Wednesday, April 2, 2014

70 “动词 + to……” 的用法(二)


70 “动词 + to……” 的用法 ()                                                                            4/2/2014

“infinitive” 在张沛霖先生所翻译的林语堂着开明英文法中的译名为无限式”, 他说,  无限式是动词的一种形式, 不受人称,  等等的限制.” (参考汉译开明英文法” 2.30 :  动词当名词第五行. 27) 所以我愿用这译名.  它的构成 = To + 本动词. 例如, to do, to eat, to fight 等等. 除了少数因只能使用动名词而受到约束, 几乎大多数动词都可用这种形式. 它有两种时制, 无限式简单现在时制和现在完了时制. 前者用得较为普通, 也容易使用, 所以本讲只讨论简单现在时制的应用.

编辑者在初中读英语时, 常常碰到想用两个有限动词(finite verbs)的意思放在一句英文句子, 这时很喜欢用无限式来解决违反英文文法的规则, 不能有两个有限动词在一句子里的困扰.   因为无限式不再是动词, 它只是动词的一种形式, 具有名词所有的功能, 并且还可以当形容词和副词用.

无限式作名词使用 :

1.  作主语和宾语用.

   例如,    To talk is easier than to act. 
                这两个to talkto act的形式, 都叫做动词的无限式”, 它们在这句中当主
     语和宾语用 (注意此处 “to” 不是介词, 是形成无限式的一个符号) .  无限式
      不加限制的意思,  因为它所被使用来表达的是句中一般的动作的意思(不是动词
      的功能 ‘functions’), 它不属于任何主语, 换句话说是不能行使句子述语中动词
      的动作功能.  无限式和那些被主语所限制的有限动词” (finite verbs) 是相对的. 
      例如: He goes,  A dog harks 中的goes, barks 都是有限动词.  ,  “to talk”   “to
      act” 是它们相对的, 这样就比较容易了解.

  有些动词后面不可跟随无限式, 这是英语语言的习惯用法.  但跟在下面所示的动
  词后是可以的 : offer, decide, hope, deserve, attempt, promise, agree, plan, aim, afford,
   manage, threaten, refuse, arrange, learn, forget, fail .  但必须在这些动词的后面
   to 这符号.
      例如,    It was late, so we decided to take a taxi home. (作宾语)
                   His business is to answer question. (作述语的主位)

      其否定只需在前面加 not, 形成 not to ….
2.      作形容词用

例如,   The ability to read well is an asset. 
                  (无限式 “to read 诵读是形容名词能力”.)
                  He has a desire to succeed (无限式 “to succeed  成功是形容名词愿望”.)

3. 作副词用 :

例如,  We are prepared to do it. (无限式 “to do” 是形容动词短语 “are prepared”.)
                 Is he strong enough to stand alone. (无限式 “to stand” 是修饰形容词
                 I open my book to read. (无限式 “to read” 是形容动词 “open”.)

一些特殊用法 :
      例如,   I expect to return tomorrow.
                  You ought to stay here till eight anyway.
                  They used to play together.
                  Don’t forget to write to me.
                  I want to ask you a question.

在这些动词 : ask, decide, know, remember, forget, explain, learn, understand
wonder 之后可用关系代名what, whether, how where + to ... 作疑问句.
    例如,  We asked how to get to the station.
               Have you decided where to go for your holidays?
               I don't know whether to apply for the job or not.
               Do you understand what to do?

习题四十一 :
    试利用下列给予动词, 并且与 what, how, whether 完成下列各句:
                   do,  go,  ride,  say,  use,  get

1. Do you know how to get Tom's house?       范例
2. Can you show me ___ this computer ?
3. Would you know ___  if there was a fire in the building?
4. You'll never forget ___  a bicycle once you have learned.
5. I was really astonished. I didn't know ___ .
6. I've been invited to the party but I don't know ___  or not.

习题四十二 :
      试用括号内的动词的正确形式 to ...   ~ing. 填入 , 完成下列各句 :

1. When I'm tired, I enjoy watching television. It's relaxing. (watch)  范例
2. It was a nice day, so we decided ___ for a walk. (go)
3. It's a nice day. Does anyone fancy ___ for a walk? (go)
4. I'm not in a hurry. I don't mind ___ . (wait)
5. They don't have much money. They can't afford ___ out very often. (go)
6. Our neighbor threatened ___ the police if we didn't stop the noise. (call)
7. We were hungry, so I suggested ___ dinner early. (have)
8. Hurry up! I don't want to risk ___ the train. (miss)
9. I'm still looking for a job but I hope ___ something soon. (find)





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