78 有用和不用 “The” 的专有名词(proper
正确使用定冠词应该是学好英语语法的必经的途径. 根据编辑者多年的研习英语语法的经验, 认为必须要全力以赴的去学习正确使用定冠词, 没有任何的捷径可寻. 若希望能随心所欲的撰写英语论文 , 就必须对它的一些习惯用法加以熟悉不可. 在英语研究有成的前辈们曾一再提出如何达到这目的方法 : 第一是“背”; 其次是投资购买一本较贵的“英语辞典”. 于本讲中仅仅提出一些关于有用和不用
“The”的专有名词的例子, 供喜好学习英语语法的我国年轻的朋友们参考应用.
"The" 在一些人的名字前. 例如, Ann; Ann Taylor 等. 同样的在洲, 国家,
湖, 海湾, 海峡, 大学, 都市, 及街道等名字的前面也不常用它:
1. 湖,
海湾, 和 海峡 :
例如, Lake Michigan; Hudson Bay; Baffin Bay; Hudson Strait 等.
2. 山峰
例如, Mount Carmel; Mount
洲, 国家, 都市, 和 街道 :
例如, 洲 : Europe; Asia;
Africa; North America等.
国家 : China;
Russia; England等.
都市 : Shanghai;
Chicago; London; Taipei等.
街道 : Geneva Main Street; Fifth Avenue; Central Park; Times Square等.
4. 大学,
和 学院 :
例如, Oxford
University; Columbia University;
Yenching (燕京) University 等.
但是用 "The" 在下列的专有名字之前:
洋, 和 江河之名之前
the Atlantic (Ocean); the Pacific
Yangtze; the river Jordan ;
the Suez Canal 等.
山脉, 群岛, 半岛的名字:
the Malay Peninsula; the
Philippine Island.
the Rock Mountains ; the Alps 等.
3. 附有介词短语的专有名词:
the University of Chicago the Republic of China
the Province of Shansi (陕西) the District of
the Gulf of
Mexico ; the Gulf of
California 等.
4. 名词前加形容单词(adjectival
word) 而成的专有名词:
the Ming Dynasty the United
the South
Manchuria Railway the Imperial Theatre
the Peking Union Medical College the Forbidden
City 等.
若下列各句是正确的, 空着___ 不填, 否则填入需要的定冠词:
1. Who is ___ Doctor Johnson? (正确, 不要 the.) 范例
2. I was ill, so I went to see ___ doctor.
3. ___ President is the most powerful person in ___ United States .
4. ___ President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.
Do you know ___ Professor Brown's phone number?
试改正下列各句中的错误(加入须要的定冠词). 若没有错误就注明 (正确).
1. Everest was first climbed in 1953. (正确)
2. Milan is in north of Italy . (the north of Italy .) 范例
3. Africa is much larger than Europe .
4. Last year I visited Mexico and United States .
5. South of England is warmer than north.
6. Portugal is in western Europe.
7. France and Britain are separated by Channel.
8. Jim has traveled a lot in Middle East .
9. Chicago is on Lake Michigan .
10. Next year we are
going skiing in Swiss Alps.
11. United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .
试选择正确的形式, 用或不用 “the” :
1. Have you ever been to British
Museum/the British Museum .
(the ..是正确) 范例
(the ..是正确) 范例
2. Hyde Park/The Hyde Park is a very large park in central London .
3. Another park in central London is St James's Park/the St James's Park.
4. Grand Hotel/The Grand Hotel is in Baker Street /the Baker Street .
5. Stephen is a student at Liverpool University/the Liverpool University .
6. If you're looking for a good hotel, I
would recommend Ship Inn/the Ship Inn.
7. Statue of Liberty /The Statue of Liberty is at the entrance to
New York harbor/the New York harbor.
8. I'd like to go to China and see Great Wall/the Great Wall.