Friday, May 26, 2017

182 英文造句中翻英(十五)

182英文造句中翻英(十五)  Lord, have a mercy on me.  主耶稣, 求怜悯我    5/26/2017

爱我的主耶稣,   求怜悯我让我住在祢里面, 有安息求祢开我的心眼, 使我真正认识祢, 祢是大有信实, 公义, 及怜悯的上帝我宁愿有祢作我一生路上的明灯求祢让我活出祢的样式, 能荣耀祢奉主耶稣的名祈祷阿门.

编辑者活到不惑之年, 深深体会到人生有吃有住, 且能保暖措施就当知足圣经告诉我们说, “一生的年日是七十岁,若是强壮可到八十岁;但其中所矜夸的不过是劳苦愁烦,转眼成空,我们便如飞而去.”(诗篇90: 10) 不管在世上我们有多少荣华富贵, 死后都不能带走我国俗语说 : “天有不测风云, 人有旦夕祸福.”  我们很难预测明天将会发生什幺事情.  亲爱的访友, 请让我诚恳的奉劝各位, 应当认真冷静衡量自己生命的价值, 思索人生的终局只有在主耶稣基督里, 我们心中才有真正的安息.
In my life time, I understood that a man should be satisfied and contented with what he has ── sufficient food and clothing and shelter.  The Bible tells us that,
As for the days of our life, they contain seventy years, 
 Or if due to strength, eighty years, 
             Yet their pride but labor and sorrow;  
             For soon it is gone and we fly away.” ( Psalm 90: 10)
Whatever one would have the wealth and fame in the world, he cannot be brought with him into the next life as he dies.  There is a Chinese saying "Heaven may produce unexpected wind and cloud, men may have sudden happiness or calamity."  We cannot tell what will happen tomorrow. My dear visitors, I sincerely urge you to quietly sit down and objectively think about the value of life and our final destiny.  Only abiding with Jesus Christ, we can have true and real peace in our heart.

我一生最喜爱唱的圣诗歌──我宁愿有耶稣(I would rather have Jesus. ).          

这首诗词是蜜勒夫人(Mrs. Rhea Miller) 作于1922. George Beverly Shea (谢伯伟)约在1927年配曲每当看葛理翰布道影片时总有他用感人的, 那特有的低沉磁性的声音唱这首我宁愿有耶稣”,  吸引成千上万的人归向主耶稣基督.

作曲者有美国人深爱的福音歌唱家的美誉.  21岁的时侯一个星期天, 他坐在母亲的风琴前, 预备当天崇拜中的乐曲, 他看到母亲放在琴上的一首圣诗, 他念着诗词,觉得句句都是针对他人生的目的及野心写的. 他就轻轻易易, 自自然然地谱出一个恰的曲调.

当母亲从厨房里出来, 他就把这首诗歌弹唱给她听. 母亲一面听,一面用双臂拥抱着他, 感动地将泪湿的面颊触着他的脸. 那天早上在教会的崇拜中, Beverly第一次公开演唱这首我宁愿有耶稣” .  后来这首诗成了他在葛理翰(Billy Graham)的布道会中常常唱它, 用来表达他个人一生的决定.

再谈一些在英文中"it "的使用它对我国爱好学习英语的青年, 时常发生困难, 因为这补足语, 或称虚主语很少出现在中文里这是中英文互译时最大不同之处英文句子的重点多在句尾, 所以常常要注意把它们放在句尾然而, 在中文句子的次序就不同, 为了顾全主语常常放在第一个位置(这不是说它重要), 我们就用"it "来填补及解决这问题请牢记并常常练习在中文句子就没有这顾虑.

It is difficult for me to think in English.
(不能写成, ‘I am difficult to think in English.'  因不合英美人士的习惯.) 

   It is easy for Paul to understand French.
    (Paul has no difficulty in understanding French. 其意义有些出入.)

      Are we possible to arrive there tonight?  (错的)
(像中式英语, 应该如此写 “Is it possible for us to arrive there tonight?”

     I wonder if I am possible to learn it. (错的)
               ( 要如此写才合乎英美人士习惯用法. “I wonder if it is possible for me to
learn it.”  若译成, “I wonder if I can learn it.” 比较简洁.)

We are uneasy to take examinations. (错的)
( 正确的译法. “ It is not easy for us to take examinations.”)

Are you convenient?  (错的)
  (正确的译文是:  Is it convenient for you?)

When shall you be convenient for me to call?  (错的)
   (正确的译法是:  When will it be convenient for me to call on you?)

Saturday, May 13, 2017

181 英文造句 (十四)

181 英文造句 (十四)    Common mistakes in making English sentences    5/13/2017

我们在天上的父, 求怜悯我, 叫我在生活上不要受情欲和傲慢的恶性所挟持. 求祢叫
我不要因自满及自以为是而受欺骗, 更不要忘了祢的恩典因我的生命是祢所赐予,

英文造句对不是以英语为母语的人在学习上是比较困难. 原因在你所写的句子要他们能读懂. 换句话说, 句子要简单, 准确. 千万不要简单地把中文句子按字面意思翻成英文句子. 写长句很不容易把握, 常常会出错例如, 相信我, 你一定可以成功! Trust me. You can make it! 是多幺强而有力的意念. 先从写简洁的短句开始, 慢慢的, 您们一定可以写出令人看懂的简单, 明了, 准确的较长的英文句子.

国内年青学生在学习英文造句上, 容易常犯的错误如下 :

1.      间断句 (Run-on Sentences)
   在英文造句中, 两个完整的句子如果要放在一句中, 绝不能用逗号来表示分
   . 这样会造成间断句.
        Tainan is a beautiful city, I like to live there. (要用句点 “ . ” 或支逗
           “ ; ”来表示是两句)
        He is a boy I am a girl. (这例包括两个完整句子, 中间没有用标点符号来
           切割. 应用句点 “ . ” 或支逗点 “ ; ” 显示. )

2.      不完整句 (Fragments Sentences )
句子构成的基本要素是: 主语+宾语. 不完整句是所写的句子中缺少任何一
        They speaking anything.(缺动词造成不完整句)
          改正:  They didn’t speak anything yesterday.  
        Because his proposal is declined. (没有主语)
          改正:  He is angry, because his proposal is declined.

3.      不平行的句子 (Faulty Parallelism)
英语长句子中, 若有两个或两个以上的独立子句组成, 用对等连词接连起来
, 前后两子句應該一致平行.
         Mary is pretty, smart and has a lot of books.
             改正: Mary is pretty, smart and good girl.
         There is a difference between dining out and to have a pizza at home.
                         (动名词短语dining out和无限式短语to have a pizza不一致.)
             改正:  There is a difference between dining out and having a pizza at
    4.  悬空修饰(Dangling Modifier)
          在英文造句中, 一个完整的句子前面, 有修饰短语是常见的, 但它一定
      要与该短语后自己的主语紧接. 否则便成了悬空修饰, 换句话说, 在句子中修饰悬
      , 其所修饰的目标不清楚, 显得模糊.
              After reading the original study, the article remains unconvincing.
                 (After reading the original study修饰短语是动作, 应修饰人, 而不是 
                   “article” , 应改为 “ I ” ).
                 改正:  After reading the original study,  I find the article unconvincing.
              Relieved of your responsibilities at your job, your home should be a place
              to relax. (修饰短语是修饰人, 不是“your home” , 应改为 “ you ” ).
                 改正: Relieved of your responsibilities at your job, you should be able to
                           relax at home.
              The experiment was a failure, not having studied the lab manual carefully.
                (修饰短语放置句尾, 其所修饰的是人, 不是The experiment” ,
                 应改为 “ They ” ).
                  改正: They failed the experiment, not having studied the lab manual

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

180 英文造句中翻英(十三)

180 英文造句中翻英(十三)    圣经是上帝的话    Bible is the Word of God    5/2/2017

我们慈爱的主耶稣, 求怜悯我, 这一生若没有祢的同行和祝福, 就要生活在情慾和傲
慢的罪中. 求祢不叫我因清晨所感觉的新鲜活力, 或身体上的健康, 而受欺骗, 却去依
赖自己不可靠的力量, 忘了祢的恩典求祢使我知道这一切恩惠都是祢所赐予, 我只
大有怜悯的天父求祢使我今日的言语, 意念, 及作为, 都依照圣经的启示---祢的话使用我这样软弱无能的工具, 可以成全祢爱的管道, 叫我的生命, 今日成为一条通路, 誏祢的神圣的慈爱和怜悯, 得以达到一切与我接近之人的生命中去愿一切荣耀赞美归于祢奉主耶稣宝贵的名祈祷阿们.

Our merciful Lord Jesus Christ, have a mercy on me.  I will fall into the lust and  pride sinful life except You do accompany my entire life with Your blessing.  Let not the vigor and freshness of the morning, or the glow of good health, deceive me into a false reliance upon my undependable strength to forget Your grace.  All these good gifts have come to me only from You, let my work with other  men only according to Your will.
      Our heavenly merciful Father, speak You in my words today, think in my thoughts, and work in all my deeds according to Your Word --- Bible.  All seeing that it is Your gracious will to make use even of such weak human instruments in the fulfillment of Your mighty purpose for the world, let my life today be the channel through which some little portion of Your divine love and pity may reach the lives that are nearest to my own.  Your name be all the glory and the praise, even unto the end.  Pray in Your precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.

法版--是上帝的工作字是上帝写的刻在法版上. ( 32:16)
基督信仰是真崇拜和真事奉真正的上帝, 祂是人类的创造主和救赎主, 是根据圣经启示的真理换句话说如果上帝不先将祂自已启示出来, 没有人会知道有关于上帝的真理, 或能够和上帝发生个人的关系.   但是上帝已将祂自己启示了出来圣经共有六十六卷书, 其中三十九卷写在基督降生之前, 称为旧约”,  二十七卷写在主耶稣降生之后, 称为新约”,   整本圣经合起来是上帝自我的揭示的记录, 铨释, 表达和彰显上帝, 以及人对上帝的敬虔, 就是圣经一以贯之的主题.
REVELATION SCRIPTURE IS THE WORD OF GOD.  The tablets were the work of God; the writing was the writing of God, engraved on the tablets. EXODUS 32:16
Christianity is the true worship and service of the true God, humankind’s Creator and Redeemer. It is a religion that rests on revelation: nobody would know the truth about God, or be able to relate to him in a personal way, had not God first acted to make Himself  known. But God has so acted, and the sixty-six books of the Bible, thirty-nine written before Christ came---Old Testament and twenty-seven after---New Testament,  are together the record, interpretation, expression, and embodiment of His self-disclosure. God and godliness are the Bible’s uniting themes

圣经(Scriptures 著作” ),  它一方面是启示对上帝敬虔的人向他们所爱慕和所奉献的上帝的忠心见证;  從另一方面来看圣经是上帝自己的见证, 虽然是以 的方式在教导, 但在其整个组成中却有上帝独特的支配和运作教会称这些著作为上帝的话因为们的作者和内容都是神圣的.
From one standpoint, the Scriptures (Scriptures means “writings”) are the faithful testimony of the godly to the God whom they loved and served; from another standpoint, through a unique exercise of divine overruling in their composition, they are God’s own testimony and teaching in human form. The church calls these writings the Word of God because their authorship and contents are both divine.

耶稣基督和奉祂的名从事教导的使徒们一再向我们保证, 圣经是出于上帝并且是由祂的智能和真理所组成耶稣, 这位道成肉身的上帝, 视圣经(指 旧约圣经')为祂的天父所指引, 祂本身也要服膺, 不亚于人祂也是为成全旧约圣经而来到人间.   保罗描述旧约圣经全然是上帝所默示的”,  也就是说, 它和宇宙一样, 都是上帝的灵(‘默示为同一个字所成的产物,(诗336;  12----且是用来为教导基督信仰而写的(提后315-17;  154;   林前10:11彼得在其著作中肯定圣经教导的起源来自上帝(彼后1 : 21; 彼前110-12),  而希伯来书的作者也借着引用旧约圣经写作的方式来肯定它的源头.
Decisive assurance that Scripture is from God and consists entirely of His wisdom and truth comes from Jesus Christ and His apostles, who taught in His name. Jesus, God incarnate, viewed His Bible (our Old Testament) as His heavenly Father’s written instruction, which He no less than others must obey.  Paul described the Old Testament as entirely “God-breathed”—that is, a product of God’s Spirit just as the cosmos is (Ps. 33:6; Gen. 1:2)—and written to teach Christianity (2 Tim. 3:15-17; Rom. 15:4; 1 Cor. 10:11). Peter affirms the divine origin of biblical teaching in (2 Peter 1:21; 1 Peter 1:10-12),  and so also by his manner of quoting does the writer to the Hebrews.

由于使徒们所论有关基督的教导, 其本身就是用上帝教导的话语所启示的真理(林前212-13, 所以教会认定, 加入真正由使徒写成的著作, 全本圣经方告是完成.   彼得已指称保罗的书信为经书(彼后315-16而保罗在提摩太前书五章18节引用路加福音十章7节的话, 都明显的认定路加福音书为圣经的一部分.
Since the apostles’ teaching about Christ is itself revealed truth in God-taught words (1 Cor. 2:12-13), the church rightly regards authentic apostolic writings as completing the Scriptures. Already Peter refers to Paul’s letters as Scripture (2 Pet. 3:15-16), and Paul is apparently calling Luke’s gospel Scripture in 1 Timothy 5:18, where he quotes the words of Luke 10:7.

用上帝自己所写的指引作为敬虔生活的基础的这种想法要追溯到上帝当初的一些作为 --- 祂曾在法版上刻写十诫, 然后激励摩西写下祂的律法和他如何带领他的百姓的整个历史对以色列的领袖和百姓两者而言, 融会贯通这些材料, 并靠它而活, 永远是真崇拜的中心.   我们必须用圣经 ---- 亦即将旧约和新约合起来使用 ---- 作为管治原则, 这也同样是基督信仰的基本道理
The idea of written directives from God himself as a basis for godly living goes back to God’s act of inscribing the Decalogue on stone tablets and then prompting Moses to write His laws and the history of his dealings with His people.  Digesting and living by this material was always central to true devotion in Israel for both leaders and ordinary people. The principle that all must be governed by the Scriptures, that is, by the Old and New Testaments taken together, is equally basic to Christianity.

圣经所说的, 就是上帝所说的它几乎可与道成肉身这奥秘的道理相较, 圣经既有完全神性, 也有完全的人性.   因此, 圣经多方面的内容 ---- 包括历史, 预言, 诗歌, 歌曲, 智能著作, 讲章, 统计数字, 书信和任何其它的著作 ----- 我们都应该视为是从上帝而来的来接受, 并且所有圣经作者的教导, 也都得敬如上帝权威的指教.   基督信仰者应该感谢上帝赐下这套写成了的话语并应认真地将他们的信仰和生活, 全然惟独的建基其上.   否则, 我们不能按照上帝所呼召我们的心意去尊崇祂或讨祂喜悦.
What Scripture says, God says; for, in a manner comparable only to the deeper mystery of the Incarnation, the Bible is both fully human and fully divine. So all its manifold contents—histories, prophecies, poems, songs, wisdom writings, sermons, statistics, letters, and whatever else—should be received as from God, and all that Bible writers teach should be revered as God’s authoritative instruction. Christians should be grateful to God for the gift of his written Word, and conscientious in basing their faith and life entirely and exclusively upon it. Otherwise, we cannot ever honor or please him as he calls us to do.
   []:  1. ( J. I. Parker 巴刻着 “Concise Theology : Section One : God revealed as Creator, 1.Revelation ”; 译文摘自 张麟至牧师译述简明神学 : 1 ‘圣经  的启示3.”)
              2. 編輯者1945(約七十年前)也讀生物, 但課本上沒有 人是猴子演化的”  
                  假設那時我當小空軍預備與殘暴小日本拼死活, 也沒有聖經可讀可是
                  我經歷上帝的存在但至今我仍未發現有猴子變人的中間生物. 人老了
                  仔細讀聖經, 再參讀 簡明神學”,  更深深悟到上帝的存在. 不是演化論
                                    欺騙人說上帝是人造的, 是他離棄上帝, 自己仗著支離破碎的一些化石
                   及發現的骨頭, 就不要上帝; 但在殘不人道的事情發生時, 又大呼, “上帝
                   在那裡?”  這証明是人不要上帝這也是我這八十七歲老人親自用倉頡中

英语语法中最扰入的应该是adverb, 不但没有适当的中文相对名词翻译而且其用法也无一定的规范可寻主要是用来形容动词, 其次可用来形容副词及形容词若把形容词和副词归纳入修饰词比较容易说明.

            You return late from school.
             ( 若翻译为  ‘You return lately from school.’  是不对, 因为late 本身就是副词,

We hardly ever hear from her.
 (hard  同时可作副词或形容词用, 作副词用時有兩種形式hard, hardly, 此处用
   作副词形容 hear 动词形容用時只有一種形式hard, 不可译成 ‘She
    must work hardly in school.’   可译成 ‘She must work hard in school. 形容
    She代名词.   )

因副词所在的位置, 其代表的意义迥然不同.

          Only our teacher criticized my composition.
          Our teacher only criticized my composition.
          Our teacher criticized only my composition.
          Our teacher criticized my composition only.
          We only just catch the train.  (only just 是习惯用语.)       

副词very可以修饰副词, 形容词, 但请留意不能用来修饰动词.
             I liked him very much.
               (不可写  “I very liked him.”)

              He very much resembles my father.
    (写成  “He very resembles my father. 是不可以.)

   Thanks very much.
      (Very thanks.  不对.)