837 英翻中 (537) God forgives my sin of proud myself. 求祢赦免孩子自認為了不起的罪. 31/8/2024
Our heavenly Father, have a mercy on me, to forgive my sin of the lust of my eyes and the boasting of what I have and do. Pray in the holy name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 我們在天上的父, 求祢赦免孩子犯今生驕傲的罪. 奉主耶穌的聖名禱告. 阿們.
親愛的訪友, 從今天開始編輯者喜愛的保羅所寫的有關教會教義的書信英翻中. 求主開我們的心志, 從捆綁中脫穎而出, 享受主為我們贖罪而釘十字架捨命的大愛, 得以自由而不受割禮信主耶穌基督, 上帝的兒子 .
Suggested Outline of Galatians 加拉太書的建議提要
A Theme: Christian liberty in the grace of God (5:1) A 主題:基督徒在上帝恩典裡的自由(5:1)
I. PERSONAL:GRACE AND THE GOSPEL-chapters1-2 I. 個人:恩典和福音書第1-2章
1. Grace declared in Paul's message-1:1-10 1. 在保羅的信息中宣告恩典1:1-10
2. Grace demonstrated in Paul's life-l: 11 – 24 2. 在保羅一生中顯現出來的恩典—— 1:11-24
3. Grace defended in Paul's ministry-2:1-21 3. 在保羅的事工辯護中的恩典—— 2:1-21
( 1) Before the church collectively-2: 1-10 (1)在教堂集體前面 —— 2:1-10
(2) Before Peter personally-2:11-21 (2) 在彼得的面前 —— 2:11-21
II. DOCTRINAL: GRACE AND THE LAW —— chapters 3-4 二。教義:恩典與律法 —— 第3-4章
1. The personal argument-3: 1-5 1. 個人的論點 —— 3:1-5
2. The scriptural argument-3:6-14 2. 經文論點 —— 3:6-14
3. The logical argument-3:15-29 3. 邏輯論點 —— 3:15-29
4. The historical argument-4:1-11 4. 歷史論點 —— 4:1-11
5. The sentimental argument-4:12-18 5. 感性的論點 —— 4:12-18
6. The allegorical argument-4:19-31 6. 寓言性的論點 —— 4:19-31
III. PRACTICAL: GRACE AND THE CHRISTIAN LIFE-chapters 5~6 三. 實用:恩典和基督徒生活 —— 第5〜6章
2. The Spirit not the flesh - 5:13-26 2. 是靈而不是肉體 —— 5:13-26
3. Others, not self - 6:1-10 3. 是他人而非自己 —— 6:1-10
4. God's glory, not man's praise - 6:11-18。 4. 是上帝的榮耀,而不是人的讚美 —— 6:11-18。
CHAPTER ONE BAD NEWS ABOUT THE GOOD NEWS Galatians 1:1–10 第一課 關於好消息的壞消息 加拉太書1:1–10
The lad at my front door was trying to sell me a subscription to a weekly newspaper, and he was very persuasive. “It only costs a quarter a week,” he said, “and the best thing about this newspaper is that it prints only the good news!” 在我家門口的小伙子試圖向我逗售一份週報,他很有說服力的說,“每週只花一夸特(四分之一美元),就知天下最好的事,該報只登載好消息!”
In a world filled with trouble, it is becoming more and more difficult to find any “good news,” so perhaps the newspaper was a bargain after all. To the person who has trusted Christ as Savior, the real “good news” is the gospel: “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures … he was buried, and … he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures” (1 Cor. 15:3–4). It is the good news that sinners can be forgiven and go to heaven because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross. The good news of salvation through faith in Christ is the most important message in the world. 在這個充滿麻煩的世界裡,要找到 “好消息” 變得越來越困難,所以也許報紙畢竟是便宜貨。對於相信基督為救世主的人來說,真正的 “好消息” 是福音:“基督按照聖經為我們的罪而死……埋葬.…根據聖經,第三天祂從死裡復活了”(林前 15:3-4)。好消息是耶穌基督在十字架上的所作所為,罪人可以被寬恕,並上天堂。通過對基督的信心得救的好消息,是世界上最好的信息。
This message had changed Paul’s life and,
through him, the lives of others. But now this message was being attacked, and
Paul was out to defend the truth of the gospel. Some false teachers had invaded
the churches of
As you begin to read Paul’s letter to the Galatian Christians, you can tell immediately that something is radically wrong, because he does not open his letter with his usual praise to God and prayer for the saints. He has no time! Paul is about to engage in a battle for the truth of the gospel and the liberty of the Christian life. False teachers are spreading a false “gospel” which is a mixture of law and grace, and Paul is not going to stand by and do nothing. 當開始閱讀保羅給加拉太信徒的信時,你會立即看出有些基本的不同點,因為他沒有一開始來寫這信就沒有對上帝的讚美,和為聖徒祈禱。因為保羅沒時間! 他要即刻為福音的真理和基督徒生活的自由而戰。假教師散佈著虛假的 “福音”,是律法與恩典的混合體,保羅不能無所作為而袖手旁觀。
How does Paul approach the Galatian Christians in his attempt to teach them the truth about the gospel? In these opening verses, the apostle takes three definite steps as he prepares to fight this battle. 保羅如何嘗試向加拉太基督徒傳福音。在這些開頭的經文中,使徒準備戰鬥時就採取了三個確定的步驟。
1. He Explains His Authority (1:1–5) 1. 他解釋了他具有的權威(1:1-5)
Later on in his letter, Paul will deal with
the Galatians on the basis of affection (Gal.
His ministry (vv. 1–2). “Paul, an apostle.”
In the early days of the church, God called special men to do special tasks.
Among them were the apostles. The word means “one who is sent with a
commission.” While He was ministering on earth, Jesus had many disciples
(“learners”), and from these He selected twelve apostles (Mark
Paul’s miraculous conversion and call to apostleship created some problems. From the very beginning, he was apart from the original apostles. His enemies said that he was not a true apostle for this reason. Paul is careful to point out that he had been made an apostle by Jesus Christ just as much as had the original Twelve. His apostleship was not from human selection and approval, but by divine appointment. Therefore, he had the authority to deal with the problems in the Galatian churches. 保羅奇蹟般的悔改,和被呼召為使徒,為他的身份帶來了一些問題。從一開始,他就是與最初的使徒分開的。他的敵人說,出於這個原因,他不是真正的使徒。保羅小心地指出,耶穌基督已使他成為使徒,與原先的十二使徒完全一樣。他的使徒身份並非來自世人的选定和認可,而是來自上帝的任命。因此,他有權處理加拉太教會中的問題。
But in his ministry, Paul had a second basis
for authority: he had founded the churches in
This matter of the founding of the Galatian
churches has kept serious Bible students at work for many years. The problem
stems from the meaning of the word
Bible students are divided over whether Paul
wrote to churches in the country of
Paul always had a loving concern for his
converts and a deep desire to see the churches he had founded glorify Christ
(see Acts
When Paul heard that false teachers had begun to capture his converts and lead them astray, he was greatly concerned—and rightly so. After all, teaching new Christians how to live for Christ is as much a part of Christ’s commission as winning them (Matt. 28:19–20). Sad to say, many of the Galatian Christians had turned away from Paul, their “spiritual father” in the Lord, and were now following legalistic teachers who were mixing Old Testament law with the gospel of God’s grace. (We call these false teachers “Judaizers” because they were trying to entice Christians back into the Jewish religious system.) 當保羅聽說假教師已經開始抓住他所帶領的信主門徒,並使他們誤入歧途時,他非常擔心,這是正確的。畢竟,新信徒的教導,使他們如何為基督而活,是為基督贏得他們的使命之一(太 28:19-20)。可悲的是,許多加拉太的基督徒已經從保羅,他們的 “屬靈之父”,因假教師的誤導,使他們轉過頭去,現在去追隨假教師將上帝的恩典的福音,與舊約律法主義混亂在一起的教導。 (我們稱這些假教師為 “猶太律法師” ,因為他們試圖誘使信徒重返猶太宗教律法舊的體系。)
So, Paul had a ministry as an apostle, and specifically as the founder of the Galatian churches. As such, he had the authority to deal with the problems in the churches. But there was a second source of authority. 因此,保羅以使徒身份擔任傳道人,特別是加拉太教會的創始人。因此,他有權處理教會中的問題。但是,他還有第二個權威來源。
His message (vv. 3–4). From the very beginning, Paul clearly stated the message of the gospel, because it was this message that the Judaizers were changing. The gospel centers in a Person—Jesus Christ, the Son of God. This Person paid a price—He gave Himself to die on the cross. (You will discover that the cross is important in the Galatian letter, see 2:19–21; 3:1, 13; 4:5; 5:11, 24; 6:12–14.) Christ paid the price that He might achieve a purpose—delivering sinners from bondage. 他傳講的信息(3-4兩節)。保羅從一開始就清楚地傳講福音的信息,因為猶太人正在要改變他傳的信息。福音集中在道成肉身的人 —— 耶穌基督,上帝的兒子。 祂付出了代價 —— 死在十字架上,為贖我們的罪。 (你會發現,加拉太書信中的十字架的信息很重要,見 2:19–21; 3:1,13; 4:5; 5:11,24; 6:12-14)。可能達到目的 —— 將罪人從奴役中解救出來。
Paul’s ministry and message were sources of spiritual authority. 保羅的事工,和他的信息是他屬靈權威的源頭。
His motive (v. 5). “To whom be glory forever
and ever!” The false teachers were not ministering for the glory of Christ, but
for their own glory (see Gal.
Paul has now explained his authority. He is ready for a second step as he begins this battle for the liberty of the Christian. 保羅現在解釋了他的權威。在為爭取基督徒的自由而展開的這場鬥爭中,他準備邁出第二步。