Monday, April 14, 2014

72 动词 + ing 与 + to… 的名词用法的比较(续)


72 动词 + ing + to…  的名词用法的比较 ()                                              4/14/2014

动名词 (动词 + ing) 与无限式 (+ to…)的名词用法的比较实在是很有意味, 欲罢不能. 

又因在初级英文文法博客中未深入讲解, 所以在英语语法进深仔细讨论, 与学习英语有趣味者, 再一次来享受它给与我们的喜乐.

 这两句无限式英语成语使编辑者一生受用无穷 :

                     To Study as if you were to Live forever    (不断学习好似生命永存)
                     To Live as if you were to Die tomorrow    (爱习光阴好似明日将死)

它提醒我们生命的可贵, 时间就是生命, 学习是必须继续, 絶不可停止.   第一句的 "To Study" 和第二句的 "To Live"都是无限式, 作主语用.  第一句的" to Live" , 和第二句的 "to Die" 都是无限式, 作虚拟子句主语的补语用.

编辑者是有基督信仰的人, 曾于20111223日主基督耶稣降生人间的日子, 英文文法博客中写下 无限式的帖子.  承认自己是罪人.  为什幺我这罪人会有喜乐?  因为耶稣基督降生世界是为了要救赎我这罪人.  正如圣经(罗马书第425)上所说, “耶稣被交给人,是为我们的过犯,复活是为叫我们称义”.  祂现在仍活着.   称义是因祂的受死, 祂在上帝面前把我的罪赦免, 就算我为义人. 

欣逢主耶稣复活的日子, 同时又再次谈英语语法的无限式” , 把以前写下的四句无限式谚语恭录如下 : 

To praise God as I am in happy moments.   快乐时刻, 赞美神.
To seek God as I am in difficult moments.   困难时刻, 寻找神.
To worship God as I am in quiet moments.  安静时刻, 敬拜神.
To trust God as I am in painful moments.     痛苦时刻, 信靠神.
To thank God as I am in every moments.     时时刻刻, 感谢神.

在这五句中的 "To praise", "To seek", "To worship", "To trust" "To thank" 都是无限式, 用为主语.  这五句很清楚表露了有基督信仰的门徒的平衡心境.

无限式与动名词在应用上作名词的比较 :

1.  Try to ...   try ~ing

        例如,    I was very tired. I tried to keep my eyes open but I couldn't.
                     Please try to be quiet when you come home. Everyone will be asleep.

    若句子带有试试看或试验的去作的意思, 则用 trying. 
       例如,      The photocopier doesn't seem to be working.
                      Try pressing the green button. (试着按绿钮可能行)
    比较 :
                     I tried to move the table, but it was too heavy. (我要搬桌子, 却搬不动.)
                     I didn't like the way the furniture was arranged, so I tried moving the table to the
                        other side of the room. 
                       (我试着搬桌子到另一边, 因为不喜欢现在所放置的形式.)

2.  need to ... need ~ing
     need to 是表示我必须要做.
     例如,   I need to take more exercise.
                He needs to work harder if he wants to make progress.

     有些事情必须某些人去完成, 则用need ~ing need to be done 意义相似.
     例如,    The batteries in the radio need changing.
                 Do you think my overcoat needs cleaning? 
                 It's a difficult problem. It needs thinking about very carefully.
                    (等于说 ‘….该问题必须要非常仔细的想想’)

 3.  help can't help
      help在一般日常英语口语中用得很广, 尤其是后者can't help, 其习惯用法使我国
             学生感到非常困挠, 因为其意义很不容易捉摸.

     例如,   Everybody helped to clean up after the party.
                 Can you help me to move this table?
     但在  “can't, couldn't help 去做某些事这类表示法则用 can't help +ing,
              于说我不能不去做它们” , 是会话中常用的.
     例如,   I don't like him, but he has a lot of problems. I can't help feeling sorry for him.
                     (等于说 ‘…..她没办法不对他感到抱歉.)
                She tried to be serious but she couldn't help laughing.

          填入正确的动词形式,  ~ing  to... .

   1. a. I was very tired. I tried to keep (keep) my eyes open but I couldn't.  范例
       b. I rang the doorbell but there was no answer. Then I tried __ (knock) on the door,
           but there was still no answer.
       c. We tried  __  (put) the fire out but we were unsuccessful. We had to call the fire
      d. I tried  __  (reach) the shelf but I wasn't tall enough.
      e. Please leave me alone. I'm trying  __  (concentrate).
  2. a. I need a change. I need  __  (go) away for a while.
      b. She isn't able to look after herself. She needs  __  (look) after.
      c. The windows are dirty. They need  __  (clean).
  3. a. They were talking very loudly. I couldn't help  __  (overhear) them.
      b. Can you help me  __  (get) the dinner ready?
      c. He looks so funny. Whenever I see him, I can't help  __  (smile).

 4.   would like, would love, would hate, would prefer 等短语常常跟着无限式 + to…:
         例如,    I would like to be rich.
                     Would you like to come to dinner on Friday?
                     Would you prefer to have dinner now or later?
         比较 “I like” “I would like”
         例如,   I like playing tennis. (等于说我大致喜欢玩它’.)
                     I would like to play tennis today. (等于说我今天要玩它’.)
         [] :   “would mind” 之后用加 ~ing (不可用 to ...)
             例如,   Would you mind closing the door, please?
                          (不可用 to ..., 因为这是一句非常有礼貌的请求.)
   5. would love, would hate, would prefer 短语之后, 两种动词形式都可以使用.        
            例如,   Poor old Stephen! I would hate having been in his position.
                        I'd love to have gone to the party but it was impossible.
       would like 短语之后, 也可用无限式 + to….
          例如,   It's a pity we didn't see Mary when we were in London. I would like to
                           have seen her again.
                             (我很遗憾在伦敦时没有看到玛丽, 希望以后再能见到她.)
                      We'd like to have gone on holiday,  but we didn't have enough money.
                           (我很想再去旅行, 可惜没有足够的钱.)

习题四十六 :
     试用括号内的动词, 模仿第五节造句 :

1. It's a pity I couldn't go to the wedding. (like)
    I would like to have gone to the wedding.   范例
2. It's a pity I didn't see the program. (like) ___________.
3. I'm glad I wasn't alone. (not/like)___________.
4. I'm glad I didn't lose my watch. (hate) __________.
5. It's a pity I didn't meet Ann. (love) ____________.
6. It's a pity I couldn't travel by train. (prefer)  ___________.

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