Saturday, October 11, 2014

100 介词短语(三) 面试 (interview)


100  介词短语() 面试 (interview)                                                               10/11/2014

今晨我女儿开车送我去马可医院检察手指痲痹疼痛试验时, 突然有一节圣经出现在脑里使徒行传二十章三十五节请让我恭敬的录下与各位网友分享.

35 In everything I (Paul) showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said,  “It is more blessed to give than to receive.

35 在一切事上,我(保罗)都给你们做了榜样:必须这样地劳苦做工来扶助软弱的人,并且要记住主耶稣自己说过的话: 施比受更加蒙福。

请原谅编辑者迟了十天才发出这帖子. 我是软弱的人, 靠着主耶稣基督钉十字架所赐的新生命, 却是更加蒙福的人能做的一切事上, 我都是必须喜乐的带着劳苦的来做, 在编写此博客的初衷是想让国内山区里的软弱的年青朋友有机会得得到一些帮助 (故用简体字发表), 岂不知我脑筋太单纯, 他们那里买得起, 又那有钱进到网站亲爱的访友, 若你有心, 请自由的使用这博客的内容印成简单的小册子, 免费的想尽法子送到边远的山区软弱的青年朋友的手上主耶稣说:施比受更加蒙福.” (若你需要资助, 请与我联系.)

英语语法的学习, 肯定可以助你学习英语, 但必须要有毅力, 有热忱及下功夫. 絶不可
有一曝十寒的心态. 关于学习关连字更要如此, 不可三天打鱼, 两天晒网的敷衍
了事的心理, 必须持之以恒的与它缠斗尤其是要对一些常碰到的关连字的运作更
是需要下一番功夫, 天天反复的去读, 去背去写和做练习, 直至把它们熟练的做到
得心应手的地步才行这就是编辑者为什么在99讲末后提出习题104的作业, 希望爱
好英语的青年朋友们要全力以赴, 对它们了解和使用要达到澈底的清楚这些关连
字是  up, on, at, of, to, with, through, by , 我会慢慢的以它们习惯性用法来加以介绍.

颜元叔教授提出他学习英语的心得说, “养成每天早上高声朗读的习惯. 因为语言有它的音乐节奏, 把它口头念出来对背书, 拼字和会话都有帮助初中, 高中生最重要的是每天早上起来或者晚上回家, 朗读英文半个小时. 读久了一方面背, 二方面练习发音, 三方面把握住了英文特有的旋律.”  编辑者也有过这方面的经验, 那是早在十五岁的少年时, 蒙恩师邓岳宗先生耳提面命的千叮万嘱的说, “早上起来一定要读半小时的英文会话.”  那时我们用商务印书馆所出版的  “ The English Echo” 会话课本一直维持到十年后考大学时都未停止, 受益无穷.  能进入台湾大学读书, 得力他老家的谆谆告诫至今悟出它的道理与颜教授不谋而合. 因为, 若是你不会念, 那幺当你说出来时, 别人如何能听得懂?别人跟你交谈时, 发出来的音, 对你根本就没有意义, 因为在你的脑袋里根本没有这样的记忆库再举个亲眼见到的实例, 2006年我到南昌探亲, 下榻南昌师范大学的亲戚家, 早上六点半起身, 还没下完楼, 就听到悦耳的高声朗读英语的声音. 不只是初中和高中生要养成早上高声朗读的习惯连大学生也要养成早上高声朗读的习惯后果是肯定的, 在学习英语的路上, 它与英语语法的学习是相辅相成.

Dachin:  Shunan, I'm leaving! I'm off  to my job interview at Dynamic Laboratory, Oxford.
大成 :    秀兰, 我走了我现在要到牛津大学动力试验室去面试我申请的工作.
Shunan:  You look great, Dachin! You don't feel uptight, do you?
秀兰  大成, 你真行你不会感到紧张, 是吗?
Dachin: No, not really.   I plan on going in there and giving it my best shot.
大成 :   , 一点都没有我预备要到那里大显身手.
Shunan:  Well, you certainly spent a lot of time filling out your job application.
秀兰  是的, 你的确为了这求职的事化了很多的精力和时间去思考.
Dachin: I know I did.  I needed to come directly to the point.
大成 :   我知道我所做的要单刀直入的针对他们的要点提出我的看见.
Shunan:  I think they'll realize that you catch on quickly and will make it as a leader.
秀兰   我想他们体会你会很快的了解这工作并会提升你成为带领者.
Dachin: Well, by being totally up front, they'll know exactly what I want.
大成 :   是的, 以完全开诚的心态, 他们将知道我实在想要做什幺.
Shunan:  They'll be impressed with you, Dachin, I'm sure. You've picked up good 
   English,  you've learned essential English words by heart, you know your work 
        inside out.    What more could they ask for?
秀兰:       大成, 我恳定他们对你有深该的印象你学会正确的英语, 又全心的去记忆
一些常用的英语单字, 从里到外的知道你要去做的他们对你还有什幺要求呢?
Dachin: And I like people, too. That's important.
大成 :   并且, 我喜爱人们. 这很重要的.

      请用红色注明的介词短语仿照会话中的句子, 自己造两句.

 复习99讲所讨论的介词短语 :

99讲所讨论的介词短语中译, 并加两个例句, 请仿照再写两句.

1.  to make it:  要达到目的
    1.  He knows he can make it.
    2.  She knows she can get any job she wants. 
2. to have got what it takes (to have what it takes ): 有达目标的能力
   1.  He's got what it takes to be an actor.
   2.  You have the specific qualities to be an actor.
3. to pound the pavement: 不停的去寻觅
   1.  I've been pounding the pavement trying to find a job.
   2.  I've been walking everywhere trying to find a job.
4. to drop off: 在特定的地方留下
   1.  I'm going to drop off my resume at the employment office.
   2.  I'm going to leave my resume at the employment office.
5. at  first: 开始
   1.  At first, he didn't understand the language.
   2.  In the beginning, he didn't understand the language.
6. to have a chance (to have got a chance): 有机会得到
   1.  She has an excellent chance of getting that job.
   2.  She has an excellent possibility of getting that job.
7. tons of (a lot of): 很大的数量
   1.  I have tons of homework tonight!
   2.  I have a large amount of homework tonight!
8. to check out: 仔细观察
   1.  Check out this beautiful sofa!
   2.  Look at this beautiful sofa!
9. to stop in (to stop by): 短暂的探访
   1.  We stopped in at their home for fifteen minutes.
   2.  We visited them for fifteen minutes.
10. to have to offer: 人或物的素质
   1.  That house has a lot to offer.
   2.  That house has qualities that everyone would like.
11. to find out: 发现
   1.  Where can I find out about becoming a hairdresser?
   2.  Where can I get information about becoming a hairdresser?
12. to go in for : 有约定
   1.  He is going in for a physical examination.
   2.  He has an appointment for a physical examination.


1. __ inside out                                 a. to succeed
2. __ to plan on                                b. to comprehend
3. __ to get ahead                             c. to try one's best
4. __ to come to the point                 d. to intend to
5. __ go-getter                                 e. to write information
6. __ to catch on                              f. through memorization
7. __ up front                                   g. to learn easily
8. __ to pick up                                h. perfectly
9. __ by heart                                   i. hard worker
10. __ to fill out                                j. to leave
11. __ to be off                                k. to be direct in speech
12. __ to give it one's best shot       l. sincere


1.He caught on quickly to the American way of life.
a. He doesn't really understand the American way of life.
b. He understands the American way of life.
c. He has no knowledge of the American way of life.
2. They are very up front in their relationship with each other.
a. They tell each other exactly what they feel.
b. They don't come to the point.
c. They have difficulty being honest.
3. She tried to get ahead socially.
a. She didn't like people.
b. She wanted to be popular.
c. She was antisocial.
4. They filled the income tax forms out last month.
a. They completed them.
b. They memorized them.
c. They failed to write the information.
5. David picked up auto mechanics from watching his friend.
a. He learned about auto mechanics from watching his friend.
b. He studied hard.
c. He tried very hard to learn about auto mechanics.
6. The child knows the poem by heart.
a. He memorized the poem.
b. He read the poem.
c. He forgot the poem.
7. I'm off to the theater again.
a. I'm leaving the theater.
b. I'm still at the theater.
c. I'm going to the theater.
8. The woman plans on fulfilling her lifelong wish.
a. She had abandoned her wish.
b. She dreams about what she wants to do.
c. She intends to complete what she wants to do.
9. When he entered the cooking contest, he give it his hest sho1.
a. He didn't try very hard, but he won the contest.
b. He decided not to enter the contest.
c. He made the best meal he could.
10. He came directly to the point and told him to leave.
a. He was indirect in telling him to leave.
b. He specifically told him to leave.
c. He didn't tell him to leave.
11. She knows her husband inside out.
a. She hardly understands him.
b. She understands him fairly well.
c. She understands him exceptionally well.
12. He's been a go-getter ever since his family can remember.
a. He has no expectations.
b. He always procrastinates.
c. He's very ambitious.

请用合适的介词, out, in, off, to, on, of, up 等填入下列各句的空格中以完成之.

1. He found ___ everything he needs to know to decide.
2. We can count ___ him to be here at noon; he's always punctual.
3. In spite ___ their differences, they decided to marry sooner.
4. I've set my sights ___ a house near the ocean.
5. What do you have ___ do?
6. Drop this ___ at the laundry, please.
7. We saw tons ___ flowers at the flower festival.
8. I'm not mixed ___ !  I know what I’m doing!
9, What do you mean, yon can't keep ___ ? Try harder!
10. You can sign ___  here for free prize.
11. Did you fill ___ the job application form?
12.  I’ll stop ___ to see you later this morning.



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