Saturday, May 31, 2014

78 有用和不用 “The” 的专有名词(proper nouns)


 78  有用和不用 “The” 专有名词(proper nouns)                                        5/31/2014

正确使用定冠词应该是学好英语语法的必经的途径根据编辑者多年的研习英语语法的经验, 认为必须全力以赴的去学习正确使用定冠词, 没有任何的捷径可寻若希望能随心所欲的撰写英语论文 , 就必须对它的一些习惯用法加以熟悉不可在英语研究有成的前辈们曾一再提出如何达到这目的方法 : 第一是”; 其次是投资购买一本较贵的英语辞典”. 于本讲中仅仅提出一些关于有用和不用 “The”的专有名词的例子, 供喜好学习英语语法的我国年轻的朋友们参考应用.

不常用 "The" 在一些人的名字前. 例如,  Ann; Ann Taylor 同样的在, 国家, , 海湾, 海峡, 大学, 都市, 及街道名字的前面也不常用它:

1.   , 海湾, 海峡 :
例如,    Lake Michigan;   Hudson Bay;    Baffin Bay;    Hudson Strait .
2.   山峰 :
例如,   Mount Carmel;                 Mount Everest.
3.      , 国家, 都市, 街道 :
         例如 : Europe;   Asia;   Africa;   North America.
                    国家 : China;   Russia;   England.
都市 : Shanghai;   Chicago;   London;   Taipei.
街道 : Geneva Main Street; Fifth Avenue; Central Park; Times Square.
4.   大学, 学院 :
例如,  Oxford University;                     Columbia University; 
           Yenching (燕京) University .
但是用 "The" 在下列的专有名字之前

1.      , 江河之名之前
       例如,    the Atlantic (Ocean);        the Pacific (Ocean)
                    the Yangtze;                      the river Jordan;
                    the Suez Canal .
2.      山脉群岛, 半岛的名字:
        例如,   the Malay Peninsula;        the Philippine Island.
                    the Rock Mountains;        the Alps  .
3.  附有介词短语的专有名词:
        例如,   the University of Chicago                the Republic of China
                    the Province of Shansi (陕西)         the District of Columbia
                    the Gulf of Mexico;                         the Gulf of California  .    

4.  名词前加形容单词(adjectival word) 而成的专有名词:
          例如,    the Ming Dynasty                                   the United States
                       the South Manchuria Railway                 the Imperial Theatre
                       the Peking Union Medical College          the Forbidden City  .

      若下列各句是正确的, 空着­___ 不填, 否则填入需要的定冠词:

  1. Who is ___ Doctor Johnson? (正确, 不要 the.)     范例
  2. I was ill, so I went to see ___ doctor.
  3. ___ President is the most powerful person in ___ United States.
  4. ___ President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.
  5. Do you know ___  Professor Brown's phone number?

     试改正下列各句中的错误(加入须要的定冠词).  若没有错误就注明 (正确).

  1. Everest was first climbed in 1953.    (正确)        范例
  2. Milan is in north of Italy.  (the north of Italy.)       范例
  3. Africa is much larger than Europe.
  4. Last year I visited Mexico and United States.
  5. South of England is warmer than north.
  6. Portugal is in western Europe.
  7. France and Britain are separated by Channel.
  8. Jim has traveled a lot in Middle East.
  9. Chicago is on Lake Michigan.
  10. Next year we are going skiing in Swiss Alps.
  11. United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
      试选择正确的形式, 用或不用 “the” :

  1. Have you ever been to British Museum/the British Museum. 
           (the ..是正确) 范例
  2. Hyde Park/The Hyde Park is a very large park in central London.
  3. Another park in central London is St James's Park/the St James's Park.
  4. Grand Hotel/The Grand Hotel is in Baker Street/the Baker Street.
  5. Stephen is a student at Liverpool University/the Liverpool University.
  6. If you're looking for a good hotel, I would recommend Ship Inn/the Ship Inn.
  7. Statue of Liberty/The Statue of Liberty is at the entrance to 
          New York harbor/the New York harbor.
  8. I'd like to go to China and see Great Wall/the Great Wall.


Sunday, May 18, 2014

77 “The” 与名词的可数与不可数的关系(三)


 77 “The” 名词的可数与不可数的关系()                                5/18/2014

编辑者多年学习英语对定冠词的使用仍有着困惑例如在我写文章时因担心出错,没有把握的在一个可数名词前加上定冠词“the”, 而当读者念到此处时就会去寻找限制这名词的一些其它词汇, 若是找不到, 必定使会使他误解经过自己多年的对定冠词使用的经验, 发现对它正确的使用实在很为难我国同学. 因为原因有二 : 其一是描述这定冠词使用的规则的书籍不多, 其次就是在中国文字中很少见到冠词这个语法名词, 更谈不上其应用了所以对我国青年使用定冠词的诀窍能背它们的应用规则最好, 要不然应有一本较适用的英语辞典在身旁.

当一个可数名词被两个形容词修饰时, 如该修饰语指两个或两种物, 则第二个修饰语之前须再加一个定冠词
The black and white dog is my dog                (这只黑白杂色的狗是我的)
There are the black and the white dogs.          (这里有黑色的和白色的两种狗)
[] :  前一句是指一只狗, 句子的动词是单数后一句是指两类狗, 其动词是复数.

可数名词前附有最高级(superlative degree) 修饰语, 在那修饰语之前必须加定冠, the brightest boy; the biggest mistake; the most interesting book.
     例如 :  
                We must learn the best way to do everything. 
                     (如写为 We must learn a best way to do everything.  )
                 He is the brightest boy in our class.  
         (如写为 He is a brightest boy in our class. 错误)
[] :  在修饰语为称呼主位 (nominative of address) 的最高级修饰语时, 其前不可
           用定冠词, ,  I heard, dearest cousin, that you were going away.

当可数复数名词其前有介词 “of ”的短语时, 必须在该名词前加定冠词, many of the books; few of the classes; ten of the answers .
        例如 :            
                   Few of the students like drill.   (如写为 Few of students like drill.  )
                   Many of' the graduates of universities have no work.
                      (如写作  Many of' graduates of universities have no work.  错误)

     试选择使用或不使用 the 来完成下列各句:

  1. I'm afraid of dogsthe dogs.        ( 'dogs' 是对的)            范例
  2. Can you pass salt the salt, please? ('the salt' is correct)  范例 
  3. Apples The apples are good for you.
  4. Look at apples the apples on that tree! They're very big.
  5. Women The women live longer than men/the men.
  6. I don't drink tea the tea. I don't like it.
  7. We had a very nice meal. Vegetables The vegetables were especially good.
  8. Life The life is strange sometimes. Some very strange things happen.
  9. Who are people the people  in this photograph?
    The water in this city is polluted.
    The air in this town is getting worse and worse.
    I went to the church at the corner of Park Street yesterday.
    I did not go to the college which my father went to.

语言如, English, Chinese , 一般都不要加定冠词但是,要注意语言若用另一种方
   The English language is easy to learn.
   There are grammatical rules in the Chinese language.

   This is the time to cry.
   Everyone can feel the joy of being loved.
   We just can not avoid the sadness of losing some loved ones.
   He does have the patience to listen to long talks.

    试用括号内的字(school, church, prison)填入句中, 若有加入定冠词 the 的必要时

 1. Every term parents are invited to the school to meet the teacher.   范例
  2. Why aren't your children in school today? Are they ill?                  范例
  3. When he was younger, Steve hated ___.
  4. What time does ___ start in the mornings in your country?
  5. John himself doesn't go to ___.
  6. John went to ___ to take some photographs of the building.
  7. In many places people are in ___ because of their political opinions.
  8. The other day the fire brigade were called to ___ to put out a fire.
  9. The judge decided to fine the man $500 instead of sending him to ___.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

76 “The” 与名词的可数与不可数的关系 (二)


76 “The” 名词的可数与不可数的关系 ()                                                5/13/2014

不定冠词 “ a  an”在前两讲中已经讨论过, 现在总结一下, 在可数的单数名词前一定都要加不定冠词 a an ”, 因为单数的可数名词不能没有不定冠词 a an ” 陪伴而单独使用在可数的复数名词前一定都不能加不定冠词 a an ”.  不可数名词前不能加不定冠词 a an ”, 因为它没有单数复数的分别所以, 使用不定冠词在写文章时比较上不大会; 而在文章中常见的写作错误多是在定冠词 “the” 的使用上面, 因为写作的人怕用错, 则往往会有过度使用的情形.

定冠词 “The” 在英语中可说是最常见使用的单词, 尤其对非以英语为母语的我国青年学习英语时比较易出错的地方在已往偏重于被动式的英语教学中它没有受到应得的重视,因为就词汇意义的了解而言, 定冠词在其中所扮演的角色并不十分重要所以从前出版的英语文法教科书中, 只是把定冠词的各种用法轻描淡写的与不定冠词一起讨论. 而对于定冠词的用法的来源与名词的可数与不可数的关系则提到的不多故此, 编辑者以切身学习英语语法的经验及加上恩师邓岳宗先生的耳提面命的教导, 不厌其烦的一再详细讲解务必使有心学习英语的朋友们能把握它被使用的诀窍免去在写文章时, 因疏忽而造成令读者有产生误会的机会.

定冠词的使用大致有两种特性 : 1. 有指定(definite) 的意念, 所以称为定冠词(definite article), 换句话说是认定说话者与听者有共同的认知.  2. 有包括全部(inclusive)的概念, 也就是说所指定的是全体对象分别的探讨可以四项来说明 : 1.) 名词为独一无二的; 2.)  名词指全体的; 3.) 名词为特定某物或为说话的人已经在前面提到过的; 4.)  定冠词后面允许接可数名词的单数或复数本讲章仅讨论可数名词.

定冠词用在可数名词的特定物或人的单数, 也就是在前面提到过的.
例如 :   A little boy met a dog. The boy called to the dog, and the dog responded
with a glad bark. 
[] : 句中 the dog 不但表示说者认为听话者知道他指的是那一只狗, 而且还表
          示只有一只.  The boy 表示说者与听话者都知道这小孩是他在前指所指的
        又如,   I had a banana for lunch.  The banana was delicious.
[] : 为什幺要在第二句中加定冠词 “The”  banana的前面因为是在前
面一句中提到过的. , 中饭吃过的那香蕉. (参考75 “The” 名词的可数
与不可数的关系 (), 5/8/2014帖出.)

例如 :   The boys are good children
[] :   主语 boys 是可数名词的复数不能用不定冠词但为什么在它之前要加上定冠词 “the”因为在述语中说明这些小孩都是好孩子, 是一群特殊的小孩后面的 “children” 为什么又没有冠词放在它前面虽然它是复数, 它只表明是一般的小孩子, 没有被限定.

习题五十一 :
     试将 a, an, the 填入下列各句 :

1.      This morning I bought  a  newspaper and  a  magazine.  The newspaper is in 
      my bag but I don't know where I put the  magazine.  范例
2.      I saw __  accident this morning __ car crashed into __ tree. __ driver of __ car 
      wasn't hurt but __car was badly damaged.
3.  There are two cars parked outside: __ blue one and __ gray one. __ blue one belongs to my neighbours; I don't know who __ owner of __ gray one is.
4.      My friends live in __ old house in __ small village. There is __ beautiful garden behind __ house. I would like to have __ garden like that.

当我们所说的是独特的某一件事, 要在该可数名词前加定冠词.
例如 :
              John sat down on the chair nearest the door. (约翰坐在一把靠门的椅子)
    Did Mary get the job she applied for?
            I cleaned the car yesterday. (我昨日洗我的车)

若很清楚的是有意要说的某一件事和某一类人, 且是在确定的地方, 便要用定冠词在
例如 :
 Can you turn off the light, please? (等于说在屋内的灯)
             I took a taxi to the station. (等于说在城里的车站)
             I'd like to speak to the manager, please. (等于说该店的经理.)
医生, 医院, 银行和邮局也是在同样的情况下, 要用定冠词.
    例如 :
                I must go to the bank to get some money and then I'm going to
                   the post office to get some stamps.  (等于说本城的邮局和银行.)
                Ruth  isn't very well. She's gone to the doctor. (等于说她常去的医生.)
                Stephen hates going to the dentist.  (等于说他常去的牙医.)

习题五十二 :
     试将定冠词 “the” 填入空格内; 若需要就留空白 :

  1. I haven't been to the theater for ages.    范例
  2. I lay down on ___ ground and looked up at ___ sky.
  3. Angela spends most of her free time watching ___ television.
  4. ___ television was on but nobody was watching it.
  5. Have you had ___ dinner yet?
  6. Sarah and I arrived at ___ same time.
  7. You'll find ___ information you need at ___ top of ___ page 25.