1. 在动词之前.
2. 在 ‘be’ 动词, 助动词之后.
3. 有多个助动词时, 副词一般放在第一个助动词后.
1. 在动词之前.
2. 在 ‘be’ 动词, 助动词之后.
3. 有多个助动词时, 副词一般放在第一个助动词后.
1. 大多数情状副词位于句尾, 但宾语过长, 副词可以提前, 以使句子平衡.
1. 大多数情状副词位于句尾, 但宾语过长, 副词可以提前, 以使句子平衡.
例如, We could see very clearly a strange light ahead of us.
2. 情状副词well, badly, hard等只放在句尾.
2. 情状副词well, badly, hard等只放在句尾.
例如, He speaks English well. (他英语说得好.)
1. 时间, 地点副词, 短时间, 小场所的在前, 长时间, 大地方在后。
2. 情状副词,少字母的在前, 多字母的在后, 并用and或but等连词接合.
例如, Please write slowly and carefully.
3. 多个不同副词排列:程度+地点+情状+时间副词.
3. 多个不同副词排列:程度+地点+情状+时间副词.
例如, I don't know him well enough. (我不太熟悉他.)
兼有两种形式的副词, 应用时要特别注意它们的意义:
1. close与closely
close意思是 ‘近’; closely 意思是 ‘仔细地’.
close意思是 ‘近’; closely 意思是 ‘仔细地’.
例如, He is sitting close to me. (他坐在我的近旁.)
Watch him closely. (仔细地盯着他.)
Watch him closely. (仔细地盯着他.)
2. late 与lately
late意思是 ‘晚’; lately 意思是 ‘最近’.
late意思是 ‘晚’; lately 意思是 ‘最近’.
例如, You have come too late. (你来得太晚了.)
What have you been doing lately? (你近来忙些什么?)
What have you been doing lately? (你近来忙些什么?)
3. deep与deeply
deep意思是 ‘深’, 表示空间深度; deeply时常表示感情上的深
度, ‘深深地’.
例如, He pushed the stick deep into the mud.
Even father was deeply moved by the film.
Even father was deeply moved by the film.
4. high与highly
high表示 ‘空间高度’; highly表示 ‘如何的程度’.
high表示 ‘空间高度’; highly表示 ‘如何的程度’.
例如, The plane was flying high. (这架飞机飞得很高.)
I think highly of your opinion. (你的看法很有道理.)
5. wide与widely
wide表示 ‘空间宽度’; widely意思是 ‘广泛地’, ‘在许多地方’.
例如, He opened the door wide. (他把门开得大大的.)
English is widely used in the world.
English is widely used in the world.
6. free与freely
free的意思是 ‘免费’; freely 的意思是 ‘无限制地’.
例如, You can eat free in my restaurant whenever you like.
(无论什么时候,我这饭铺对你都是免费的开放. )
You may speak freely; say what you like.
You may speak freely; say what you like.
(你可以畅所欲言,想说什么就说什么. )
good, well; bad, badly
修饰语中包含形容词与副词, 以上的四个单词是我国学生学习英常常容易混淆的.
特别提出说明, She is a good soccer player. (她是一个好的足球球员. 形容词)
She plays soccer well. (足球她踢得很好. 副词)
She looks good today. (今天她看起来很好. 形容词)
She is playing well today. (今天她足球踢得很好. 副词)
He is a bad soccer player. (他是一个不好的足球球员. 形容词)
He plays soccer badly. (足球他踢得不好. 副词
He feels bad about it. (他看起来很懊恼. 形容词)
He is playing badly today. (今天他足球踢得不好. 副词)
提示: Well也可用作形容词, 但是意义不同, 它说明有关健康的事.
例如, George is not feeling well now. (乔治现在感到不舒服.)
He seemed quite well earlier. (他早些时候看起来还很好.)
试检验下列各句是否正确. 若不对, 请改正.
1. She feels badly about it.
2. He looks good in a tie.
3. I don't feel good today.
4. The soup tastes very well.
下列各句若是有错误, 请更正:
1. His hair looks well that way.
2. I don't feel good now.
3. We all felt badly for him.
4. I played rather badly today.
5. Do the beans taste good?
6. The coat looks well on her.
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