Sunday, December 16, 2012

50 造句 (making sentence)

50 英文文法应用()  造句 (making sentence)                                                     12/29/2014

学习英文文法的目的是为了明白英文的句子构成, 帮助造句, 进而能写文章; 其次是增加阅读英文的能力, 在阅读复杂的长句子遇到困难时, 若用英文文法加以分析, 的确可以迎刃而解. 因此, 英文文法是要弄懂, 不可因为它难, 就借口说学英文文法不重要, 把它疏忽了. 我们现在要学英文造句, 你就了解它的重要了.

句是什幺?  句子是表述一个完整意念的一群单字所组成, 有主语(subject)及述语(predicate). 例如说, ‘a red apple’ 这个不成一句, 因为我们觉得这一群单词只说了个什幺’, 而没有说出个怎幺样来,  红苹果怎幺样呢? 如果说The apple is red, 我们就觉得说出了个怎幺样, 而意思也完全了. 因此句子需要有主语及述语; 又如中国人讲: “在衡阳路上车就够了. 这不是一句满好的而完全的句子吗? 但为什幺在英文中就认为不是一个句子呢? 因为, 它只是一群单词(get on the bus at 衡阳street), 而没有表达出个一个怎幺样来; 换句话说, 它没主语, 是不合英文句子的结构. 在英文语言中必须说, “ I get on the bus at 衡阳street.” 这才是一个句子, 因为它有主语 ( I ) 述语 (get on the bus at 衡阳street), 它的意思也完全.

现在我们来学习英文造句. 因为是写给人阅读的, 不是面对面的讲话, 所以句子要简洁(concise, 才能使读者看得明白. The Elements of Style, 3rd Edition, by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White (pp.23) Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. 1979出版的这本小册子对学习英文有很大的帮助. 在它的第23 页中的第十七条原则提出: Omit needless words. (废字必须剔除.) 这就是阐明好句子一定是没有废字.

编辑者深知英文造句是中国年青人学习英文的难题. 但是要写简单英文句子说实在的并不难. 举例来说. 写英文句子首先注意要有主语和述语. 主语多般在第一个字, 记住要大写. 其次在句尾要加句号(full stop ‘ ’). 并且句子的意义要完整.


           主语                述语

       My  name   is  Stephen Lei .   (我的名字叫 Stephen Lei , 意思完整.)

      大写                     句号



请在下列三个介词短语加上主语和动词, 仿照上例, 作成意义完整的简单句子.

一针见血表示对某事做到恰到好处,  “to the point”

马到成功  表示快速的完成.         “with immediate success”      

颠三倒四表示完全没有秩序.        “in total disorder”


在英文文章中常常见到短语, 使用它们的确可帮助你所写出的文章简洁, 直接有力, 和更为有趣生动. 请仔细思索下列各短语:


take off (脱掉)

    Take your sweater off in this warm room. (祈使句, 主语省略.)

right away (立刻, 马上)

Mrs. Chen says that dinner will be ready right away. (复句)

Can Mr. Chang come to my office right away? (疑问句,用助动词‘can’帮助发问)

call up (打电话)

Did anyone call me up while I was out? (疑问复句,用助动词 ‘did’ 帮助发问)

turn on (打开)

Some one turned on the T.V. in this room while we were out. (肯定复句, 有一独立


turn off (, )

Shall I turn the oven off? (疑问句,用助动词 ‘shall’ 帮助发问)

John turn the light off.  (肯定简单句.)

at once (立刻, 马上)

I want you to send this telegram at once. (肯定简单句.)

at first: (起先)

At first he seemed to find English very difficult, but later he made very good

progress. (合句,用连词 ‘but’ 连两独立子句)

at last: (最后)

Has he finished that work at last? (疑问简单句.)

look at (注视)

I like to walk along a country road and look at the stars at night. (肯定合句, 用连词and连两独立子句.)

The teacher told us to look at the blackboard and not at our books. (肯定简单句.)

look for (寻找)

Will you help me look for my lost gloves.? (疑问简单句.)

: 句子的中文意义请用字典研读, 看看是否使句子直接有力, 和更为有趣生动.

编辑者是基督徒, 很喜欢读英文圣经, 其中的创世记描述上帝创造世界的文句, 文气如虹, 都是短句, 全是用简单的过去时制直写. 提供朋友欣赏与学习.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving  over the surface of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. And God called the light day, and the darkness He called night.  And there was evening and there was morning, one day. (NASB 美国新标准版)



1. Helen said that she was going to mail the letter immediately. (right__)

2. Originally I thought it was John who was calling me. (at__)

3. Be sure to extinguish the light before you leave the room. (turn__)

4. Mary is seeking the pocketbook while she lost yesterday. (look__ )

5. We waited and waited and finally he arrived. (at__)

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