241. 英語單字的記憶探討(三) New Year Resolution (二). 新年決志(二) 1/6/2021
我们在天上的主耶穌基督,求祢饒恕。孩子在今年再次決心悔改,求祢讓我重新做人,得稱為祢順命喜愛的孩子。求祢賜下恩典及智慧,使孩子能向世人作見證, 祢是上帝的兒子,為我們贖罪祢死在十字架上; 為我們得以釋放和自由祢從死裡復活。孩子誓死要跟隨祢。奉主耶稣基督的名祈祷。 阿们。
10. Cannon Men
pulled the cannon into position.
He sins against the canons
of taste.
11. Canvas The canvas was stiff
with mud.
Please canvass the block tor donations.
12. Capital He raised capital to the work.
Many sightseers go to
the state capitol.
13. Censer There is a lovely ornamented censer in the temple.
Censor I don't wish you to sensor my mail.
14. Cent It's not
worth a cent.
Scent The scent of the skunk was powerful.
15. Choose I do not choose to go today.
Chose(Choose 的過去式) I chose not to go yesterday.
16. Cite Please cite your authority.
Sight The valley was
a beautiful sight.
Site This is a good site for
our camp.
17. Climactic This was the climactic
scene in the drama.
Climatic He likes the climatic conditions in Utah.
18. Decease He was buried two days after his decease.
Disease This disease must run its course.
19. Decent Please
wear a decent hat.
Descent The
from the mountain top was slow.
Dissent I dissent from your opinion.
20. ‘Desert
The desert is two hundred mi1es
De'sert Don't desert your friends.
Dessert Ice cream is my favorite dessert.
40. weight wieght
41. weird wierd
42. loneliness lonliness
43. neice niece
44. ninth ninth
45. noticeable noticable
46. occurence occurrene
47. optomistic optimistic
48. pamphlet pamplct
49. permissable permisiblc
50. picl1ickin picnicing
51. practidy practically
52. preperation preparation
53. pronunciation pronounciation
54, puntuation punctuation
55. recommend reccotnmend
56. restaurant restarant
57. scarsity scarcity
58. seize sieze
59. siege seige
60. supperstition superstition