Sunday, May 12, 2019

212 英语基本动词应用(六) Irregular Verb 不規則動詞

212  英语基本动词应用()     Irregular Verb      不規則動詞                       5/12/2019

親愛的主耶穌, 求加添孩子的信心, 我很軟弱, 常常被魔鬼引誘, 墮落到眼目的情慾及今生的驕傲的罪中, 求祢使孩子能靠祢復活的大能勝過. 奉主耶穌的聖名禱告.  阿門.

前講提到 Present tenses, past tenses, future tenses.  為的是要說明動詞時制的變化不要過於思想得太複雜. 實際常常使用的只有三種形式.  至於為什麼有多至十二種多的變化, 是加上了時態(aspect)的考慮的原故.

時態的考慮曾在博客209210討論過, 就是正在時態(progressive aspect)及完了時態(perfect aspect). 前者是與 ‘verb to be’ 連繫動詞與本動詞的現在分詞(present participle  ‘verb + ing’)所組成.  , I am going to school now.  What am I going to do ? 極為有用的英語口語.

 完了時態也是英語口語中常常使用的.  它必須是 ‘verb to have’ 助動詞與本動詞的的過去分詞(past participle)組成.  I have done my homework.  過去分詞是組成完了時態的因素之一. 過去分詞的形成有兩種. 動詞規則變化及不規則變化.  動詞不規則變化形成過去時制和過去分詞的字尾不是在本動詞尾部加 ‘+ed’ , 其變化多端(Remember that an irregular verb is a verb that does not end with ed to show the past and the past participle).  如下面所示: 

present                        past                     past participle                     
is, are, am                was  were                      been                                    
has, have                     had                              had                                     
does, do                       did                               done                                    

編輯者建議學習不規則動詞的方法是不要死背, 因為太多, 選常常使用的動詞先記, , eat, speak, do, have, play, write, sing, shine, show swim 等等. 其中若發現是規則變化的不記.  , play.  這樣慢慢學下來, 也就够當時你的英文程度使用.  知道嗎?  編輯者常常犯貪多的毛病, 浪費時間, 使學習緩慢.  還有常常用熟悉的不規則動詞作練習, 不但學會造句, 也把這些不規則動詞記起來了.  它太重要, 記不牢不規則動詞, 註定學不好英文的命運.  就如我們學英語不留意單詞的縮寫(abbreviation)的發音,  ,  isn’t, aren’t, it’s, I’m(I am) 等等.  那就註定了你聽不懂英語, 和你說的英語別人聽不懂的情況(是編輯者悟出的道理, 對嗎?).  最後要提醒訪友們, 每本英漢字典的後面都附有不規則動詞變化表, 很好用.  編輯者在此附上極為常用的一此動詞, 請查字典把它們的過去時制和過去分詞填滿.

Present(現在時制)                 Past(過去時制)                       Past Participle(過去分詞)
is, are, am                                           
has, have
. hike
. try
. show
. talk
. bring
. ring
. create
. fly
. drink
. witness
. wear
. catch
. grow
. begin
. go
. sit
. think
. see
. teach
. understand
. forget
. splash
. eat
. watch
. arrive
完了時態有現在完了時態(has done), 過去完了時態(had done), 和未來完了時態(will have done). 
                   Stephen has written a letter. (present perfect)
       Stephen had written a letter yesterday. (past perfect)
       Stephen will have written a letter tomorrow. (future perfect)

練習一 :  試在下列各句中把現在完了時態, 過去完了時態, 和未來完了時態用底線註明.
Underline the verb in each sentence and label it present perfect, past perfect, or future perfect.

1. We have started a reading club.                                                     範例
2. I will have finished the book before the next meeting.                 範例
3. By next year, we will have traveled to Taiwan.
4. The school newspaper has written about our group.
5. Ruth often had suggested the book Little Women to the club members last year.
6. The reporter had interviewed us last year.
7. I have always enjoyed books by Lin,  Yu – Yang(林語堂).
8. We have chosen the book The New Testament as our next selection.

練習二 :  試用正確的完了時態, 完成下列各句 (動詞在括弧內).
Complete each sentence, using the correct perfect aspect of each verb in parentheses.
1. Paul _____ sitting next to John this year. (enjoy)
2. He ___not_____ her before September. (meet)
3. Next week they ______ each other for six months. (know)
4. They ______ often _______ their favorite books this year. (share)
5. Paul read a novel because John _______ it. (recommend)

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