代名词与先行词(pronouns and antecedents) 6/4/2014
深深的感谢主耶稣基督的大爱医治了我的疝气病, 虽是小手术,
在我肚子上割开了约二英寸的一个小口, 却也要一段时间的恢复. 还有, 这博客的内容是我自己用仓颉中文输入法,
一个字一个字敲打进去的. 在此必须告诉爱好英语的年青同学们,
我从2003年起, 用了整整三年多的时间来学习仓颉中文输入法,
本来是为了用它打教会星期日主日学的讲义. 自2011年10月开始, 就顺便用它来进行博客的中文输入. 近来时感到右手姆指,
食指及中指三手指尖有些疼痛, 现在转用左手使用鼠标.
同学们, 这博客是我心甘情愿的感恩之举,
若有访问该博客者与我一样受到基督信仰的真实感召, 请您们与我一同为这事祷告. 因为我还希望继续写完
: 代名词, 修饰语(modifier形容词和副词), 及功能语 (function words介词和连词). 预计要四个多月的时间,
才能分别帖出. 恳求主耶稣继续恩赐给我健康, 抚摸我的手指, 叫我依靠祂钉十字架的大能, 赐我新生命, 能充分的发挥上帝恩赐的智能,并写出恩师邓岳宗先生苦心教导我英文悟出的心得, 使上帝的名得荣耀.
英语若无代名词, 句子内的名词会一再的重复,
如, John speaks
to John's mother, but John's mother does not hear John.
在这英文句子中出现了四个名词John, 长得无内容, 而且笨得很. 若使用代名词另写.
如, John speaks to his mother, but she does not
hear him.
his, she, him 这些人称代名词是替代 John's ,
John's mother 和John等名词的, 而这些名词在英语语法中被称为“先行词”. 使用了它们后, 会发现它们在句中与代名词前后呼应, 配合得多幺和谐, 使句子明暸而简洁.
在英语句中若无先行词, 会出现什幺问题? 例如, "She is
beautiful," 在英语口语中这是常用的短句, 在谈话中时, 对方应该知道说话者所指的人. 可是在文章中就不行. 虽然这句子的英语语法都对, 但读者不知道作者指的是谁. 所以, 在英语句中, 与代名词相互呼应的先行词很重要, 缺它不可. 这个先行词可以是一个名词, 也可能是名词短语.
在下列各句中找出有底线代名词的先行词. 可能先行词与代名词不在同一句中.
1. As the train approached the crossing, it blew its
( it 的先行词是 train; its 的先行词是 train 的领位 ‘possessive
case’ ) 范例
2. John heard the whistle, and it reminded him of the
3. He climbed on his bicycle and hurried on his way
4. John and the train slowed down as they approached the
5. John knew that his brother and sister were preparing their
6. If he arrived late, they would have finished eating.
7. Impatience rose in him, but it did not make the train
go faster.
1. 代名词所替代的原来名词应该写出, 否则使句子意义较模糊.
例如: Though he studied very hard, he
passed only six of them. (含糊)
Though the student studied very hard, he passed only
six of the
examinations. (明暸)
examinations. (明暸)
2. 与代名词同时使用的先行词只能有一个. 否则句子意义有模棱两可的感觉.
例如: The boy told the teacher that
the students did not understand him.
(代名词 him 有两个先行词, boy 和 teacher, 不清楚)
The boy told the teacher that the
students did not understand the
teacher. (不用代名词 him, 用名词 the teacher 比较明暸)
teacher. (不用代名词 him, 用名词 the teacher 比较明暸)
使用代名词同时, 一定要有一个先行词陪伴. 否则句子含糊不清楚.
例如: He is a good boy. (不知是指谁.)
Paul is my son. He is a good boy. (Paul 是He 的先行词, 就清楚多了.)
复制有底线的代名词, 并写出它的先行词. 先行词与代名词不一定在同一句中.
4. 代名词与先行词靠得愈近,愈容易把握句子的意思.
1. Ruth Swallow and her family are visiting Taipei.(her先行词 Ruth Swallow)范例
2. They always find it a pleasant
city to visit.
3. Today the Swallows and their friends will tour their
favorite place in Taipei , the
4. Since it is immense, the museum is not easy to see in one day.
5. Only guided tours are allowed in its rooms.
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