的样式, 坚忍的, 恳切的和出于悔改的心来祈祷呢? 是只有被特别祝福的人才能如此吗, 上帝把这些祷告的方式向所有基督徒都显示出来并且在主耶稣基督里它们也都被显示出来. 下一步是只要我们确实的行在实际生活中. 我不必去努力以赴, 但是, 我必定要守住主赐予我的话语确据, 或亲身实际经历需要得着的境况. 无疑的, 信心的恩赐犹如白白的恩惠是在天国降临的伟大承诺中由圣灵带来的但是耶稣说:所以我告诉你们, 凡你们祷告祈求的, 无论是什幺, 只要信是得着的, 就必得着” (1124)并且这句话适宜每一个基督徒的祷告生活.

And when we strive for the childlike prayer, this is not a difficult way either. All we have to do is to go with all our needs to the Father. We bring Him all of our distresses and requests in the confidence that He will grant them. And we will find that He knows what we need and answers our requests.

当我们奋力要学像小孩子的样式祷告, 它也并不是很艰难的路. 我们所必须要做的是把一切的需要连同自己去到天父那里把我们全部的忧虑和恳求以确信祂会赏赐的信心交给祂. 然后, 我们就会发现, 祂早知道我们需要什幺并应允我们的祈求.

The key to prayer can also be learned and given to us if we take the next step──that is, if we underline it by some commitment which is shown to us by the Holy Spirit as a small sacrifice. Our Lord Jesus says: "But this kind never comes out except by prayer and fasting" (Matthew 17:21), and shows through it a way to earnest prayer with the help of fasting, which means to abstain from whatever represents to me a physical, spiritual or mental enjoyment.

如若下一步──就是借着顺服圣灵的指示我们作出某种小小的牺牲, 也能由此学会使用并赐给我们的这祷告的秘诀. 主耶稣说:至于这一类的鬼, 若不祷告禁食, 它就不出来” (1721).  意思就是用禁食来帮助我撇下任何肉体, 属灵或精神上的享受, 恳切祷告的秘诀就显示了.

Or with the prayer out of a purified heart it is important that I have confessed my sin and have not let any unforgiven sin stay between God and myself or other people. It means to take the next step and to cleanse myself wherever God puts His finger on my life, to ask God and men for forgiveness, and to depart from this or that──then the way to effective prayer is again free.

或者发自清心的这种祷告, 最重要的就是我要认罪, 并且不容任何未蒙赦免的罪留存在自己和上帝及他人之间其意思是要采取下一步, 上帝如果指出我的生活的任何一角落还有罪存留要清除, 求上帝和人的饶恕, 并离开这样的罪──然后, 通往有功效之祷告的路就又再度畅通了.

These testimonial reports about answered prayers paint God before our eyes as a father and show us how He waits only to be able to answer prayers. They tell us how great His love is toward us, His children, and how great His power is to make a change in situations of despair and impossibility. When Jesus admonishes us again and again to pray, it proves His loving promise that He will give us the grace of prayer. For Jesus does not demand anything from us which He does not give us at the same time. And has He not promised us the Holy Spirit to bring to us the grace of prayer?  When we find it hard to pray, we should say, " believe in the Holy Spirit!" We should call to Him. He will make prayers out of us.

从这些祷告蒙应允的见证中, 已将上帝如父亲一样的描绘在我们眼前, 并显示祂正等待着应允我们的祷告这些见证告诉我们, 祂何等大的爱浇灌在祂儿女身上和何等的伟大能力改变失望和不可能的境况当耶稣再三劝勉我们要祷告, 是要证明祂要赐给我们祷告的恩宠的爱的应许因祂不会要求祂没有赐下给我们的的任何事物难道主耶稣没有应许过圣灵会把祷告的恩赐带给我们幺? 当我们觉得难以向上帝祈祷时, 我们必须说, “相信圣灵!”  我们必需求告圣灵圣灵肯定会帮助我们祷告.

In view of the love of the Triune God, who has given us the gift of prayer, may these reports encourage us to start with the various kinds of prayer or to get more practice in them. This way of prayer has been proven reliable by experience and leads to the goal. Everyone of us can therefore experience that we have a God who answers prayer, who performs miracles.
    有鉴于赐我们祷告恩赐的三位一体的上帝的大爱, 希望这些报导能鼓励我们开始作各种的祷告, 或从这些见证中取得更多的实际的练习. 经验已经证明这条祷告的路是可靠的, 可以引领达到鹄的因为每一个人都经历到我们有一位听祷告和施行神迹奇事的上帝.

[]:  "只要信是得着的, 就必得着": 耶稣所说的这句话是很紧要的祷告后信  得着", 必得着"信心才不会有错误的了解换句话说, “是得是顺从上帝的旨意, 再加上我们坚的信心就必得着”. 否则就成为以自己的意思去强制得着.

  "三位一体的上帝"是基督信仰的根基我们信的上帝是具有 圣父, 圣子, 圣灵三个位格的.

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