Wednesday, October 15, 2014

101 介词短语(四) 驾照路考driver's license road test


101  介词短语(驾照路考driver's license road test                              10/15/2014

Dachin:  Well, Shunan, today's the day you're going for your driver's license.  Do you
     think you're ready for the test?
大成:    秀兰, 对的, 今天是要去驾照路考的日子预备好了吗?
Shunan:  I certainly hope so! I've put in so many hours of behind the wheel training,
             and  I've gone through the driving manual so many times, I should be perfect!
秀兰:    我想可以我已经练习驾驶汽车好多小时了, 并且把驾驶规则读了好几遍,
Dachin:  Well, you've certainly done lots of starting up on hills and backing up into
       parking places.
大成:    , 已经作了很多次在山坡发动汽车和倒车进入停车位置的练习.
Shunan:  As well as looking out for other drivers and maneuvering around potholes!
秀兰:    并且还观摩其它的驾驶人和练习竹竿洞穴驾车技术!
Dachin:  How do you feel about the road signs? Have you mastered all their shapes
               and meanings?
大成:    对路的标志妳能分辨清楚能对它们的形状和意义完全了解吗?
Shunan:  Certainly have. Actually, I feel as though I've taken advantage of every
               learning experience available. Yet, I still feel uptight about the road test.
秀兰:   我了解的实际上, 看起来其它的方面应该问题不多, 归功于一步一步的学
           习经验只是, 我仍然对路有些紧张.
Dachin:  Don't worry, Shunan. Just take your time. With your determination
              and know-how, you'll pass the test with flying colors!
大成:   不要担心, 秀兰慢慢尽力的做的决心和了解, 将会得预料不到的驾

      请用红色注明的介词短语仿照会话中的句子, 自己造两句.

 复习100讲所讨论的介词短语 :
   注100 讲所讨论的介词短语中译, 并加两个例句, 请仿照再写两句.
1. to be off: 离开
   例一.  Where are you off to now?
   例二.  Where is he going now?
2. to plan on: 计划着
   例一.  She plans on having a salad for lunch.
   .  You want to have a salad for lunch.
3. to get it one’s best shot: 尽心尽力的做
   例一.  When I went to the interview, I gave it my best shot.
   .  He did the best he could do in presenting himself.
4. to fill out: 填表格
   例一.  Please fill out the application.
   .  Write your personal information such as name, address, and profession.
5. to come to the point: 爽直清楚的说
   例一.  Come to the point.
   .  Tell me clearly and directly what you want to know.
6. to catch on: 熟练
   例一.  The new employee catches on quickly.
   .  She learns fast.
7. up front: 真诚的
   例一.  She was up front about her professional abilities.
   .  You were honest about your abilities.
8. to pick up: 容易学
   例一.  Children can pick up a language without really trying.
   .  Adult can not learn a language easily.
9. by heart: 用心学习
   例一.  Learn the instructions by heart.
   .  Memorize the instructions.
10. Inside out: 全盘的
   例一.  He knows his business inside out.
   .  You understand it thoroughly.
11. go getter: 苦心学习
   例一.  He’s a real go-getter.
   .  I'm a hard worker,
12. To get ahead: 成功
   例一.  I want to get ahead in life!
   .  He wants to succeed in life!



 1. ____ road test                                  a. to be watchful                      

2. ____ to go for                                  b. to go in a reverse direction

3. ____ to take advantage of                c. to benefit from an opportunity

4. ____ road sign                                 d. a test to examine one's driving ability

5. ____ to look out for                         e. exceptionally well

6. ____ to take one's time                     f. to try to acquire

7. ____ to put in                                   g. driving a vehicle

8. ____ to start up                                h. to study

9. ____ with flying colors                      i. not to rush

10. ____ to back up                             j. to spend time

11. ____ behind the wheel                    k. to begin operating

12. ____ to go through                         l. a signal that alerts drivers to a

                                                               road or traffic situation



 1. Take your time when you eat.

a. Watch the clock when you eat.

b. Hurry when you eat.

c. Don't hurry when you eat.

2. They took advantage of the low interest mortgage rate.

a. They decided against taking the low interest mortgage rate.

b. They weren't certain they could afford the low interest mortgage payments.

c. They decided to take the low interest mortgage rate.

3. The machine started up immediately.

a. It stalled.

b. It began operating.

c. It didn't operate.

4. The workmen placed road signs at their work site.

a. Drivers were informed of a rest area.

b. Drivers were advised to drive fast.

c. Drivers were advised to drive carefully.

5. He passed the swimming test with flying colors.

a. He had mediocre results in the swimming test.

b. He did extremely well in the swimming test.

c. He was fairly successful in the swimming test.

6. She had to back the bus up to leave the parking area.

a. She had to go in a reverse direction.

b. She had to go in a forward direction.

c. She couldn't leave the parking area.

7. She's going for first prize in the cooking contest.

a. She's not trying to get first prize.

b. She doesn't want first prize.

c. She wants first prize.

8. The children were given a road test for bicycle riding.

a. The safety of their bicycles was tested.

b. Their ability to ride a bicycle was tested.

c. Their ability to repair a bicycle was tested.

9. They went through the inventory before purchasing supplies.

a. They examined the inventory.

b. They were uptight about the inventory.

c. They ignored the inventory.

10. The children were told to look out for glass in the play area.

a. They were told to be careless.

b. They were told to be careful.

c. They were told to be unobservant.

11. He was behind the wheel at the racetrack.

a. He was driving at the racetrack.

b. He was repairing wheels at the racetrack.

c. He was the announcer at the racetrack.

12. She put four years in as an airplane pilot.

a. She flew an airplane four times.

b. As a pilot, she flew four airplanes.

c. She was an airplane pilot for four years.


試用合理的介詞, , in, at ,to, with, from, into 填入句內完成之.

1. I come ---- Taiwan.

2. We are going ---- the United States.

3. We intend to stay ---- my uncle.

4. Later we hope to move ---- our own home.

5. We plan to study English ---- the Adult Learning Center.

6. We will do our homework ---  the library.

7. Joe will work --- the bakery.

8. He wants to drive ---- to work.

9. We will probably shop --- a big supermarket.

10. We hope to live ---- the United States permanently.

11. The children will ride their bicycles ---- school everyday.

12. They will arrive home ---- school at 2:30.

13. They like to play ---- the other children.

14. Sometimes they play ---- the playground.

15. They come home for supper ----  6:00.





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