116英语语法应用(三) 2/21/2015
正是我们五十三周年结婚纪念日. 内容是见证上帝拯救我免于在1931年长江极大洪灾中死亡. 祂定意留存我的生命是要为祂作见证. 今日的帖子再一次见证主耶稣基督是设立人婚姻的上帝, 祂定规的婚姻是: 一男一女, 一生一世的伴侣. 1961年我们在台湾东港国语礼拜堂众人面前, 由张国勋牧师证婚. 牧师在结婚前给我一张纸条, 要我在众人面前念出我站上帝面前的结婚誓言:“我要一生一世爱她, 保护她”.
有基督信仰的人肯定结婚的对象是上帝安排的, 也就是上帝家中的兄弟姐妹. 虽然在我们婚姻生活的过程中会有“酒用尽了"的时候.
上帝既肯定我们的婚姻, 祂必要作主. 所以我们在 “酒用尽了"情况下,
就恳切的来到祂面前祈求──除去以自我为中心的罪恶思想, 赐下忍耐, 饶恕, 不要懒惰, 要殷勤的互相谅解. 使我们用生活见证出上帝的荣耀来. 主耶稣基督的荣耀就是祂的神性. 公义. 慈爱, 良善,
我们在天上的上帝, 孩子又来到祢的面前恳求祢的慈爱和怜悯. 多少次遇到“酒用尽了”的时候, 祢的慈悲就彰显,
让孩子更深一层的认识祢. 多少时候孩子沉迷于自我为中心的困境时, 祢的大爱就使我清醒. 叫孩子顾念还有别人也要靠祢的恩典而活. 谢谢祢, 让我在读祢的话语时, 了解祢的道路高过我的道路; 祢的意念高过我的意念. 依頼我主耶稣的圣名. 阿门.
Dairy Of Private
Prayer 私祷日记(二)
God, ever blessed, 啊, 上帝, 永远称得上赞美的主,
who has given me the night for rest and 祢赐我夜里休息 , 白昼工作,
the day for labor and service, grant that refreshing 求祢使我过去一夜的酣睡,
who has given me the night for rest and 祢赐我夜里休息 , 白昼工作,
the day for labor and service, grant that refreshing 求祢使我过去一夜的酣睡,
sleep of the night now
pas may be turned to 能够在今日生活中更多荣耀祢.
Your greater glory
in the life of the
day now 不要使它在我内心起怠惰,
before me. Let it
breed no slothfulness within 使它叫我能够更加殷勤工作,
me, but
rather send me to more diligent
and more willing
Teach me, O
God, so to use all the of my life 上帝啊, 求你教导我如何用今日
today that they may
bring circumstances forth in
the fruits of holiness
rather than the fruits of sin. 而不是罪所结的果子.
Let me use
disappointment as material for patience: 容我用失望 训练忍耐;
Let me use
success as material for thankfulness: 容我用成功 培养感恩的心;
Let me use
suspense as material for perseverance: 容我用困难 养成毅力
Let me use
danger as material for courage: 容我用危险练成勇敢;
Let me use
reproach as material for long suffering: 容我用羞辱 培养忍受长久的苦难;
Let me use
praise as material for
humility: 容我用称赞培养谦卑;
Let me use
pleasures as material for temperance: 容我用享乐训练节制;
Let me use pains
as material for endurance. 容我用痛苦养成坚忍.
Through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen. 依赖主耶稣基督的名祈求, 阿们
编辑者按: 请仔细对照中文与英文的相当的词汇. 好的译文必须有好的国文修养.
是一个用得很广泛的动词(请查字典). 此处似着重 Let……as 的用法. 美极了.
Studying of The Gospel
of John (John 2:1-11) 读约翰福音心得(2 : 1-11)
1On the third day there was a wedding 第三日, 在加利利的迦拿有娶亲
Cana of Galilee, Jesus' mother was
there, 的筵席。耶稣的母亲在那里。
2and both Jesus and His disciples were 耶稣和他的门徒也被
invited to the wedding. 请去赴席。
3When the wine ran out, Jesus' mother 酒用尽了, 耶稣的母亲对他说, 他
said to Him, "They have no more wine." 们没有酒了。
4And Jesus said to her, "Woman, 耶稣说, 母亲, (原文作妇人)我]
2and both Jesus and His disciples were 耶稣和他的门徒也被
invited to the wedding. 请去赴席。
3When the wine ran out, Jesus' mother 酒用尽了, 耶稣的母亲对他说, 他
said to Him, "They have no more wine." 们没有酒了。
4And Jesus said to her, "Woman, 耶稣说, 母亲, (原文作妇人)我]
what does that have to
do with us? 与你有什幺相干.
My time has not yet come." 我的时候还没有到.
5His mother said to the servants, 他母亲对用人说, 他告诉你们什幺,
"Do whatever He tells you." 你们就作什幺。
6Now there were six stone waterpots set there 照犹太人洁净的规矩,
5His mother said to the servants, 他母亲对用人说, 他告诉你们什幺,
"Do whatever He tells you." 你们就作什幺。
6Now there were six stone waterpots set there 照犹太人洁净的规矩,
for the
Jewish custom of purification, 有六口石缸摆在那里,
containing twenty or thirty gallons each. 每口可以盛两三桶水。
7Jesus said to them, "Fill the waterpots 耶稣对用人说, 把缸倒满了水。他
with water"; so they filled them up to the brim. 们就倒满了, 直到缸口。
8And He said to them, "Draw some out now and 耶稣又说, 现在可以舀出来, 送给
take it to the headwaiter." So they took it to him. 管筵席的。他们就送了去。
9When the headwaiter tasted the water 管筵席的尝了那水变的酒, 并不知
containing twenty or thirty gallons each. 每口可以盛两三桶水。
7Jesus said to them, "Fill the waterpots 耶稣对用人说, 把缸倒满了水。他
with water"; so they filled them up to the brim. 们就倒满了, 直到缸口。
8And He said to them, "Draw some out now and 耶稣又说, 现在可以舀出来, 送给
take it to the headwaiter." So they took it to him. 管筵席的。他们就送了去。
9When the headwaiter tasted the water 管筵席的尝了那水变的酒, 并不知
which had
become wine, and he did not 道是哪里来的, 只有舀水的用人
know where it came from (but
the 知道。
who had drawn the water knew. )
10The headwaiter called
the bridegroom 管筵席的便叫新郎来。
and said to him, "Every man serves the good 对他说, 人都是先摆上好酒.
and said to him, "Every man serves the good 对他说, 人都是先摆上好酒.
wine first and when the guests have drunk 等客喝足了, 才摆上次的.
freely, then
he serves the poorerwine; 你倒把好酒留到如今.
but you have kept the good wine till now."
11This beginning of His miraculous signs 这是耶稣所行的头一件神迹, 是
but you have kept the good wine till now."
11This beginning of His miraculous signs 这是耶稣所行的头一件神迹, 是
Jesus did in Cana of Galilee , and 在加利利的迦拿行的, 显出
manifested His glory, and His 祂的荣耀来.
disciples believed in Him. 祂的门徒就信祂了.
在第一章用 “话语”显明耶稣基督是创造的主,
是上帝的儿子. 现在要用工作彰显基督的公义. 慈爱, 良善, 和怜悯, 用行动表明耶稣是第一章导引里第三节中所宣告的创造的主.
加拿的婚筵中, “酒用尽了”. 在我人生中的体念, 认为是主耶稣要彰显祂的荣耀,
让祂的门徒不只是前三天相信祂是“上帝的儿子, 是以色列的王”, 现在是用行动的“标记”带领他们更深入的相信.
有些爱醉酒的人曾引用耶稣变水为酒为借口, 肯定他们的饮酒行为; 可是他们误解了主耶稣基督行使该标记的真义. 有一位醉酒的矿工说, “我相信耶稣将水变酒的 “标记”. 自我信靠主耶稣基督后, 祂拿掉我饮酒的恶习,
变出家中的家俱和小孩子们的衣裤.” 这个例子说明祂是上帝, 信靠祂,
祂能改变生命, 赐新生命.
“变水为酒” 的标记代表着一个新时代的来临. 背后带有三个显明的含义:
再次使祂的门徒相信祂是创造万物的主, 告诉他们新时代的来临,
“祂告诉你们什幺, 你们就作什幺”. “顺从上帝” 是基督信仰的基本要件, 我们若信靠、顺服主, 就能看见祂在我们身上的奇妙改变及赐给我们永远的生命.
Hymn Appreciation 圣诗欣赏
It is well with my soul! 我心宁, 得安宁
Horatio G. Spafford, Poem; 施彼福作词;
Philip P. Bliss, melody 白利士作曲
peace like a river attendeth my way, 有时享平安 如江河平又稳
When sorrows like sea billows roll; 有时忧伤来 似浪滚
Whatever my lot Thou hast taught me to say, 不论何环境 我已蒙主引领
“It is well, it is well with my soul!” 我心灵得安宁 得安宁
When sorrows like sea billows roll; 有时忧伤来 似浪滚
Whatever my lot Thou hast taught me to say, 不论何环境 我已蒙主引领
“It is well, it is well with my soul!” 我心灵得安宁 得安宁
is well with my soul. It is well, 我心灵 得安宁
is well, with my soul 我心灵得安宁 得安宁
sin- oh, the bliss of this glorious
thought 撒旦虽来侵, 众试验虽来临
sin, not in part, but the whole, 但我有确据在我心
nailed to His Cross, and I bear it no
more; 基督已清楚,
the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! 就为我流宝血, 救赎我
is well with my soul. It is well, 我心灵 得安宁
is well, with my soul 我心灵得安宁 得安宁
Lord, haste the day when the faith shall
be sight, 求主快再来 使信心得亲见
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll; 云彩将卷起 在主前
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, 号筒声吹响 我救主再降临
Even so, it is well with my soul. 愿主来 我心灵必安宁
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll; 云彩将卷起 在主前
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, 号筒声吹响 我救主再降临
Even so, it is well with my soul. 愿主来 我心灵必安宁
is well with my soul. It is well, 我心灵 得安宁
is well, with my soul 我心灵得安宁 得安宁
When the great Chicago fire consumed the
Windy 在1871年芝加哥大火焼毁了施彼福
City in 1971, Horatio G. Spafford lost a fortune. 在密西根湖畔的房屋. 同时不久前
About that time , his only son, age four , 他四歳的独子因
About that time , his only son, age four , 他四歳的独子因
succumbed to scarlet
fever. 猩红热病过世.
In November of 1973, he
decided to take his wife 1973年秋天, 他决定带妻子和四个
and his four daughters toEurope . He was closed to 女儿赴英国, 拟协助他的好友慕迪D.L.Moody and
Ira Sankey, and he wanted to visit 及桑其在英的布道大会. 再开始渡
their evangelistic meeting in England, then enjoy 假. 临行前,因急务要他处理, 于是
and his four daughters to
their evangelistic meeting in England, then enjoy 假. 临行前,因急务要他处理, 于是
a vacation. When an urgent matter detained Horatio 他请妻Anna, 女 Maggie, Tanetta,
he decided to sent his
wife Anna, Maggie, Tanetta, Annie, and Bessie 搭船先去,
Annie, and Bessie on
ahead, a French liner. 他随后即行. 谁知在11/22/1873
In Nov. 22nd 1973 ,
The ship collided with an 施彼福接到他妻子的电文“仅
“only me alive” He immediately booked passage 当船临近他四个女儿葬身的海峡时,
to join his wife. En route, on a cold December night, 椎心的哀痛如滚滚波涛汹涌而来,
the captain called him aside and said, “This is the 但上帝安慰他, 使他心灵得安宁. sinking place.” He found very hard to sleep. 在难入睡之夜, 他自言自语的说,
He said to himself, “It
is well; the will of “得安宁; 上帝的旨意成全.”日后
God be done.” He later wrote this famous hymn. 他写下了这首著名的诗歌.
编辑者按: “上帝的旨意不是要人受苦, ” 但此处作者悟出 “苦难是祂的旨意的成全.” 所以,
有基督信仰的人认定处顺境要喜乐感恩, 遇逆境也要感恩. 因为这都是为要成全上帝的旨意.
The melody for“ It is
Well,” was written 白利士(Philip P. Bliss 1838-1876)
by Philip P. Bliss, who was himself soon to perish. 为这首诗写下调子. 他自己也遭遇
by Philip P. Bliss, who was himself soon to perish. 为这首诗写下调子. 他自己也遭遇
along with his wife, in
a terrible train wreck in 苦难. 他与妻子在Ohio 的一次火车的
Ohio . 灾祸中丧生.