73 短文欣賞
明日4/18/2014星期五是主耶稣基督受死的日子, 星期日祂要从死里复活. 有基督信仰的人, 如 Rusty Wright (頼若思先生) 以历史的观点著作 “Jesus’
Resurrection: Fact or Fiction?” 今帖出共同欣赏. 其文简洁有力的述说耶稣基督复活的证据. 译者为美国达拉斯恩友堂刘陈筱瑶姐妹. 译文流利, 极少带英文的中文语气, 对国人极具可读性. 对主耶稣基督的复活带给信徒的盼望, 充满字里行间. 今以中英文并列对照帖出, 对英语语法的学习和增强翻译的能力都有帮助.
Jesus' Resurrection: Fact or Fiction? 主的复活:证据何在?
Written by Rusty Wright 作者頼若思 刘陈筱瑶译
At Easter, some might wonder what all the 在复活节,有些人或许会大
fuss is about. Who cares? What difference 惊小怪的: 这是那门子的事啊?
does it make if Jesus rose from the dead? 谁在乎呢?如果耶稣真的
It makes all the difference in the world. 主的复活使世界震惊. 如果基督
If Christ did not rise, then thousands of 没有复活,那幺成千上万殉道的
believers have died as martyrs for a hoax. 信徒都是为了一场骗局死的。
If he did rise, then he is still alive and can 如果祂真的复活升天, 那幺祂还活
offer peace to troubled, hurting lives. 着,且能为伤心痛苦的人提供宁静。
Countless scholars--among them the 无以数计的学者,有使徒保罗,圣奥
apostle Paul, Augustine, Sir Isaac Newton 古斯丁,科学家以撒·牛顿公爵和英
and C.S. Lewis--believed in the resurrection. 国文学界巨擘鲁益士等人,他们都相
We need not fear committing intellectual 信主的复活. 所以,若我们也如此相
suicide by believing it also. Where do the 信就不要害怕会显出我们
facts lead? 的愚昧与反智.那幺证据在那里?
Paul, a first-century skeptic-turned believer, 使徒保罗曾经是第一世纪著名的怀
wrote that "Christ died for our sins...he was 疑论者,在他因相信而成为基督信徒
buried...he was raised on the third day...he 之后写道:“基督为我们的罪死了,
appeared to Peter, and then to the 又埋葬了,…第三天复活了;并且曾
Twelve (Disciples). After that, he appeared 经向彼得显现,然后向十二使徒显现.
to more than five hundred...at the same tim 以后,又有一次向500多个兄弟显现.
most of whom are still living." 他们中间大多数到现今还在.”
Consider four pieces of evidence: 现在让我们来看一看这些证据:
1. The explosive growth of 1.爆炸性的基督徒运动.
the Christian movement.
Within a few weeks after Jesus was 在耶稣基被钉死后的数周之后,
crucified, a movement arose which, 一场被敌对者称为是“搅乱天下”
by the later admission of its enemies, 的运动兴起了. 他们的领袖被处
"upset the world." What happened 决后这幺短的时间内,发生了
to ignite this movement shortly 什幺事,因而点燃了这
after its leader had been executed? 场运动的热火?
2. The Disciples' changed lives. 2.门徒生命的改变.耶稣的被捕和
After Jesus' arrest and crucifixion, most 被钉十字架使得大多数的门徒都因
of the Disciples fled in fear. Peter denied 惧怕而逃逸无踪, 彼得在当时曾三
three times that he was a follower of 次否认他是耶稣的跟随者(倒是那
Jesus. (The women were braver and 些妇女们勇敢地坚持到底).然而后
stayed to the end.) Yet ten out of the eleven 来除了出卖耶稣的犹大以外,十一
Disciples (Judas committed suicide) were 位门徒中有十位是因着信仰的缘
martyred for their faith. According to 故而殉道的.根据传统的记载,彼得
traditions, Peter was crucified upside 是被倒钉十架的;多马被枪剌串
down; Thomas was skewered; Johnwas 烧死;约翰被沸的油煎却侥幸的存
boiled in oil but survived. What turned 活.什幺使得这些懦夫变成英雄
these cowards into heroes? Each believed 的?他们每一位都相信自己亲眼
he had seen Jesus alive again. 看见耶稣复活了.
3. The empty tomb. 3.空的坟墓.星期五傍晚,
Jesus' corpse was removed from the cross, 体从十字架上取下来后, 就被层层的
wrapped like a mummy and placed in a 包裹像木乃伊般放置在石墓里. 一块
solid-rock tomb. A one-and-a-half to 约一吨半至两吨重的巨石被辊来封
two-ton stone was rolled into a slightly 住墓的门口.
depressed groove to seal the tomb's entrance.
A "Green Beret"-like unit of Roman 一队绿色贝雷帽罗马士兵严严的守
soldiers guarded the grave. Sunday morning, 着墓穴. 星期天的早晨,墓门的石头
the stone was found rolled away, the body 被人发现挪开了,耶稣的身体不见了,
was gone but the graveclothes were still in 可是裹尸布仍在原处.发生了什幺
place. What happened? Did Christ's 事?是基督的朋友偷取了祂的身体
friends steal the body? Perhaps one of the 吗?可能是其中的一位妇女借机与警
women sweet-talked (karate-chopped?) the 卫的士兵攀谈,而让其他的人偷偷地
guards while the others moved the stone 将耶稣的身体移走;又或许是彼得
and tiptoed off with the body. Or maybe (还记得他的勇敢)或多马(怀疑的多马)
Peter (remember his bravery) or Thomas 制服警卫而偷取了身体,然后
(Doubting Thomas) overpowered the 编造了这复活的神话.
guards, stole the body, then fabricated-- 并且自己也为之而死.
and died for--a resurrection myth.
These theories hardly seem plausible. 这些说法似乎不太合理.
The guard was too powerful, the stone 因为这些守卫都是孔武有力,
Jesus' corpse was removed from the cross, 体从十字架上取下来后, 就被层层的
wrapped like a mummy and placed in a 包裹像木乃伊般放置在石墓里. 一块
solid-rock tomb. A one-and-a-half to 约一吨半至两吨重的巨石被辊来封
two-ton stone was rolled into a slightly 住墓的门口.
depressed groove to seal the tomb's entrance.
A "Green Beret"-like unit of Roman 一队绿色贝雷帽罗马士兵严严的守
soldiers guarded the grave. Sunday morning, 着墓穴. 星期天的早晨,墓门的石头
the stone was found rolled away, the body 被人发现挪开了,耶稣的身体不见了,
was gone but the graveclothes were still in 可是裹尸布仍在原处.发生了什幺
place. What happened? Did Christ's 事?是基督的朋友偷取了祂的身体
friends steal the body? Perhaps one of the 吗?可能是其中的一位妇女借机与警
women sweet-talked (karate-chopped?) the 卫的士兵攀谈,而让其他的人偷偷地
guards while the others moved the stone 将耶稣的身体移走;又或许是彼得
and tiptoed off with the body. Or maybe (还记得他的勇敢)或多马(怀疑的多马)
Peter (remember his bravery) or Thomas 制服警卫而偷取了身体,然后
(Doubting Thomas) overpowered the 编造了这复活的神话.
guards, stole the body, then fabricated-- 并且自己也为之而死.
and died for--a resurrection myth.
These theories hardly seem plausible. 这些说法似乎不太合理.
The guard was too powerful, the stone 因为这些守卫都是孔武有力,
too heavy and the disciples too 石头也非常沉重, 而门徒们却是优
spineless to
attempt such a feat. 柔惧怕得不可能完成这样的大事。
Did Christ's enemies steal the body? 难道是敌对耶稣的人窃取祂的
Romans or Jewish religious leaders had 尸体?如果是罗马人或犹太的宗教
the body, surely they would have exposed
it publicly and Christianity would have 于世, 那幺基督教不是就败絶了吗?
died out. They didn't, and it didn't. 但是他们没有如此做,
The "Swoon Theory" supposes that
Jesus 另外有一种理论是假设耶稣并没有
didn't really die but was only unconscious. 真正的死去,不过是暂时失去意识
The expert Roman executioners
merely 而已。有经验的罗马执刑者只是以
thought he was dead. After a few days in 为他已经死了,经过几天在坟墓里没
the tomb without food or
medicine, 有水,没有食物,没有任何药物的
the cool air revived him. 生活,阴凉的空气将耶稣苏醒了。
He burst from the 100 pounds of
grave 耶稣从一百磅的裹尸布中崩裂出来,用
clothes, rolled away
the stone with his 祂那被钉子剌穿的双手把巨石辊开,
nail-pierced hands, scared the daylights 并且在光天化日之下吓退了罗马士兵,
out of the Roman
soldiers, walked miles 然后以受伤的双脚走了好几英里的路
on wounded feet and convinced his 去说服门徒祂已经从死里复活了.
Disciples he'd been
raised from the 相信此说法比相信耶稣复活困难多了。
dead. This one is harder to believe
than the resurrection
4. The
appearances of the 4. 督基复活之后的显现.
risen Christ.
For 40 days after his death, many 耶稣复活后有四十天之久,许多不
people said they saw Jesus alive. 同的人说他们看见了耶稣。这些见
Witnesses included a woman, a shrewd 证人包括一个妇人,一个精明的税
collector, several fishermen and over 吏,好些个渔夫, 以及一组超过五
500 people at once. These claims 百人的群众。这些人提供了更进一
provide further eyewitness testimony 步的有关于耶稣复活的
for the resurrection 目睹证据。
provide further eyewitness testimony 步的有关于耶稣复活的
for the resurrection 目睹证据。
a skeptic, I realized that attempts to 对一个怀疑论者的我本人而言,曾
explain away the evidences run into a
brick wall of facts that point to one 的解释,但最后只能得出一个
conclusion: Christ is risen. 结论, 那就是基督确实从死里复活了.
The above does not constitute
an 以上的推论并不能构成一个毫无漏洞
exhaustive proof, rather a reasoned 的证明,而只是对这些证据的一个合
examination of the evidence. 理的检验。每一个有心的人都必须去
Each interested person should evaluate 评估并定夺这些证据的合理性。
the evidence and decide if it
makes 当然,我们确知主的复活是真或是假
sense. Of course, the truth or falsity of 是与历史的事实有关,并非由任
the resurrection is a matter of
historical 何人的相信与否而论定。如果事实
fact and is not dependent on anyone's 证明这种说法正确,我们就可下结论
belief. If the facts support
the claim, 说耶稣是复活. 在任何情况下,很少
one can conclude that he arose. In any 人是单纯的靠理智上的赞同这些事实,
case, mere intellectual
assent to the 而获得生命上的改变的。
facts does little for one's life.
A major evidence comes
experientially, 主要的证据乃是来自个人经验上接
in personally receiving Jesus' free gift 受耶稣基督赦罪,饶恕的无价恩典。
of forgiveness. He
said, "I stand at the 耶稣说:“我站在门外叩门,
door and knock; if anyone hears my 若有听见我的声音就开门的,我要
voice and opens
the door, I will come 进到他那里去,我与他,他与我一同
in to him (or her)." 坐席.” (新约圣经启示录3:20)
considering? 值得一试吗?
請將意見寄到 swlei2011@gmail.com