134英语语法应用(二十一) 篇章写作练习(二)
我们在天上的父, 感谢祢的大爱, 赐孩子一位永远难忘的恩师邓岳宗先生. 他在该休息的时间教我英语会话. 使孩子享用一生. 现在求祢开恩赐我属天的智慧, 能把学习英语篇章写作介绍给我骨肉之亲的青年朋友. 使他们也可以享受主耶稣祢的大爱. 奉主基督的圣名祈求. 阿门.
to irrigate 灌溉 salt water 盐水 inlet 取水 ship 海船 conservation 保守
to flow 流 sea 海 lake 湖 boat 船
deep 深
to control 控制 ocean 洋 stream, brook 溪流 sailboat 帆船 shallow
to row 划桨 tide 海潮 waterfall 瀑布 barge 平底船 narrow
to steer 驾驶
seasickness 晕船 canal 渠道 (row) boat划船 wide
to drink 喝 condition 情况
irrigation ditch灌溉沟 oar 桨 rough 粗糙
to swim 游泳 high tide 高潮
spring 泉水 rudder 舵 calm 平静
to find 寻找 low tide 低潮
swamp 沼泽地 land 土地 salty 咸水
to cause 行成 current, flow 潮汐 well 井 mountain 山 clean
wave波浪 dam 水埧 desert 沙漠 dirty
(body of) water 水體 shore, coast 岸 rain 雨水 oasis 沙漠的绿州 only 仅仅, 只有
type 型式 river 河流 person 人 origin 原始 each
(one) 每一个
fresh water 淡水 bay 海湾 fisherman 渔民 world 世界 visible
看图回答下列各问题(不可用 Yes 或 No)
Describe the water in
each of the six drawings.
What are some
differences between the water in the sea and the water in the waterfall?
(在海水与瀑布流下的水有那些不同点 ?)
Why sea water is salty?
Where you can see
What famous waterfall
in the world have you seen?
3. Where do you see a sailboat? Why would there not
be a sailboat in the other drawings?
Can you
steer the sailboat in the sea?
Why sailboat must have
Describe the river
How is the barge
6. What do you think is the origin of the water in
the lake?
7. A person is visible in some of the drawings.
Explain what each person is doing.
试描绘在有些图中可见到的人, 他们在做什么?
8. In which of the drawings is the water probably
deep and in which do you think it is shallow?
试说明在那些图中水是深的, 及在何处水是浅的?
建议撰写的篇章题目 :
Famous river
在130帖子 "篇章寫作簡介" 第六項--语法要正確. 現復習动词的时制及其与主语的一致性, 因为它们是外国同一語系的人学习篇章写作感到艰难之处, 我国語言與其不同语系, 學習起來更是艱苦. 寫作篇章在語法上常犯的错误:
1. Not using
the proper tense forms. 时制用得不对
2. Not making
the verb agree with the subject in number and person.
3. Not using
the correct verb form. 动词形式用得不对
Unnecessary shifting of tenses. 不必要的变遷动词时制.
今举例说明动词时制不必要的变遷. 例如: 下面的段落篇章內的错误是我国中学生常容易犯的.
I went out
shopping yesterday (主题句). All I want to buy is a pair of blue shoes
to match my blue suit. Finally, going from one store to the other, I spent
almost six hours, but cannot find the kind I was looking for. I come home with
a pair of blue jeans, and to add to my disappointment, I find the zipper
1. Shifting
tenses in the same sentence. (在同一句中动词时制的变遷)
[註] : 一句内必须动词时制要一致.
2. Shifting
tenses in the paragraph unnecessarily. (在一段落中不需要作动词时制的变遷)
[註] : 一段落中的每句的动词时制也必须要一致. 因为要围绕着主题句的意念加以支撑.
这段落篇章舉例说明写英語文章的难处. 主题句是以过去时制作开始. 接着的第二句就改变成现在时制(用底線显示). 第三句可猜想出作者遇到助动词的问题. 所以前后不一致. 最后一句又回复到现在时制.
I went out
shopping yesterday. All I wanted to buy was a pair of blue shoes to match my
blue suit. Going from one store to the other I spent almost six hours, but
could not find the kind I was looking for. Finally I came home with a pair of
blue jeans, and to add to my disappointment, I found the zipper broken!
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