Tuesday, December 3, 2019

232英語英翻中應用(四) The Word Made Flesh 道(原為 ‘話’)成肉身

232英語英翻中應用()      The Word Made Flesh        道   (原為 ’) 成肉身               12/3/2019

Almighty and eternal God, You are hidden from my sight:  You are beyond the
understanding of my mind: Your thoughts are not as my thoughts: Your ways are past
finding out.
全能永生的上帝, 是我眼所不; 所不能測透的上帝.     的意念高過我的意念;
O Lord God, I praised and magnify Your name that thus You have set Your seal upon
my inmost being, not leaving me to my own poor and petty self-hood or to the sole empire
of animal passion and desire, but calling me to be an heir of Your eternal Kingdom.  I
bless You for that knocking at my heart’s door that warns me of You waiting presence.  I
bless You for Your hand upon my life,  and for the sure knowledge that, however I my
falter and fail, yet underneath are Your everlasting arms.  
主,  上帝啊, 我頌讚並榮耀祢的美名, 因為祢將祢的印記蓋在我生命至深之處, 沒有
任憑我處在可憐而微小的自我之中; 也沒有任憑我有罪性的老我獸性和獸慾所轄制
反而召我永生之國的後嗣.  我讚美, 在我心外叩門, 使我儆醒, 知道常在
等候我.  我讚美,  的聖手放在我的身上, 使我知道無論我如何的動搖失敗
O You who alone know what lies before me this day, grant that in every hour or it I may
stay close to You.  Let me be in the world, yet not of it.  Let me use this world without
abusing it.  If I buy, let me be as though I possessed not.  If I have nothing, let me be as
though possessing all things.  Let me today embark on no undertaking that is not in line
with Your will for my life, nor shrink from any sacrifice which Your will may demand.
Suggest, direct, control every movement of my mind; for my Lord Christ’s sake.  Amen.
主啊!惟有知道今天擺在我面前的一切, 祢賜我在这天內時時刻刻緊緊的追隨祢,
誏我能在世上而不屬於這世界, 誏我能珍惜祢所賜世上之物.  使我若想要購買,
一無所有.  若是我一無所有, 乃得樣樣都有.  誏我今天無論做什麼, 沒有一件不
落在為我生命所定的旨意之內. 的旨意所在, 要我什麼犠牲, 我也不至退縮.
祢時時的提示, 指引, 並管理我的心.  靠賴我主耶穌基督的名而求.  阿們.
(: 英文取自 “A Diary of Private Prayer” John Baillie , New York, Charles Scribner’s
Sons 出版.  者節譯 ‘Day Fourth Morning Prayer’ , 請訪友分享及指教.)

下面是我最喜愛讀的經節   (欽定版本), 說明 道成肉身(The Word made Flesh)”  的真理.
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God. 
3 All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made.
4 In Him was life, and that life was the Light of men.
5 And the Light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not.
6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
7 The same came as a witness to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might
8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.
9 That was the true Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
10 He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not.
11 He came unto His own, and His own received Him not.
12 But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even
      to those who believe in His name,
13 who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld His glory, the glory as
       of the only Begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth.
15 John bore witness of Him and cried, saying, “This was He of whom I spoke, ‘He that
        Cometh after me is preferred before me, for He was before me.’”
16 And of His fullness have we all received, and grace for grace.
17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
18 No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father,
       He hath declared Him.
(這是摘自欽定版新約聖經中的約翰福音序言, 共十八節, 敬請訪友帶著敬虔的心來讀.)

下面是編輯者摘自魏士比.華仁著的約翰福音解經書 來得生命”的第一章第九至第十頁

God Is Here!   John 1
上帝在這裡!   約翰福音第一章

"But will God indeed dwell on the earth?" asked Solomon as he dedicated the temple (1 Kings 8:27).
A good  question, indeed! God's glory had dwelt in the tabernacle (Ex. 40:34), and in the temple
(1 Kings 8:10-11); but that glory had departed from disobedient Israel (Ezek. 9:3; 10:4, 18; 11:22- 23).
所羅門王在献聖殿時問, “上帝果真要住在地上嗎?" (王上 8:27). 實在是個好問題上帝的榮耀
曾住過帳幕 (出 40:34), 和祂的殿 (王上8:10-11); 但是這榮光因為以色列人的背離祂,   已經離開
( 9:3; 10:4, 18; 11:22- 23).

Then a marvelous thing happened: the glory of God came to His people again, in the person of His Son,
Jesus Christ. The writers of the four Gospels have given us "snapshots" of our Lord's life on earth,
for no complete biography could ever be written (John 21:25). Matthew wrote with his fellow Jews in
mind and emphasized that Jesus of Nazareth had fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies. Mark wrote for
the busy Romans. Whereas Matthew emphasized the King, Mark presented the Servant, ministering to
needy people. Luke wrote his Gospel for the Greek and introduced them to the sympathetic Son of man.
然後奇妙的事發生上帝的榮耀再重現於以色列人中祂的兒子主耶穌基督, 道成肉身四福音的
作者給我們 “快速的描繪” 祂在人間的生活没有任何人能完全的寫出祂的全部事蹟(約 21:25).
馬太是針對猶太人寫的福音. 並且加重說明這位拿撒勒人耶穌,  是應驗舊約先知所預言的彌賽亞.  
馬可是為忙碌的羅馬人寫的.  同時, 馬太強調耶穌是王.  而路加福音是寫給希臘人的並且介紹給

But it was given to John, the beloved disciple, to write a book for both Jews and Gentiles, presenting
Jesus as the Son of God. We know that John had Gentiles in mind as well as Jews, because he often
 "interpreted" Jewish words or customs for his readers (1:38, 41-42; 5:2; 9:7; 19:13, 17; 20:16).
His emphasis to the Jews was that Jesus not only fulfilled the Old Testament, prophecies, but He also
fulfilled the types. Jesus is the Lamb of God (1:29) and the Ladder from heaven to earth (1:51; and
see Gen. 28). He is the New Temple (John 2:19-21), and He gives a new birth (3:4ff). He is the serpent
lifted up (3:14) and the Bread of God that came down from heaven (6:35ff).
但是約翰福音是主所愛的使徒約翰寫的他是寫給世上所有的人猶太人和外邦人, 宣告主耶穌
上帝的兒子.  我們都知道使徒約翰有猶太人和外邦人在他思想中因為在他的福音書中常常
讀者   翻譯猶太人用的詞句或猶太人的習俗"(1:38, 41-42; 5:2; 9:7; 19:13, 17; 20:16).  他對猶太人
強調耶穌的道成肉身不只是應驗了舊約的預言並且祂也應驗了祂自己那種典型.  耶穌是上帝的
羔羊   (1:29) 和從地通天的天梯   (1:51; 並查看  創   28章). 祂是新的聖殿 ( 2:19-21),  並且賜下
新生命 (3:4 比照研讀).  祂是掛起來的銅蛇 (3:14) 和上帝從天上賜下的靈糧(6:35比照研讀).

Whereas the first three Gospels major on describing events in the life of Christ, John emphasizes the
meaning of these events. For example, all four Gospels record the feeding of the 5,000 but only John
 records Jesus' sermon on "The Bread of Life" which followed that miracle when He interpreted it for
the people.
同時前三卷福音書主要是撰寫耶穌基督生活的事蹟約翰却強調這些事蹟的含義.  例如所有
四卷福音書都記載了五餅二魚餵飽五千人的神蹟, 惟有約翰福音在神蹟發生後把這神跡的真義
記載在耶穌的講道 “生命的糧”的章節中,    翻譯給人知道.

But there is one major theme that runs throughout John's Gospel: Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and
if you commit yourself to Him, He will give you eternal life (20:31). In this first chapter, John recorded
seven names and titles of Jesus that identify Him as eternal God.
但是這裡有一個主題貫穿約翰福音:  耶穌基督是上帝的兒子, 並且你若承認祂是你的救主,
祂願意賜你永遠的生命   (20:31).  在本書第一章裡, 使徒約翰記載了耶穌的七個名字和稱號, 証明

編輯者積數十年翻譯的心得.   深深的覺得翻譯事項. 基本上是在語言意義上,   母語與英語間的轉
換工作,   通常需要藉助大量的母語先備知識, 才能完成它的正確意義轉換的目的.    並且還要具備
對所翻譯的專業有豐盛知識及濃厚的興趣和獻上.    編輯者蒙上帝的恩賜, 自認為符合這些條件,  
立志懇求全能的上帝賜下能力, 使我行在祂的旨意中.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mr. Lei,
    from Isaac Suh, Christina's Dad, I wanted to thank you for your kind words. And, happy birthday again!!
