Monday, April 7, 2014

71动词 + ing 与 + to 用作名词的比较 (三)


71动词 + ing + to  用作名词的比较 ()                                                      4/7/2014

一般使用动作动词 (acting verbs)当名词(gerund infinitive)用有三种表现法: 

1. Talking is easier than acting.
2. To talk is easier than to act.
3. It is easier to talk than to act.

练习四十三 :
试仿照上列三种范式, 将下列各句的表现法改变一下:

1. Telling a lie is more difficult than telling the truth.          范例
    To tell a lie is more difficult than to tell the truth.
    It is more difficult to tell a lie than to tell the truth.
2. It is difficult to remember the last lie that you told.
3. There is nothing more awful than telling a lie to one who believes in you.
4. There is nothing finer than to chat with your old friends around a fire.

     由上练习我们体会到动作动词当名词来用, 其间的微妙, 必须用悟性去了解.  是用加 to 还是用加 –ing? 今以下列六个例句, 显示出其用法的差异.

例如,     Stephen stopped to smoke.  (司提夫停下其它的事, 来抽烟.)
                 He stopped to think.            (他停下来, 去思想.)
                 He stopped to rest.               (他停下来, 去休息一下.)
                 Mary stopped smoking.       (玛利亚停止抽烟.)
                 She stopped talking.            (她停止说话.)
                 She stopped eating.              (她停止吃.)

[] : 这六个句子告诉我们英语之应用的微妙.  都是两个动词在一句中, 有的用加 to… , 有的用加 –ing 来恊调与英语语法的冲突. 这是我国年青人学英语比较吃力的地方, 因为常常会用这两种方式, 写出的句子与自己要表明的意念相反. 

什幺时候当加 to … , 什幺时候该加 –ing, 虽然也有些规则可寻, 不过还是用背的方法比较牢靠, 错的机会较为少些.  因为这是它们的习惯性的表示法.

 1.   比较动词 + ~ing 动词 + to ... 作名词的用法 :

  动词 + ~ing的用法 :
           例如,   They denied stealing the money.
                        I enjoy going out.

   由例句一中, 可知第二个动名词 stealing 所发生的时间, 在第一个 deny 本动词动作之前(先偷后否认), 习惯上这时是常用动词加 ~ing.  第二句享受 (enjoy)” 第二个动词外出(go out)”发生在同时, 习惯上也是常将第二个动词加 ~ing.  因此, 归纳为 : 本动词所发生的动作时间若在第二个动词以后或同时, 则用加~ing 的方法. 
      动词 + to ...的用法 :
           例如,   They decided to steal the money.
                        I want to go out.

           由例句一中, 得知无限, to steal 所表示的时间, decide 本动词发生以
           (先决定再去偷).  习惯上, 这时常将第二个动词前加 to... 的形式.  第二个
           例句 本动词(want)” 发生在第二个动词外出 (go out)” 之前 (先想好再出
           ). 所以, 用同一方法.  因此, 归纳得 : 本动词所发生的动作时间若在第二个
           动词以前时, 则用加 to 的方法. 

           [] : 这种归纳虽可以帮助我们了解它们在句中的表示法, 但并非全然如此.

2.      有些动词如, remember, regret, go on 可同时用以上的两种方法, 但其所表明的意义却有不同.

    1.)  动词 remember可用动词 + ~ing 其含义为我已作了, 现在记起来了 :
           例如,  She could remember driving along the road just before the accident
                        happened, but she couldn't remember the accident itself.
                          (等于说她回忆起在这条路出事前开车的事, 但记不起发生车祸的事.)
                       I'm absolutely sure I locked the door. I clearly remember locking it.
                          (等于说我的确锁了门, 现在清楚的记起是锁了的.)

             若是用动词 + to ...的表示法, 其含义却不同. 它表示我记起我必须作这事,
                 此我作了 :
             例如,  I  remembered to lock the door when I left, but I forgot to shut the 
                            windows.    (等于说我记起我必须锁门, 我是锁了的...)
                        Please remember to post the letter. (等于说切记要把信寄出去.)

2.)    动词 regret 用动词 + ~ing 的方法表示, 其含义是我已作了, 现在为它而抱歉 :
           例如,   I now regret saying what I said. I shouldn't have said it.
                          (我已说了, 现在我为此抱歉...)

           若是用动词 + to ...的表示法, 其含义有差异. 它表示对不起, 我必须要如此说.
           例如,  We regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you the job.

     3.)  动词 go on 用动词 + ~ing 其含义为继续下去:
            ,   The minister went on talking for two hours. (部长继续讲了两小时.)
                           We must change our ways. We can't go on living like this.
                            (我们必须改变我们的方法. 我们不能继续这样活下去.)

动词 go on 用动词 + to 其意义却不同. 是表示要作新的:
            例如,   After discussing the economy, the minister then went on to talk about
                        foreign policy.    (部长在讨论经济之后接着说外交政策.)

      试用所给的动词的 ~ing to... 的形式填入下列各句. 有时两种形式都可能.

1. They denied  stealing the money. (steal)  范例
2. I don't enjoy __ very much. (drive)
3. I don't want __ out tonight. I'm too tired. (go)
4. I can't afford __ out tonight. I haven't got enough money. (go)
5. Has it stopped __ yet? (rain)
6. Can you remind me __ some coffee when we go out? (buy)
7. Why do you keep __ me questions? Can't you leave me alone? (ask)
8. Please stop __ me questions! (ask)
9. I refuse ____ any more questions. (answer)



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