“The” 与名词的可数与不可数的关系(三) 5/18/2014
编辑者多年学习英语对定冠词的使用仍有着困惑. 例如在我写文章时因担心出错,没有把握的在一个可数名词前加上定冠词“the”, 而当读者念到此处时就会去寻找限制这名词的一些其它词汇, 若是找不到, 必定使会使他误解. 经过自己多年的对定冠词使用的经验, 发现对它正确的使用实在很为难我国同学. 因为原因有二 : 其一是描述这定冠词使用的规则的书籍不多, 其次就是在中国文字中很少见到“冠词”这个语法名词, 更谈不上其应用了. 所以对我国青年使用定冠词的诀窍能背它们的应用规则最好, 要不然应有一本较适用的英语辞典在身旁.
当一个可数名词被两个形容词修饰时, 如该修饰语指两个或两种物, 则第二个修饰语之前须再加一个定冠词.
例如 :
The black and
white dog is my dog (这只黑白杂色的狗是我的)
There are the black
and the white
dogs. (这里有黑色的和白色的两种狗)
[注] : 前一句是指一只狗, 句子的动词是单数. 后一句是指两类狗, 其动词是复数.
可数名词前附有最高级(superlative degree) 的修饰语时, 在那修饰语之前必须加定冠词. 如, the brightest
boy; the biggest mistake; the
most interesting book.
We must learn the
best way to do everything.
(如写为 We must learn a best way to do everything. 错误)
He is the brightest boy in our class.
(如写为 He is a brightest boy in our class. 错误)
[注] : 在修饰语为称呼主位 (nominative of address) 的最高级修饰语时, 其前不可
用定冠词, 如, I
heard, dearest cousin, that you were going away.
当可数复数名词其前有介词 “of ”的短语时, 必须在该名词前加定冠词. 如,
many of the books; few of the classes; ten of the answers 等.
Few of the students like
drill. (如写为 Few of students like
drill. 错误)
Many of' the graduates of
universities have no work.
(如写作 Many of' graduates of universities have no
work. 错误)
试选择使用或不使用 the 来完成下列各句:
1. I'm afraid of dogs或the dogs. ( 'dogs' 是对的) 范例
2. Can you pass salt 或 the salt, please? ('the
salt' is correct) 范例
3. Apples 或 The apples are good for you.
4. Look at apples 或 the apples on that tree!
They're very big.
5. Women 或 The women live longer than
men/the men.
6. I don't drink tea 或 the tea. I don't like it.
7. We had a very nice meal. Vegetables 或 The vegetables were especially
8. Life 或 The life is strange
sometimes. Some very strange things happen.
9. Who are people 或 the people in this photograph?
The water in this city is polluted.
The air in this town is getting
worse and worse.
如果我们说的是指定的某教堂,某学校等,则在其前要加定冠词. 否则就不需要加定冠词.
I went to the church at the corner
of Park Street yesterday.
I did not go to the college which my
father went to.
语言如, English, Chinese 等,
一般都不要加定冠词, 但是,要注意语言若用另一种方
式来表示. 如下例就要加定冠词.
The English language is easy to
There are grammatical rules in the
Chinese language.
This is the time to cry.
Everyone can feel the joy of being
We just can not avoid the sadness of
losing some loved ones.
He does have the patience to listen
to long talks.
试用括号内的字(school, church, prison)填入句中, 若有加入定冠词 the 的必要时,
1. Every term parents are invited to the school to meet the
teacher. 范例
2. Why aren't your children in school today?
Are they ill? 范例
3. When he was younger, Steve hated ___.
4. What time does ___
start in the mornings in your country?
5. John himself doesn't go to ___.
6. John went to ___
to take some photographs of the building.
7. In many places people are in ___ because of their political opinions.
8. The other day the fire brigade were called
to ___ to put out a fire.
9. The judge decided to fine the man $500
instead of sending him to ___.
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