Tuesday, October 15, 2019

225 英语词类基本应用 (十九 ) Function words : conjunction 功能词: 连词

225  英语词类基本应用 ( )  Function words : conjunction   功能词: 连词       10/15/2019
我们亲爱的天父,  求怜悯孩子的软弱, 容易被魔鬼引诱, 恳求祢赐孩子祢的大能, 使孩子能胜过今生的骄傲的罪. 能见证主耶稣全然的仁慈和良善, 不容人污蔑我的主.  我一定要定睛仰望祢, 永远记住祢对孩子永不止息的爱和怜悯.  主啊!我要见证祢是上帝的儿子, 赞美祢, 崇拜祢.  奉主耶稣的名祷告.  阿门.

与介词同为功能词的另一词类是非常有用的连词. 在基本简单英语句子里是不必一定要用它, 但在复杂句(complex sentence), 合句(compound sentence), 和复合句(complex compound sentence)的造句上, 你不能不用它. 例如最常使用的and, or, but 同等连词(Coordinating Conjunctions ) 其用法你必须要熟悉, 且要多多练习, 多多诵读, 使它成为你在造句变化其句型的有效的工具.

连词分同等连词, 从属连词(Subordinating Conjunctions)和关系连词(Correlative Conjunctions).  连词如, and, or, but, as, while, when  , 它们连接字词, 或一群字的组合. 其中有一类称为同等连词如, and, or, but.  它们连接属于同等重要的字词, 或短语, 子句或简单句子.  最常用的有 and, but, or.

          The children feasted on cookies and milk. (连接字词)
          The kids asked me to come and join them. (连接短语
           I can go, but you can't. (连接子句或简单句子)
           我可以去, 但你不行.
       You can buy a dictionary, or borrow one from library. 
            你能买一本字典, 或向图书馆借一本.   (连接子句或简单句子)

练习 :  仔细读下列各句.  选择适当的连词填入空格. 并在句前空格内填入, 若是连接字词(W), 连接短语(P), 或连接子句/简单句子(C).
Read each sentence. Supply an appropriate coordinating conjunction. Write in the line if it joins words (W),phrases (P), or clauses/simple sentences (C).

______1. Roses need good drainage, ______ their leaves will turn yellow.
______2. Mr. Wang considered the punishment cruel _____ unusual.
______3. It is possible _____ not very likely.
______4. We waited in the terminal for hours, _____ our connection didn't ever arrive.
______5. He was born and raised in Ohio, _____ now lives in New York.
______6. Ruth decides on the itinerary, ______ John makes the travel arrangements.
______7. Stephen has been driving ______ making sales calls for weeks.
______8. I couldn't go, _______ Mary could.
______9. He gladly received her hugs _____ kisses.
______10. Debra ______  Sarah won't admit their ages.

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