Thursday, January 3, 2013

53 英文文法应用八: 短文欣赏二(English reading)

53 英文文法应用八:  短文欣赏二(English reading)                                                       1/03/2014

英文文法的应用对不是以英文为母语的学子来讲, 只在阅读和写作方面很有帮助, 非先学不可.  关于听和说这两方面帮助不大, 有时反而有阻碍, 例如语言大师魏华夏先生认为, “我赞成学英文先不要学文法.  知道词类……” (张建国编: ‘我如何学英语由书林出版公司出版), 他是从三十岁开始学英文, 深感英文文法在讲和听这两方面的功效不大.  编辑者有同感.   但它在阅读方面却有奇效. 它帮助你了解文句中的意念、记单词,掌握单词用法; 并且还能增进英文阅读能力.  例如下面这篇文章,读后不仅可以达到上述的好处,还可学得做人的道理. 

学习英语不能一蹴而成的. 因为语言是经千百年的人类经验的累积, 必须有耐心的, 慢慢的去领悟及寻觅其究竟.  今以Ann Landers女士的短文Maturity” (成熟)加以文法分析, 共同欣赏该文简洁有力, 激励人如何修身养性与别人和平相处. (该文摘自The Herald Journal Logan, Utah, Friday January 4, 1991.  Ann Landers女士的专栏) 

   Maturity is the ability to control anger and settle differences without violence or destruction.

           简单主句                           简单句
        Maturity is patience.  It is the willingness to pass-up immediate pleasure in favor of long-term gain.
        Maturity is perseverance, the ability to sweat out a project or a situation in spite of heavy opposition and discouraging setbacks.

        Maturity is the capacity to face unpleasantness and frustration, discomfort complaint or collapse.

                简单主句                               复句
        Maturity is humility. It is being big enough to say, "I was wrong.”
And, when right, the mature person need not experience the satisfaction of
saying, "I told you so.”
       Maturity is the ability to make a decision and follow through.
The immature spend their lives exploring endless possibilities and then do nothing.

       Maturity means dependability, keeping one's word and coming through in
                                简单句                                                简单句
a crisis. The immature are masters of the alibi. They are conflicted and
disorganized. Their lives are a maze of broken promises, former friends, unfinished business and good intentions that never materialize. 

        Maturity is the art of living in peace with what we cannot change, the courage to change what we know should be changed, and the wisdom to know the difference.


利用已学过的简单句的句型知识, 来分析上面文章的简单句属于那一型.

今列出简单句的可能的基本型式, 以供做练习参考. 

1. 一个独立句子, 其主语只有一个名词或代名词. 其宾语也只有一个动词.
          句型: 主词(subject) + 宾词(predicate)
          例如:It snows. (下雪了.) 

2. 一个独立句子, 其主语只有一个名词或代名词. 其宾语有一个动词及补足语, 以补其意义之不足.
           句型: 主词(subject) + 宾语 (动词 + 补足语)
           例如:John is busy. (约翰很忙.)

3. 一个独立句子, 其主语只有一个名词或代名词. 其宾语有一个动词及直接宾词.
           句型: 主词(subject) + 宾语 (动词 + 直接宾词)
           例如:John studies English. (约翰学习英文.) 

4. 一个独立句子, 其主语只有一个名词或代名词. 其宾语有一个动词, 直接宾词, 及补足语以修饰动词.
           句型: 主词(subject) + 宾语 (动词 + 直接宾词 + 补语)
           例如:John studies English diligently. (约翰勤于学习英文.) 

5. 一个独立句子, 其主语只有一个名词或代名词. 其宾语有一个动词, 直接宾词, 及间接宾词.
           句型: 主词(subject) +宾语 (动词 + 间接宾词 +直接宾词)
           例如:John gives me a new dress. (约翰给我一件新衣裳.)

6.  简单句可有复合的主语 (compound subject).
        句型: 主语(两个主语and) + 宾语(predicate)
        例如 : My friend and his brother come to see me

7.   简单句可有合的宾语(compound predicate).
        句型: 主词(subject) + 宾语(两个宾词)
        例如: My friend came to see me and stayed with me three days
                   (我的朋友来看我, 并和我住了三天).

:  上次及本次的短文欣赏的中文翻译以后发布, 为了使你们多查字典, 可促使你们能专心的欣赏其句子的简洁有力.

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