Thursday, August 29, 2019

220 英语词类基本应用(十四) Adjective or Adverb? 是形容词还是副词?

220  英语词类基本应用(十四)  Adjective or Adverb?   是形容词还是副词?         8/29/2019

Our Heavenly Father, You are the creator.  Have a mercy on me.  Grant me power to overcome my sinful nature.  Forgive my great sin of self-righteousness, particularly my sin of pride .  Let me be Your obedient son.  Let me do whatever to please You and only to honor Your glorious name. Pray in His precious name.  Amen

我们的天父,天地万物创造的主宰.  求怜悯我。 赐我克服充满罪恶老我的能力。恳求祢饶恕我自以为是的大罪, 尤其是骄傲的罪。 让我成为祢顺命的孩子。 愿意做任何令祢喜悦我去做的事。 单单为了荣耀祢的名。 奉主耶稣的名祷告。阿门.


使用副词与形容词对我国人常常会被扰乱, 因为在我国语言中它可以混用.  在英文里可不能这样.  必须要了解清楚, 写出来或在对话中才不会使人误会.

在学校里常听英文老师讲, 牢记英文字尾带 –ly 的字多般是副词(Remember that most words ending in -ly are adverbs),  可是有些带 –ly 字尾却是形容词, , weekly, monthly,
          Weather changes quickly.  (quickly 是副词, 它形容动词changes)
          This is a weekly newspaper. 
                      (weekly是形容词, 用来描述名词 newspaper)

有些副词与形容词使用时要特別留意,  ,  good well,  只能用 good 作形容词,  well 有时也用

作形容词, 表示健康; 作副词用时是描述某事进行得如何(use well as an adjective to mean "healthy" and as an adverb to tell how something is done.)
Mary is a good girl. (玛丽亚是好女孩. good 用作形容词 ) 
John is doing well after his surgery.  The surgery went well.
                    (“约翰行手术后很健康”, 此处用作形容词. “该手术施行很顺利”, 

            万清跑得真快。(Wan -Tsing runs really fast.)
                        ( ‘是副词,形容Wan -Tsing跑得真快.)
上帝是真的。(God is real.)
( ‘是形容词,说明上帝是真的.)

Thursday, August 15, 2019

219 英语词类基本应用(十三) Modifier: Adverbs 修饰语: 副词

219 英语词类基本应用(十三)     Modifier: Adverbs        修饰语:  副词      8/15/2019                                       
我们的天父上帝, 求怜悯孩子, 使我要脚踏实地, 要细嚼慢吞, 澈底了解才能告诉别人.  谢谢祢, 求祢继续恩待, 让孩子能一生一世以心灵和诚实事奉祢,  奉主耶稣的名祈祷.  阿门.

修饰语包括形容词及副词, 前讲谈到形容词比较, 没有涉及另一种方式: 比较级 more ... than; 最高级 the most ... of.  这种比较对初三的同学讲基本的词类学习, 比较不合适.  要用比较级 more ... than; 最高级 the most ... of, 则必须知道英语音节. 如英语词字是两个音节, 或超过两个节以上, 要用该方式.
                She is more beautiful than her sister. 
                 (beautiful 有三个音节, 可以这方式比较.  用于比较级时, 要把形容词放在
                   more ... than 中间.)
                She is the most beautiful of her sisters. 
                 (若要用于多过两者的比较则使用最高级, 要把形容词放在
                   the most ... of 中间,要注意加 the 和名词加 s.)

[.]  修饰语中的副词是用来修饰动词, 形容词, 或另外的副词. (An adverb modifies a verb, an     adjective, or another adverb).  它说明被修饰的词的如何”, “何时”, “何处到什么程度”.   (An adverb tells how, when, where, or to what extent).

            Our skates moved effortlessly. (如何)
                        The ice is glistening now. (何时)
The canals are frozen there. (何处)
The air was very dry. (到什么程度)


试从下列各句中指出副词, 并注明它是如何修饰: 如何, 何时, 何处或到什么程度.     
(Write the adverb from each sentence. Label the adverb how, when, where, or to what extent).

1. Paul rose early and watched the sun rise.
2. He looked up and saw billowing clouds.
3. They were very beautiful in the soft light.
4. A large gray hawk circled lazily.
5. A gopher cautiously poked its nose out of its hole.
6. Hans dressed warmly.
7. He walked outside.
8. He waved happily to his friends.
9. The air was quite cold.
10 Many people skated tonight.


试从下列各句中指出副词, 并注明它是修饰形容词还是另外的副词.
(Write each adverb and the word it modifies adjective, or adverb).

1. Kevin watched the gopher very quietly.
2. He remained quite still.
3. The world gradually awoke.
4. Singing birds sweetly greeted the morning.
5. Kevin heard his parents' voices and returned reluctantly.
6. He suddenly felt very hungry.

[.] 副词在句子中的位置. (Placement of Adverbs in Sentences.)

    副词修饰形容词另外的副词, 它的位置应尽量靠近所修饰的词字.
  (Place most adverbs that modify adjectives or other adverbs just before the word modify).
Clouds scudded very swiftly across the sky.
The sky was quite beautiful.

     副词修饰, 它的位置几乎可置于任何地方.
  (Place most adverbs that modify verbs almost anywhere in the sentence).
            Life guards watched the swimmers carefully.
Life guards carefully watched the swimmers.

练习:  试将括号内的副词填入句内, 并注明它的位置.
    (Add the adverb in parentheses to each sentence and write the placement of the adverbs).

1. A wave crashed over Bruce's boat. (heavily)
2. The boat overturned in the water. (clumsily)
3. Bruce floundered in the water. (helplessly)
4. Another boat observed Bruce's struggle. (immediately)

[.]       副词的比较. (Comparison with Adverbs).

大多数短的副词形成其比较级或最高级, 简单的在副词字尾加上 er est.
(To form the comparative or the superlative of most short adverbs, add er or est).

Bradley is nicer than his brother.

有两个音节或以上的副词形成其比较级或最高级, 则以more less most least   
 er est.  (Use more or less and most or least instead of er and est with adverbs that have two or more syllables).

Today is the most enjoyable day I have had all year.


          (Write the comparative form and the superlative form of each adverb).

原本                             比较级                         最高级          


试用括号内的副词的正确的比较的形式, 填入空格中, 以完成该句子.
(Complete each sentence. Use the correct form of the adverb in parentheses).

1. Mary and Stephen practice archery ____than Paul and Ruth do.
2.  Mary scored ______of all the students in the class.
3. She aimed _____than the others.
4. Stephen was surprised when she shot ______than he did.
5. He is strong, and his arrows always fly ____than hers.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

218 英语词类基本应用(十二) Modifier: Adjectives 修饰语: 形容词

218 英语词类基本应用(十二)     Modifier: Adjectives        修饰语:  形容词             8/10/2019                                 
爱我们的天父上帝, 求怜悯我, 赦免我骄傲的罪, 让孩子看见是祢带领我走這崎嶇人生的道路.  我要永远见证耶穌基督是永生上帝的儿子, 是上帝. 孩子衷心谢谢祢赐我生命. 使孩子能使用头脑写出学习英语的心得, 别人得到主耶稣的祝福. 奉主耶稣的圣名祈祷.  阿门.

上帝的旨意 :  编辑者登錄下面两段生活的回忆, 是要见证上帝的存在, 祂存在我的心里.  祂的旨意美善.

下面是小儿雷应远的一段回忆(他现在任马里兰州圣经教会的长老): 在我的经验中, 记得1977年与父亲初来美国时, 爸爸因没有得到北他科他州立大学(North Dakota University)的助学金, 想离开, 同时从家里又寄来卡拉剌多州大学(Fort Collin, Colorado University)的入学许可.  记得那时是十一月初, 快要下大雪的周末. 父亲没有作任何的远途开车的预备 : 如毛毯和足够的食物和水; 也没有在美国超速公路开车的经验; 对风雪的危险没有仍何概念; 更忽略了卡拉剌多州是美国最多雪的地方. 只告诉我把一些衣物放上汽车, 等明天主日崇拜后再走. 当我们次日做完主日敬拜后, 爸爸忽然有所感动, 想等明日星期一去学校看看有没有助学金的通知函件再走.  我们星期一到学校, 发现在信箱中有一封信, 100美金的助学金. 我们当时就跪下感谢上帝, 原来是上帝使万事都互相效力, 叫爱祂的人免于死亡. 事后我们才知道有很多八十年代的中国留学生在风雪中丧生的事件, 因为通讯设备简陋, 活活的被冻死.  是上帝定意要留住我们的生命, 因为生命本来就是祂的恩典. (编辑者注, 耶稣基督就是生命.)
1979年夏天, 上帝恩赐我有机会去北卡罗南州立大学(North Carolina Raleigh State University) 进修博士学位, 我们全家五口, 坐在载满行李的1971年的Polora八钢座车, 順從上帝的旨意, 向北卡罗南州立大学前进. 一路由我开车, 快到目的地前, 要经过路程中危险的Smoky Mountain 山区. 当要下山时, 突然一阵大雨, 我们停车休息, 我深信是圣灵上帝的感动, 要我换刚刚拿到驾照的小儿雷应远开车, 他那时才十六岁.  山区大雨后常常会有很浓的大雾, 路旁指示灯闪闪发亮, 显示车速限制35, 给以警告. 我们因刚上超速公路, 没有开过山区, 不知下山的危险, 又因浓雾, 未看清车速限制35,  却以55哩车速下山.  在正要出山区的顷刻, 小女突然看到前面有修路用以分义的很大的水泥柱, 在后面大叫, 哥哥! 石柱! 上帝留下我们一家的生命, 为的是要我们把祂的福音传开. 
1980年夏天转学罗岗犹大州立大学( Logan Utah State University), 在大学求学期间, 帮助服侍校园内基督徒学生查经班14年之久. 后来该查经班成立罗岗基督徒教会.
[.]  修饰语包括形容词(Adjectives), 副词(Adverbs), 等两种词类.  本讲只介绍形容词.

关于英语词类基本的应用已经介绍: 动词, 名词, 和代名词等三类. 现在所要讲的是修饰语(Modifier), 写句子不用它们也行.  但若你要写优美的句子, 就不可忽略它们, 例如, He is going to school. 该句中没有修饰语, 也是正确的句子. 可是不够优美. 

The pipes are against the wall.
            The curved and red and yellow pipes are against the peeling wall.

[] :  第一句中没有形容词和副词, 是简洁的句子, “很多管子靠着墙.” 但不如第二句优美, “很多红的黄的弯曲的管子靠着油漆脱落的墙”.
形容词是只用来修饰, 或描述句子中的名词和代名词( An adjective is a word that modifies, or describes, a noun or a pronoun only.) 形容词说明名词或代名词是那一类的(what kind), 有多少(how many), 或那一个(which one).
         We saw lazy lions beneath a shady tree.
         (lazy 是形容词, 用来说明是那一类的狮子, “很多懒散的狮子”; beneath 是副词,说明在下面; shady 是形容词, 用来修饰是那一类的树, “成荫的树”).

[.]  修饰语的位置
      修饰语应该紧接着它所要修饰的词.  否则语意就会不清晰.
                She is a beautiful girl.   (形容词 beautiful 应紧靠着名词 girl.)

练习:  写出下列各句子中的形容词及它所修饰的词字.
           (Write the adjective from each sentence. Then write the word it modifies.)

1. The air feels warm today.
2. The flowers smell unusually sweet.
3. High in the sky is the sun.
4. The horses look peaceful in the meadow.
5. Mary feels happy outside.
6. She is eager for a ride on her horse.
7. Her horse appears ready to go.
8. How beautiful is the day!

[.]   饰语中的形容词的比较 : 最常见的使用的比较方式为 -er 比较级, -est 最高级.

                原本 (positive)         比较级 (comparative)           最高级 (superlative)
                        old                               older                                        oldest
                        He is an old boy.   ( 若句子没有比较的意思, 则用原本形容词 old).
                        He is older than me. ( 若句子有比较的意思, 则用比较级older ).
                        He is the oldest boy in my class.  ( 若句子有最高比较级的意思, 则用oldest).

修饰语中的形容词的比较: 常见的使用的比较方式要把形容词后的子音字母重复, 再加 er 比较级, est 最高级.

            例如 : 
原本 (positive)             比较级 (comparative)           最高级 (superlative)
                                    hot                               hotter                                       hottest

            [] : 这种特别用法, 请您查字典, 它会告诉您.

This is a hot day.
Today is hotter than yesterday.
                        This is the hottest day of the year.

练习:  写出下列各形容词的比较级和最高级.
           (Write the comparative form and the superlative form of each adjective.)

原本                            比较级                        最高级                       