Saturday, March 29, 2014

69动词 + -ing 的用法 (一)


69动词 + -ing 的用法 ()                                                                  3/29/2014

何谓活用的英语语法, 就是把一切在文法书里常见的材料都搜集起来, 还要进一步, 化时间使它和英国人的思想和在日常生活上的使用取得密切的联络.  英语语法这样才得有生气, 学起来也就满有意思的, 不会觉得无味.  本帖子就向着这目标撰写的. 希望藉词类作用的转变, 把和文法有关的英文思想法及表现法呈现给青年学生们, 使你们写出的文章和说出的话语就好象英美人士, 说出他们的本国语一样.

英语语法进深博客中用三讲来说明无限式(infinitive) 动名词(gerund). 因为它们是英语语法活用的主干.  也是词类作用转换的明显特例, 多变化及充满习惯性的用法, 必须用悟性去学习, 举一反三的去领会, 才能真正体会学习英语的乐趣.  先讲动名词, 再谈无限式, 最后比较它们两者的使用差异, 祈求上帝赐我智慧, 能把它们的使用说得明白.

编辑者初三学英语时对动名词的习惯用法深感困惑.  根据定义它是属于动词的, 因为具备有动词的形状, 却当作名词使用. 它是用 + -ing 作语尾的一种动词变形.  具有这种的形式的动状词 (verbal) 有两种,   一是作形容词及帮助造成句子进行方面用的现在分词(present participles); 另一种则是扰人的作名词用的动词 + -ing” 称为动名词. 它在句中只作名词用, 凡名词具有的功能(functions), 它都有, 诸如作为句中的主语, 宾语, 或介词的宾语等. 

还记得恩师邓先生曾要我们背enjoy, mind, suggest, delay, fancy, consider, admit, miss, involve, finish, postpone, imagine, avoid, deny, risk, practice, quit like 等动词, 都是常见的, 因为在这些动词之后要 + -ing 成为动名词才能本动词放在同一句内.  因为英语语法规定, 一句中只能有一个动词.  其实还有另外重要的一点, 是这样做使英语的造句上增加了很多方便.  因此恩师以他学习英语的心得, 要我们把它们背熟, 用它们来造句, 真是万灵丹, 不会错.

       例如,    I enjoy dancing.   (不能写 I enjoy to dance)
                       Would you mind closing the door? (不能写 “mind to close”)
                        Mary suggested going to the library. (不能写 “suggested to go”)
           [] : enjoy, mind, suggest等动词之后只允许跟“ -ing”的动名词. 不能
                     动词 + to” 的变形, 这是他们语言的习惯用法.
                        I enjoy drinking coffee.
                        I prefer drinking tea.
                        I'll do the shopping when I've finished cleaning the flat.
                        He tried to avoid answering my question.
                        I don't fancy going out this evening.
                        Have you ever considered going to live in another country?

否定 -ing 的用法在其前加上 not , 成为 not + -ing.  举例如下:
                 ,  When I'm on holiday, I enjoy not having to get up early.


                        go on ( continue意思)
                       We must do something. We can't go on living like this!

give up ( quit 同义)
                        Paula has given up smoking.

在某些动词后可以在本动词和 + -ing 的变形动词之中间插入人物等的名字或代  

    例如,   I can't imagine Stephen riding a motorbike.
               You can't stop her doing what she want.
              “Sorry to keep you waiting so long.”  “That's all right.”

有时在说到已完成的动作时, 常用 having done/stolen/said .

例如,    She admitted having stolen the money.

但为了简单, 也可用 + -ing 的变形动词:

     例如,   She admitted stealing the money.
                 I now regret saying ( “having said”) what I said.

在上列举的动词后, 特别是在(admit, deny, suggest)之后, 可以使用关系代名词 that , 造成关系子句, 增加句子的多样化.

    例如,   She denied that she had stolen the money. ( She denied stealing the money.)
                Ruth suggested that we went to the theater.
                     (  Ruth suggested going to the theater)

习题四十 :

     试用前一句所显示的意思, 填入 + -ing 的动名词来完成下一句 :

1. What shall we do? We could go to the theater.
    She suggested going to the theater.
2. Do you want to play basketball? No, not really.
    He didn't fancy ___ .
3. You were driving too fast. Yes, it's true. Sorry!
    She admitted ___ .
4. Why don't we go for a swim? Good idea!
    She suggested ___ .
5. You broke into the shop. No, I didn't!
    He denied ___ .
6. Can you wait a few minutes?. Sure, no problem.
    They didn't mind ___ .

Monday, March 24, 2014



68语气助动词小结( a brief summary of modals) ()                                     3/24/2014

语气助动词,  can, could, will, would, should, may, might, must, ought shall .它们帮助本动词说明句子的语气意念.  有关语气助动词的极其重要的一方面是如何形成句子的过去时制.  因为would, should, could might等在这里不是表示过去时间, 而是表达一般时间, 所以要用这些助动词(包括may, must ought) 来表示过去一定形式的时候, 必须另外把本动词变成完了时制”(perfect tense).  句子如:  He could do it ( could表一般时间), 但句子写如,  He could have done it (could have done表示在过去时间发生的). 这种习惯的使用表达方式,  委实难为了我国学生, 除了化时间去记忆它们的习惯用法外, 似乎没有快捷的方式可寻.  它们的千变万化, 委实需要用悟性及耐力去捉摸.  一旦融会贯通, 那么你写的, 说的英语就是依英美人士的思想方法.  下面的例句都极其重要, 要多多仿效.

     例如,  If the other banks had not helped, that bank would have failed.
                Who could have done this?
                You may have heard the story before.
                You should have heard him talk at the dinner.
                 I should have run away.
                 You should have resigned.
                 He could not have seen me, because he was not there.
                 There’s no body at home.  They must have gone out.
                  She might have left her bag in the store.

练习三十九 :
     should have, could have, may have, might have, must have这些短语都极其重要.  用它们造

语气助动词小结 :

1.  请求别人做一些事(requests) : 常用 can could.

     例如,   Can you wait a moment, please? Could you wait a moment, please?
                 Paul, can you do me a favor?
                 Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the airport?
                 I wonder if you could help me.
                 “Do you think you could ...?” (不常用 “can”):

       间或我们也用  will would 请求别人做一些事 (但是 can could 用得比较多):

           例如,   Paul, will you do me a favor?
                       Would you please be quiet?  I'm trying to concentrate.

  2. 询问别人一些事(asking) : 常用Can I have ...?  Could I have ...? 语气助动词的形式.
            例如,    Can I have these postcards, please? (在礼品店)
                             Could I have the salt, please?  (在进餐时)

                 [] : 此时也可用 May I have ...? (不寻常):
                 例如,   May I have these postcards, please?  (有些過分形式 ‘formal’)
                             May I have the salt, please?

          3. 请求和给予别人允诺做某些事 (permission ) :  请求允诺通常用 can, could

    例如,   Hello, can I speak to Peter, please?
                            “Could I use your phone?”  “Yes, of course.”
                            Do you think I could borrow your bike?
                            “May I come in?”  “Yes, please do.”

               给予允诺通常用 can may.
              [] : 一般用 can could 比较习惯性, 因用 may 常常过于形式, 用得少些.

          4.   提供给别人服务(Offering) : 常常用 Can I ...? may I….?  但是提供做事时,
                May 不太寻常, 因太正式.

             例如,   “Can I get you a cup of coffee?”  “Yes, that would be very nice.”
                          “Can I help you?” “No, thanks. I’m been helped.”
          5.      提供和邀请(Offering inviting) : Would you like ...? 这句问话是常常挂在美国人口边
        的话, 多多练习在社交场合中使用, 很讨人喜欢.

       例如,   “Would you like a cup of coffee?”  “Yes, please.”
                            “Would you like to go to movies with us Saturday night?” “Yes, I’d love to.

比较  must (not) have done  couldn't : 因为  must (not) have done 比较繁琐而不如用couldn't

例如,   He walked past me without speaking.  He couldn't see me.
                He walked past me without speaking.  He must not have seen me.
                Stephen walked straight into the wall.  He couldn't look where he was going.                                      Stephen walked straight into the wall.  He must not have been looking where he
                     was going.

比较  might not     couldn’t :   couldn't (否定式) may not might not 的表示的意思有些差
    别.   前者有不可能的意思, 后者有或许的意味.

       例如,    She was too far away, so she couldn't have seen you. (因为太远了, 她不可能
                    Stephen : I wonder why she didn't say hello.
                    Paul :      She might not have seen you. (或许她没有看到你, 或许她看到你)

    但 may, might could 在肯定句中, 可以通用.