179 英文造句中翻英(十二) BORN AGAIN 重生 4/25/2017
Our heavenly Father , let my first thought this morning be
of You, let my first impulse be to
worship You, let my first speech be Your name, let my first action be to kneel before You in prayer. For Your grace to grant me regeneration to be
perfect wisdom and perfect goodness like You.
我們在天上的父親,求祢使我今晨的第一个念頭就是思想祢;最先的第一個願望就是崇拜祢;開口的第一句話就是稱頌祢的名;然後就是跪在祢面前祈禱. 為的是感謝祢的大恩, 賜給我新生命---有祢一樣完全的智慧和完全的良善的屬性.
Yet let me not, when this morning prayer is said, think my
worship ended and spend the day in forgetfulness of You.
Rather from these moments of quietness let light go forth, and joy, and power, that will remain with me through all the
hours of the day.
然而不要使我在早禱以後, 却以為这一天的敬拜已經完畢,
就忘記了祢; 倒要懇求祢从这靜默晨更的片刻發出祢的光明, 喜樂, 與能力, 終日與我相伴.
Keeping me chaste in thought; temperate and truthful in speech; humble in my estimation of myself; honorable and generous in my dealings with others; and mindful of my eternal destiny as a child of You.
主啊, 求保守我, 在思想上清潔; 在言語上信實有節制; 在自省中謙卑; 在與人來往的時候, 誠實仁厚; 更保守我常常念着自己是天父重生的兒女, 有永生的希望.
Our merciful God, who has been the refuge of my fathers through many generation, be my refuge today in every time and circumstance of need. Be my Guide through all that is dark and doubtful. Be my Guard against all that threatens my spirit’s welfare. Be my Strength in time of lust temptation. Pray in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord.
我們仁慈的主啊, 祢曾世世代代作我的避難所; 求祢今天也因着我隨時隨地環境上的需要庇佑我; 求祢在黑暗與疑懼中引領我; 求你在我灵性上軟弱遭遇攻擊之時衛護我, 更求祢當我遭情慾的試探之時, 作我的力量. 一切所求仰賴主耶穌基督的名.阿門.
在1998年6 月, 編輯者曾與我的教會張大鵬長老去達拉斯近郊的達拉斯基督徒聚會恩友堂分堂作見證, 題目是 “重生的意義”. 我曾跪下, 把重生的真義闡釋. 用的是王明道所著的 “重生的真義.” 那時候我没有情慾的誘惑, 但脫不了傲慢的惡魔的引誘, 即或是跪下, 也沒有把主的信息表達透徹. 二十年後再回憶那時的情境, 真有愧上帝的付託. 從此以後, 上帝就再也沒有賜下機會.
現今相信“無神”的人, 他們要想盡方法來玷污基督信仰的基石---聖經. 因為聖經告訴我們所信的“重生”是絕對的真理. 不然, 像我這樣傲慢墜入情慾大罪中的罪人也會蒙上帝賜新生命, 如聖奧古斯丁(St. Augustine)和文學大師路益師(C. S.Lewis)等人有重生的經歷. 著名文學大家路益師於1931年成為基督徒; 兩人都是經歷長期不信, 掙扎許久之後才信主的. 然而聖靈改變人心的大能, 以截然不同的方式運行在他們兩人身上. 至於我的重生經歷應是自婴孩開始, 上帝就拯救了我, 從此就沒有離開過祂.
下面這首聖詩是我最喜愛的, 道盡了我心中的改變及思念. 請練習唱, 幫助發音.
也不像在英文中有那麼多變化, 如, 性(gender), 数(number), 及人稱(personal)等, 應該和其前行詞(antecedent)的性,
数, 及人稱相一致.
My sister has completed his course in the normal school.
My sister has completed her course in the normal school.
My mother likes to do his own work, when he is well.
My mother likes to do her own work, when she is well.
誤: Every student should do their own work.
Every student should do his own work.
I like to receive letters but do not like to write it.
I like to receive letters but do not like to write them.
Each of them has their own point of view.
Each of them has his own point of view.
Someone shows their bad manners in public.
Some show their bad manners in public,
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思想中文句子的構造可以幫助了解如何練習英語造句. 我的意思是說, 頭腦中沒有英文, 如何用英文來思考. 尤其是我國初中的學生.
English very hard learn.(錯誤, 因為動詞位置不對, 且不恰當)
English is very hard to learn.( 正確)
It is very hard to learn English.(比較好, 近乎習慣用語.)
用中翻英學造句, 對學英文有時是合適的. 但要注意方法. 不要馬虎及籠統, 要多用一點心去觀察中英文之間的相對的關係, 就能抓到要點, 找出正確的方法.
否則, 你不能通過考試.
Unless you work much harder, you won’t pass the exam.
Unless you work much harder, you won’t pass the exam.
你可以用我的車, 除非你開車小心.
You are allowed to use my car as long as you drive
[註] : 中文 “除非”
在上兩句用不同的兩種英文短語翻譯, 必須仔細去思考.