Thursday, May 30, 2024

762 英翻中 (762) Christians are Jesus Christ witness. 作主耶穌的見證人. 30/5/2024

762 英翻中 (762)           Christians are Jesus Christ witness.          作主耶穌的見證人.       30/5/2024

讀經 :  但 聖 靈 降 臨 在 你 們 身 上 , 你 們 就 必 得 著 能 力 , 並 要 在 耶 路 撒 冷 、 猶 太 全 地 , 和 撒 瑪 利 亞 , 直 到 地 極 , 作 我 的 見 證 。 (使徒行傳 1: 8).

4/14/2024 編輯7者從網路聽到大兒子在馬利蘭中國聖經教會宣講的福音好信息:「作主耶穌的見證」使徒行傳 1:1-11 雷應遠長老.  又記得我一再提醒訪友學英文一定要以 "永不放棄! " 的心態. 所以又拿起筆來完成沒有寫完的見證. 

本來這博客是為了感謝教我的初中英文的恩師鄧岳宗先生,  他以是我父親的心態教導我.  本博客始終是以初中的學生為對象. 豈不知郤用了兩年時間作翻譯的講授.  敬請體諒.

1955年編輯者參加五院校, 台大, 成大, 師大, 台中農專, 法商學院.等五院校大專招生联方. 我被編在台灣大學法學院參加考試.   我從新竹趕到台北住在仁愛路二段教我英文的鄧老師家. 他不容學生爭辯, 立刻要我住在他家裡. 因為從他家到考場走路只要15分鐘.  那時在台北趕公車到考場至少要一小時的等車時間.  因為附近沒有旅行社. 並且我可以一邊走一邊複習記下的重點.  師母為我預備香甜可口的便當.  使編輯者永遠記住.

數學考題只有五題.  我把考前記下的范氐大代數的 "不等式" 的例題記下來, 在進考場前還複習一次.  五題中編輯者中了三題, 得到62分.  這三題是 : 不等式,  解三次方程式, 及文字題.  英文考題只有三種 : 作文(限300字), 中翻英及英翻中各一小段.  還記得考到72分.  這是鄧老師的心血, 不能不告訴各位.  這也是為愛護我的主耶穌作見證. 那時我離開中學已經七年, 25歲報考大專.  這都聖靈作的.

Monday, May 20, 2024

761 英翻中 (461) Have a mercy on me, Oh, Lord. 主阿, 求祢憐憫孩子. 26/5/2024

 761 英翻中 (461)         Have a mercy on me, Oh, Lord.     主阿, 求祢憐憫孩子.                 26/5/2024

親愛的主內訪友, 您內心是否有如編輯者心中的苦惱. 上帝引導我走在祂的正路上94年多, 仍然沒有把祂認識淸楚. 所以無法把福音說的全備. 親愛的朋友,  有了上帝的兒子主耶穌就有了一切, 請不要再添加什麼. 

回憶起在讀基督學房的聖經函授學校自認為已經了解, 魔鬼的引誘, 使我心中充滿今世驕傲的罪, 失去了保貴仔細讀聖經的機會.  下面有紅色的字雖然翻出來, 但不懂.  經過數天默思, 及在網路上聽到馬利蘭州中國聖經教會程德鵬主任牧師的講道, 才了解歌羅西書是講屬靈的生命, 是描述屬天的事.

The nature of progress (vv. 2: 5–7). In order to emphasize his admonition, Paul used several vivid pictures to illustrate spiritual progress.                                                                                                 成長的性質(5-7節)。保羅為了強調他的訓誡,使用了幾幅生動的畫面,來說明屬靈上的成長。

The army (v. 5). The words order and steadfastness are military terms. They describe an army that is solidly united against the enemy. Order describes the arrangement of the army in ranks, with each soldier in his proper place. Not everybody can be a five-star general, but the general could never fight the battle alone. Steadfastness pictures the soldiers in battle formation, presenting a solid front to the enemy. Christians ought to make progress in discipline and obedience, just as soldiers on the battlefield.                                                                                           隊(第5節)。秩序和堅定不移是軍事術語。他們描述堅決團結反對敵人的軍隊。秩序是軍隊裡編制的安排,每位士兵都有他適當的位置。並非每位士兵都能成為五星級將軍,但只有將軍也無法獨自作戰。堅定不移是士兵們在戰鬥中的紀律編排,向敵人展示了堅定不移的戰線。基督徒應該像在戰場上的士兵一樣,在紀律和服從上取得屬靈的成長。

The pilgrim (v. 6). The Christian life is compared to a pilgrimage, and believers must learn to walk. Paul had already encouraged his readers to “walk worthy of the Lord” (Col. 1:10), and later he used this image again (Col. 3:7; 4:5). In the Ephesian epistle, the companion letter to the Colossian epistle, Paul used the image at least seven times (Eph. 2:2, 10; 4:1, 17; 5:2, 8, 15).         朝聖者的形象(第6)。基督徒的生活應像朝聖者,信徒必須學會行走。保羅已經鼓勵他的讀者  “行事為人要對得起主(西   110),後來他又使用了這個形象(西   37 45)。保羅在寫給歌羅西書的同時,給以弗所人的書信中,他至少使用朝聖者的行像七次(弗    2210; 4117; 52815)。

We are to walk in Christ the same way we originally received Christ—by faith. The gnostic teachers wanted to introduce some “new truths” for Christian maturity, but Paul denounced them. “You started with Christ and you must continue with Christ,” Paul wrote. “You started with faith and you must continue with faith. This is the only way to make spiritual progress.”     我們要以原先憑著信心接受基督的樣式與基督同行。這位諾斯底的教師想為基督教的靈命成熟帶進一些  “新真理,但保羅譴責他們。保羅寫道,你們從信基督開始,必須繼續信祂。你們對祂以信心開始,必須繼續以信心依靠祂。這是使得靈命成長的唯一途徑。

The tree (v. 7a). Rooted is an agricultural word. The tense of the Greek word means “once and for all having been rooted.” Christians are not to be tumbleweeds that have no roots and are blown about by “every wind of doctrine” (Eph. 4:14). Nor are they to be “transplants” that are repeatedly moved from soil to soil. Once we are rooted by faith in Christ, there is no need to change the soil! The roots draw up the nourishment so that the tree can grow. The roots also give strength and stability.                                                                                                                               樹(第7節中第一小段)。紮根是一個農業上用的名詞。希臘語的過去時態表示  “已成的事實  基督徒不要成為無根的風滾草,而被 任何教義之風” 吹跑(弗4:14)。它們也不是重復從這土壤轉移到那土壤的 移植的植物。一旦我們因對基督的信心,而根深蒂固,就無需改變土壤了!根吸收了營養,使樹木得以生長。根部也賦予樹的堅強度和穩定性。

The building (v. 7b). Built up is an architectural term. It is in the present tense: “being built up.” When we trust Christ to save us, we are put on the foundation; from then on, we grow in grace. The word edify that is found often in Paul’s letters simply means “to build up.” To make spiritual progress means to keep adding to the temple to the glory of God.                                                       建築物7節中第二小段)。建造是土木工程結構學上的術語。用現在時態是表示:已建好基礎 當相信基督已拯救了我們時,我們信心的根基就被建立。從那時起,就在祂的恩典中成長。保羅的書信中經常出現 訓誨” 詞,它的意思很單純,是  “建立。要取得靈命的長進,就得繼續為上帝的榮耀聖殿建築物再添加。

The school (v. 7c). It is the Word of God that builds and strengthens the Christian. Epaphras had faithfully taught the Colossian believers the truth of the Word (Col. 1:7). But the false teachers were undermining that doctrine. Today, Christians who study the Word become established in the faith. Satan has a difficult time deceiving the Bible-taught believer.                                              學校(第7節中第三小段)。是上帝的話語建立及加強基督徒。以巴弗忠實地教導歌羅西信徒真理的道理(西17)。但是,假教師却正在破壞這教義。今日,學習聖經的基督徒在信心中已經被建立。撒但要欺騙已被聖經教導建立的信徒是艱難的。

The river (v. 7d). The word abounding is often used by Paul. It suggests the picture of a river overflowing its banks. Our first experience in the Lord is that of drinking the water of life by faith, and He puts within us an artesian well of living water (John 4:10–14). But that artesian well should become a “river of living water” (John 7:37–39) that grows deeper and deeper. The image of the river flowing from the sanctuary (Ezek. 47), getting deeper as it flows, probably is what Paul had in mind. Sad to say, many of us are making no progress—our lives are shallow trickles instead of mighty rivers.                                                                                                            河流(第7節後半段)。保羅經常使用 豐盛這個詞。它暗示河流的水滿溢,從河岸溢流出的景象。 初次經歷在主裡時,我們是憑信心喝祂賜的生命水,祂在我們腹中放入湧流的活水(約  410-14)。但那在腹的湧泉要流出  “生命活水的江河(約737-39),並且越流越深。 或許是在保羅的腦海中的,從聖殿流出水的圖像(結47),隨著水的流向越流越深。可悲的是,在我們很多人的生活中都沒有什麼成長  --- 生活依然是淺滴的水流,而不雄偉的大河。 

Saturday, May 11, 2024

760 英翻中 (460) Excuse me, temporarily stop. 暫停發表, 敬請原諒. 11/05/2024

760 英翻中 (460)        Excuse me, temporarily stop.             暫停發表, 敬請原諒.            11/05/2024

親愛的訪友,  進到第六課, 編輯者雖然翻譯成中文, 但沒有完全了解上帝的旨意.  所以我才沒有通過歌羅西書的考試.  請您們原諒. 我需要禱告, 求主賜智慧. 讓孩子能懂祂的旨意.  編輯者暫停一段時間, 再與各位相見.   

CHAPTER SIX         SAINTS ALIVE — AND ALERT                               Colossians 2:4–15          第六課                        聖徒活著 — 並且警覺                                                羅西書24-15

I recall a story about a pastor who was concerned about some unsavory businesses that had opened near a school. His protests finally led to a court case, and the defense attorney did all he could to embarrass the gospel minister.                                                                                               我回想起一位牧師的故事,他擔心在學校附近開設不正當生意的店子。他的抗議最終導致了一場官司,辯護律師竭盡所能使福音傳道人感到尷尬。

 “Are you not a pastor?” the lawyer asked. “And doesn’t the word pastor mean ‘shepherd’?”     辯護律師問,你不是牧師嗎?  牧師的意思是  '牧羊人

To this definition the minister agreed.                                                                                                     牧師同意。

 “Well, if you are a shepherd, why aren’t you out taking care of the sheep?”                                 那麼,既然你是牧羊人,為什麼不去照顧羊呢?

“Because today I’m fighting the wolves!” was the pastor’s quick reply, and a good answer it was.牧師快速回答,因為今天我在與狼作戰!”  是很好的答案。 

Knowing that there were enemies already attacking the church in Colosse, Paul offered encouragement. By heeding his admonitions, the Colossians would overcome their enemies.          保羅知道已經有敵人在進攻歌羅西的教堂,他給他們鼓勵。因聽從他的告誡,歌羅西人將克服他們的敵人。 

1. Keep Making Spiritual Progress (2:4–7)                                                                                            1. 不斷增強他們屬靈的進展(24–7 

In the Christian life, we never stand still: we either go forward or gradually slip backward. “Let us go on to maturity!” is the call we must obey (Heb. 6:1, literal translation). The Christian who is not making spiritual progress is an open target for the enemy to attack and destroy.                       在基督徒生活中,我們永不止步:我們要麼前進,要麼就逐漸向後退。我們必須聽從這呼召,讓我們繼續成長至成熟!(來   61,直譯)。沒有做到屬靈進步的基督徒是敵人公開進攻和摧毀的目標。

The need for progress (v. 4). Satan is deceptive. He wants to lead believers astray, and to do this, he uses deceptive words. The Greek term used here describes the persuasive arguments of a lawyer. Satan is a liar (John 8:44), and by his lies he leads believers into the wrong path. It is important that we exercise spiritual discernment, and that we continue to grow in our knowledge of spiritual truth.                                                                                                                                         需要進步(第4節)。撒但具有欺騙性。他想使信徒誤入歧途,為此,他使用了欺騙性的話語。這裡使用的希臘語,是描述律師的說服力的論點。撒但是個騙子(約   8:44),撒但以撒謊帶領信徒走邪路。重要的是我們能作屬靈的辨別,並使我們對屬靈真理的認識不斷增長。

The nature of progress (vv. 5–7). In order to emphasize his admonition, Paul used several vivid pictures to illustrate spiritual progress.                                                                                                 成長的性質(5-7節)。保羅為了強調他的訓誡,使用了幾幅生動的畫面,來說明屬靈上的成長。

The army (v. 5). The words order and steadfastness are military terms. They describe an army that is solidly united against the enemy. Order describes the arrangement of the army in ranks, with each soldier in his proper place. Not everybody can be a five-star general, but the general could never fight the battle alone. Steadfastness pictures the soldiers in battle formation, presenting a solid front to the enemy. Christians ought to make progress in discipline and obedience, just as soldiers on the battlefield.                                                                                           隊(第5節)。秩序和堅定不移是軍事術語。他們描述堅決團結反對敵人的軍隊。秩序是軍隊裡編制的安排,每位士兵都有他適當的位置。並非每位士兵都能成為五星級將軍,但只有將軍也無法獨自作戰。堅定不移是士兵們在戰鬥中的紀律編排,向敵人展示了堅定不移的戰線。基督徒應該像在戰場上的士兵一樣,在紀律和服從上取得屬靈的成長。

The pilgrim (v. 6). The Christian life is compared to a pilgrimage, and believers must learn to walk. Paul had already encouraged his readers to “walk worthy of the Lord” (Col. 1:10), and later he used this image again (Col. 3:7; 4:5). In the Ephesian epistle, the companion letter to the Colossian epistle, Paul used the image at least seven times (Eph. 2:2, 10; 4:1, 17; 5:2, 8, 15).         朝聖者的形象(第6)。基督徒的生活應像朝聖者,信徒必須學會行走。保羅已經鼓勵他的讀者  “行事為人要對得起主(西   110),後來他又使用了這個形象(西   37 45)。保羅在寫給歌羅西書的同時,給以弗所人的書信中,他至少使用朝聖者的行像七次(弗    2210; 4117; 52815)。

We are to walk in Christ the same way we originally received Christ—by faith. The gnostic teachers wanted to introduce some “new truths” for Christian maturity, but Paul denounced them. “You started with Christ and you must continue with Christ,” Paul wrote. “You started with faith and you must continue with faith. This is the only way to make spiritual progress.”     我們要以原先憑著信心接受基督的樣式與基督同行。這位諾斯底的教師想為基督教的靈命成熟帶進一些  “新真理,但保羅譴責他們。保羅寫道,你們從信基督開始,必須繼續信祂。你們對祂以信心開始,必須繼續以信心依靠祂。這是使得靈命成長的唯一途徑。

The tree (v. 7a). Rooted is an agricultural word. The tense of the Greek word means “once and for all having been rooted.” Christians are not to be tumbleweeds that have no roots and are blown about by “every wind of doctrine” (Eph. 4:14). Nor are they to be “transplants” that are repeatedly moved from soil to soil. Once we are rooted by faith in Christ, there is no need to change the soil! The roots draw up the nourishment so that the tree can grow. The roots also give strength and stability.                                                                                                                               樹(第7節中第一小段)。紮根是一個農業上用的名詞。希臘語的過去時態表示  “已成的事實  基督徒不要成為無根的風滾草,而被 任何教義之風吹跑(弗4:14)。它們也不是重復從這土壤轉移到那土壤的 移植的植物。一旦我們因對基督的信心,而根深蒂固,就無需改變土壤了!根吸收了營養,使樹木得以生長。根部也賦予樹的堅強度和穩定性。

The building (v. 7b). Built up is an architectural term. It is in the present tense: “being built up.” When we trust Christ to save us, we are put on the foundation; from then on, we grow in grace. The word edify that is found often in Paul’s letters simply means “to build up.” To make spiritual progress means to keep adding to the temple to the glory of God.                                                       建築物7節中第二小段)。建造是土木工程結構學上的術語。用現在時態是表示:已建好基礎 當相信基督已拯救了我們時,我們信心的根基就被建立。從那時起,就在祂的恩典中成長。保羅的書信中經常出現 訓誨詞,它的意思很單純,是  “建立。要取得靈命的長進,就得繼續為上帝的榮耀聖殿建築物再添加。

The school (v. 7c). It is the Word of God that builds and strengthens the Christian. Epaphras had faithfully taught the Colossian believers the truth of the Word (Col. 1:7). But the false teachers were undermining that doctrine. Today, Christians who study the Word become established in the faith. Satan has a difficult time deceiving the Bible-taught believer.                                                  學校(第7節中第三小段)。是上帝的話語建立及加強基督徒。以巴弗忠實地教導歌羅西信徒真理的道理(西17)。但是,假教師却正在破壞這教義。今日,學習聖經的基督徒在信心中已經被建立。撒但要欺騙已被聖經教導建立的信徒是艱難的。

The river (v. 7d). The word abounding is often used by Paul. It suggests the picture of a river overflowing its banks. Our first experience in the Lord is that of drinking the water of life by faith, and He puts within us an artesian well of living water (John 4:10–14). But that artesian well should become a “river of living water” (John 7:37–39) that grows deeper and deeper. The image of the river flowing from the sanctuary (Ezek. 47), getting deeper as it flows, probably is what Paul had in mind. Sad to say, many of us are making no progress—our lives are shallow trickles instead of mighty rivers.                                                                                                              河流(第7節後半段)。保羅經常使用 豐盛這個詞。它暗示河流的水滿溢,從河岸溢流出的景象。 初次經歷在主裡時,我們是憑信心喝祂賜的生命水,祂在我們腹中放入湧流的活水(約  410-14)。但那在腹的湧泉要流出  “生命活水的江河(約737-39),並且越流越深。 或許是在保羅的腦海中的,從聖殿流出水的圖像(結47),隨著水的流向越流越深。可悲的是,在我們很多人的生活中都沒有什麼成長  --- 生活依然是淺滴的水流,而不雄偉的大河。

Again, Paul mentioned “thanksgiving” (see Col. 1:3, 12). A thankful spirit is a mark of Christian maturity. When a believer is abounding in thanksgiving, he is really making progress!                     保羅再次提到  “感恩(見  西   1312)。感恩的靈命是基督徒成熟的標誌。當一個信徒充滿感恩的心時,他的靈命是真的進深!

By reviewing these pictures of spiritual progress, we see how the growing Christian can easily defeat the enemy and not be led astray. If his spiritual roots are deep in Christ, he will not want any other soil. If Christ is his sure foundation, he has no need to move. If he is studying and growing in the Word, he will not be easily enticed by false doctrine. And if his heart is overflowing with thanksgiving, he will not even consider turning from the fullness he has in Christ. A grounded, growing, grateful believer will not be led astray.                                                                回顧這些靈命進深的形象,看到了靈命正成長中的基督徒,他是如何能夠輕鬆地擊敗敵人,而不會誤入歧途。如果他的屬靈根基深深地埋在基督的土壤裡,他就不會想要任何其他土壤。 若基督是他堅固的基礎,那麼什麼都不能使他動彈。 若他正在主的話中學習和成長,他將不會輕易被錯誤的教義所吸引。如果他的心因感恩而滿溢,他甚至不會考慮從在基督裡的豐盛而轉移。堅定,成長,而感恩的信徒,絕對不會誤入歧途。

Friday, May 10, 2024

759 英翻中 (459) Preaching the gospel of the Christ complete. 基督福音要傳得全備. 10/05/2024

759 英翻中 (459)  Preaching the gospel of the Christ complete. 基督福音要傳得全備.  10/05/2024

3.  Paul’s responsibility (vv. 25–27).                                                                                                        3.  保羅的職責(25-27 等節)。 

Had Paul compromised with the Jews and stopped ministering to the Gentiles, he could have been spared a great deal of suffering.  But he could not abandon his calling just for personal safety and comfort. He had been made a minister by God; he had been given a “stewardship” (dispensation) and he had to be faithful to his calling (1 Cor. 4:2). It was not a matter of choice: he was called to fulfill the Word of God. This can mean “I must preach the Word fully and not compromise any truth.” It can also mean “I am commissioned by God’s Word and I must be faithful to discharge my office.”                                                                                                                                                 若保羅與猶太人妥協,並停止對外邦人宣教的事奉,他或可免掉受重大苦難。 但是他不能因自己人身安全和舒適,放棄上帝對他的呼召。他既被上帝呼召當了宣教士被賦予了 管家的職責(就當忠信配合),他必須忠實於自己的被呼召 (林前  42)。 這不是選擇的問題:而是他被上帝呼召後,要履行對祂諾言的兌現問題。這意味著  “我必須認真傳講聖經,不能對真理有任何妥協。”   這也可能是說我受上帝的委派,必須忠實地履行我的職責,言行一致。 

Paul’s special message regarding the Gentiles had to do with what he called “the mystery.” To us today, a mystery is something eerie and perhaps frightening, but this was not the way the word was defined in Paul’s day. The false teachers used this word to describe the inner secrets of their religions. A mystery is a “sacred secret,” hidden in the past and now revealed by the Holy Spirit (see Eph. 3:1–13).                                                                                                                                         保羅要對外邦人傳講的特別信息,必須用他所稱的奧秘來釋放。奧秘對我們今天來說是迷信,也許令人毛骨悚然的事, 但這不是保羅那個時代,對這個詞的解說。假教師用這個詞來形容他們宗教信仰的內在秘密。是  “神聖的秘密,隱藏在過去,現在由聖靈啟示(見    31-13)。

God called the nation of Israel to be His people, He gave them His law (including the priesthood and sacrifices), and He gave them a wonderful land. He promised them a King who would one day establish a glorious kingdom and fulfill the many promises made to Abraham and David. The Old Testament prophets wrote about a Messiah who would suffer,  and a Messiah who would reign. They could not explain the seeming contradiction (see 1 Peter 1:9–12). They did not understand that the Messiah first had to suffer before He could enter into glory (Luke 24:13–27).                   上帝呼召以色列國為祂的子民, 把祂的律法賜給他們(包括: 聖職和 獻祭),祂已賜給了他們一塊美好的土地。祂允許賜給他們國王,有一天他會建立光榮的王國,履行祂對亞伯拉罕和大衛所下多諾言。舊約先知寫的是遭受苦難的彌賽亞, 和將統治以色列國的彌賽亞。他們不能解釋這看上去似是矛盾的事(請參閱  彼前  19–12)。他們不了解彌賽亞必須先受苦才可以進入榮耀的事(路2413–27 

Jesus Christ came to earth, was rejected by His people, and was crucified. He arose again and returned to heaven. Did this mean that God’s promised kingdom for Israel was now abandoned? No, because God had initiated a new program—His mystery—that was not explained by the Old Testament prophets. The mystery is that today God is uniting Jews and Gentiles in the church (Eph. 2:11–22). When the church is completed, then Jesus Christ will return and take His people to heaven (1 Thess. 4:13–18). Then He will again deal with Israel as a nation and establish the promised kingdom (Acts 15:12–18).                                                                                                        耶穌基督來到世上,被祂的子民拒絕, 並釘祂在十字架上。祂復活後升天。這是否意味著上帝應許的國度,因為以色列拒絕,現在被遺棄了?  不,因為上帝興起了新程序 —— 祂的奧秘 —— 那不是由舊約先知能解釋的。奧秘是今天上帝將猶太人和外邦人在教會中結合在一起(弗  211-22)。當教會完美建成後,然後耶穌基督會再來,並接祂的子民去天堂(帖前   413-18)。然後,祂會再與以色列國打交道,建立祂應許的國度(徒1512-18)。

 Imagine what this message meant to the Gentiles.                                                                               想像這個信息對外邦人有什麼意義。

They were no longer excluded from the glory and riches of God’s grace! During the Old Testament dispensation, a Gentile had to become a Jewish proselyte in order to share in the blessings of Israel. But in the new dispensation, Jews and Gentiles alike are saved by faith in Jesus Christ (Rom. 10:12–13). No wonder the Jewish false teachers opposed Paul. He dared to say, “There is no difference!”                                                                                                                 外邦人不再被排斥在上帝恩典的豐盛和榮耀之外!在舊約時代,他們必須成為皈依猶太教的信徒,才能分享以色列的祝福。 但是在新宗教時代,猶太人和外邦人,都因信耶穌基督,都得拯救(羅1012-13)。難怪猶太的假教師反對保羅。  因保羅敢說  “沒有區別!

We who have grown up in somewhat Christian surroundings have a tendency to take all of this for granted. But think of the excitement this message must have generated in a church composed of new believers who had no background in the church. Once they were outside the covenants of God, but now they were members of His family. Once they were living in spiritual ignorance and death, but now they were alive and sharing in the riches of God’s wisdom in Christ.  Once they had no hope, but now they had a glorious hope because Christ now lived within! It would be good for us today to recapture some of that “first love” excitement.                                                    我們生長在基督信仰的環境,肯定得救是白白的。但是,請想想這消息多麼令人興奮,在由沒有宗教背景的新信徒組成的新教會的產生。他們曾經在上帝的誓約之外,但如今他們是上帝家中的人。從前他們住在靈性的無知和死亡中,如今他們復活了,並分享上帝在基督裡豐盛的智慧。 曾經他們沒有盼望,但如今他們有了光榮的盼望,因為基督現在住在他們裡面!  今天,這將是我們從新回到有關最初的愛所賜我們興奮的最佳時刻。

I was privileged to minister in Africa for three weeks, and there I was introduced to some of the finest Christians I have ever met. I taught the Word to over five hundred national pastors in Kenya for almost a week, and each service was a challenge and blessing to me. Many of the pastors still had the marks of paganism and idolatry on their bodies; yet their faces were aglow with the joy of the Lord. I went to Africa to minister to them, but they ministered to me! They reminded me not to take for granted the glorious riches I have in Jesus Christ.                               我有榮幸在非洲宣教三個星期,在那裡遇到我見過的美好的基督徒。在教肯尼亞國的五百名屬國家牧師們聖經,幾乎有一周的時間,每次事奉對我來說,都是對我的挑戰和祝福。許多牧師仍然有異教偶像崇拜的印記在他們的身上;但是他們的臉却帶著主的喜樂與榮光。我本是去非洲服事他們,但如今反而是他們來教導我!他們提醒我,不要白白的擁有耶穌基督榮光的豐盛。

4.  Striving for the Saints (1:28—2:3)                                                                                                    4.  為聖徒努力奮鬥(128—23 

We have met Paul the preacher, sharing the gospel and Paul the prisoner, suffering for the Gentiles.                                                                                                                                                    我們遇到了傳教士保羅,分享了福音並且保羅是被囚的,他為外邦人受苦。 

Now we meet Paul the prayer warrior, striving in prayer for the individual saints that they mightmature in the faith. The words striving (Col. 1:29) and conflict (Col. 2:1) are athletic terms. They refer to the strenuous effort put forth by the runner to win the race. Our English word agony comes from this Greek word.                                                                                                         現在,我們遇到祈禱的勇士保羅,為每個聖徒祈禱,或者能使他們的信心成熟。奮鬥(西  1:29)和衝突(西  21)是運動員的術語。它們指的是跑步者為贏得勝利,而付出的奮鬥和努力。英語痛苦(agony)” 是來自於此希臘字。

Paul’s instruction (v. 28a). “Whom” refers, of course, to Jesus Christ. “For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord” (2 Cor. 4:5). The false teachers exalted themselves and their great “spiritual” attainments. They preached a system of teaching, but Paul preached a Person. The gnostics preached philosophy and the empty traditions of men (Col. 2:8), but Paul proclaimed Jesus Christ. The false teachers had lists of rules and regulations (Col. 2:16, 20–21), but Paul presented Christ. What a difference in ministries!                                                               保羅的教學(28節上半段)。當然,在這裡是指耶穌基督。因為我們不是宣講自己,是宣講主耶穌基督(林前45)。假教師們高舉自己和他們偉大的  “屬靈的成就。他們宣講了教學制度,但是保羅宣講完全的人。諾斯底派講哲學和空洞傳統的人(西   28),但是保羅聲稱耶穌基督是完全的人。假老師有一條條的規章制度的表列出來(民  21620-21),但是保羅只宣稱基督。這在傳好消息上,是何等的不同!

Paul not only preached (the word means “to announce with authority as a herald”), but he also warned. While it is good to proclaim positive truth, it is also necessary to warn God’s people against the lies of the enemy (Acts 20:31). In fact, God’s people should be alert to warn one another (admonish in Col. 3:16 niv). Paul considered himself a spiritual father to the local churches, and it was his duty to warn his children (1 Cor. 4:14).                                                       保羅不僅是宣教者 (這詞是說,帶權威的宣教使者),但他還提出警告。宣揚積極的真理是好的,警告上帝的子民不要中了敵人的謊言,也是必要的(徒  20:31)。實際上,上帝的子民應該互相警惕(在  西3:16這一經節中的告誡 )。保羅認為自己是當地教會屬靈的父親,警告他的孩子是他的責任(林前1414)。

But Paul was also a teacher of the truth. It is not enough to warn people; we must also teach them the positive truths of the Word of God. How far would we get in our travels if the highway signs told us where the roads were not going? Not very far! It is good to win a man to Christ, and then to warn him about the dangers ahead; but it is also important to teach that convert the basic truths of the Christian life.                                                                                                                     但是保羅還是真理的老師。警告人是不夠的;我們還必須教導他們上帝聖言的正面真理。我們到底要走多遠,才能見到高速公路標誌告訴我們此路不通? 不會太遠! 要贏得人歸向基督很好,然後,警告在他前面的危險; 但對剛信主耶穌的人,教導他基督徒生活的基本真理也很重要。

Paul not only preached Christ, but he also “taught Christ,” for in Christ are “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col. 2:3). It was not necessary to introduce any new teaching, for all that a believer needs to know is related to Jesus Christ. “Teaching every man in all wisdom” was Paul’s concern (Col. 1:28). Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. The false teachers promised to give people a “hidden wisdom” that would make them “spiritually elite.” But all true spiritual wisdom is found only in Jesus Christ.                                                                                                     保羅不僅宣講基督,而且還教導基督,因為在基督裡藏著所積蓄的一切智慧知識(西  23)。沒有必要引入任何新的教義,因為信徒需要知道與耶穌基督有關的,都藏在祂裡面。保羅最關心的就是  “用諸般的智慧傳揚給每人(西  1:28)。智慧是對知識的正確使用。假教師許諾給人隱藏的智慧那將使他們成為屬靈上的精英。但是全部真正屬靈的智慧,只有在耶穌基督裡面才能找到。

Paul’s intent (v. 28b; 2:2–3). He wanted to present every believer “perfect in Christ Jesus.” The word perfect was a favorite word with the gnostic teachers. It described the disciple who was no longer a novice, but who had matured and was fully instructed in the secrets of the religion. Paul used it to mean “complete, mature in Christ.” This is the goal of all preaching, warning, and teaching.                                                                                                                                                     保羅的意圖(28節後半段至 22-3)。他想使在基督耶穌裡的完美呈現在每位信徒面前。完美是諾斯底學派的教師最喜歡的術語。它描述不再是新手的門徒,但是已經成熟的信徒,經過宗教的秘密的教導。保羅用它來表示  “在基督裡完全的成熟。這是所有宣教要達到的目標,警告和教學。

What are the evidences of this spiritual maturity?                                                                               這種屬靈成熟的證據是什麼?

5.  Paul described them next (Col. 2:2).                                                                                                  5.  保羅接下來描述屬靈成熟的證據(西22)。 

Encouragement—“that their hearts might be comforted.”                                                                     鼓勵 ——  “使他們的心靈得到安慰

Our English word encourage means “with heart.” To encourage people is to give them new heart.  Shallow sympathy usually makes people feel worse, but true spiritual encouragement makes them feel better. It brings out the best in people.                                                                       英語 鼓勵與心有關。”  鼓勵人就是給他們新的心。淺薄的同情通常會使人感到更糟,但是真正屬靈的鼓勵,會使他們感覺好多了。它帶給人最好的。

Endearment—“being knit together in love.” The mature Christian loves the brethren and seeks to be a peacemaker, not a troublemaker. He is a part of spiritual unity in the church. An immature person is often selfish and causes division.                                                                                             愛好 ——  “在愛中交織在一起 成熟的基督徒愛弟兄,並希望成為和平使者,而不是製造麻煩的人。他是在教會裡屬靈的結合的一份子。 不成熟的人經常很自私並導致分裂。

Enrichment—“unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding.” Paul mentioned the riches of Christ earlier (Col. 1:27). Too many Christians are living like paupers when they could be living like kings. Mature Christians do not complain about what they don’t have. Rather, they make use of the vast resources that they do have in Jesus Christ.                                                       豐盛 ——  “充分理解完全豐盛的保證”  保羅先前提到過,在基督裡的豐盛(西   127)。太多的基督徒過著像貧民生活,而他們應該像國王過著一樣豐盛生活。成熟基督徒從不抱怨自己缺乏什麼。相反,他們却充分的利用在耶穌基督裡豐盛的資源。

Enlightenment—“full assurance of understanding.”  The mature believer has assurance in his heart that he is a child of God. The spiritual knowledge that he has in Christ constantly enlightens him and directs him daily. I have often counseled believers who told me they lacked assurance of their salvation. Invariably, they have been neglecting God’s Word and living in ignorance.                                                                                                                                                 啟發 ——  “在理解中的充足確據 成熟的信徒在他內心確知他是上帝的兒女。他在基督裡擁有的屬靈知識,日常不斷的啟發,並指引他。我經常勸導那些告訴我的信徒說,他們缺乏救恩的確據。肯定是他們忽略了上帝的話語,而生活在無知中。

God wants us as His children to have “understanding” and “wisdom and knowledge” (Col. 2:2–3). The word translated “understanding” literally means “to place together.” It is the ability to assess things.  Wisdom implies the ability to defend what we understand.  Knowledge suggests the ability to grasp truth. All of these terms were also used by the gnostics.                                           上帝要我們作為祂兒女的有  “悟性智慧與知識(西22-3)。悟性的字的意思是  “使思想集中。”  它是評估事物的能力。智慧是捍衛我們悟性的能力。知識是促使掌握真理的能力。所有的這些術語也被諾斯底派使用。

Paul’s intercession (1:29—2:1). “For this I labor to the point of exhaustion, agonizing” is a literal translation of the first part of Colossians 1:29. What a picture of prayer! So much of our praying is calm and comfortable, and yet Paul exerted his spiritual muscles the way a Greek runner would exert himself in the Olympic Games. He also taught Epaphras to pray the same way (Col. 4:12).                                                                                                                                                         保羅的代禱(129節至2 1)。為此,我是何等的盡心竭力的禱告”  是直譯歌羅西書129節的上半段。多麼感人祈禱的圖片! 我們的祈禱如此平靜舒適,而保羅卻發揮了他的屬靈力量,如希臘賽跑者將自己的全盤精力投入到奧運會一樣。他還教導以巴弗用同樣的方式祈禱(西4:12)。

This does not mean that our prayers are more effective if we exert all kinds of fleshly energy. Nor does it mean that we must “wrestle with God” and wear Him out before He will meet our needs. Paul described a spiritual striving: it was God’s power at work in his life.                                          我並不是說,在祈禱時我們要使用全身的能力來增加它的果效。也不是說我們必須與上帝摔角,並使祂乏力後,來滿足我們的需要。保羅描述了屬靈上的奮鬥:是上帝在他生命中發揮大能的作用。

True prayer is directed to the Father (Matt. 6:9), through the Son (in His name, John 14:13–14), in the power of the Holy Spirit (Jude 20). When the Spirit is at work in our lives, then we can pray mightily in the will of God.                                                                                                            真正的禱告是面對天父(太  69),藉著祂兒子(奉祂的名,約1413-14),及聖靈的大能(猶20)。當聖靈在我們的生命中運作,然後我們可以在上帝的偉大的旨意中禱告。

How does the Spirit assist us in our praying? For one thing, the Spirit teaches us the Word and shows us the will of God (John 16:13–15). Prayer is not our trying to change God’s mind. It is learning what is the mind of God and asking accordingly (1 John 5:14–15).                                        聖靈如何幫助我們禱告? 舉例來說,聖靈教導我們上帝的話,並啟示祂的旨意(約1613-15)。禱告不是我們嘗試用來改變上帝的主意。 是要我們學習上帝的旨意,並提出相應的懇求(約壹514-15)。 

The Holy Spirit constantly intercedes for us even though we do not hear His voice (Rom. 8:26–27). He knows the Father’s will and He helps us pray in that will.                                                        聖靈不斷地為我們代求,甚至我們還聽不到祂的聲音(羅   826-27)。祂知道父上帝的旨意,祂幫助我們在天父上帝的旨意中祈禱。 

There are times when we simply do not feel like praying—and that is when we must pray the most! The Spirit gives us divine energy for prayer, in spite of the way we feel. The resurrection power of Jesus Christ is made available to us (Eph. 3:20–21).                                                                有時候我們根本體會到我們不想禱告那就是我們必須要祈禱的時候! 聖靈在我們感覺不到的時候,賜予我們屬靈的禱告能力。耶穌基督的復活大能促使我們能禱告(弗320–21)。

In these verses Paul explained his ministry, and in so doing, he silenced the accusations of the enemy. He also stirred the affections of the believers as they realized how much Paul had done for them.                                                                                                                                                         保羅在這些經文中解釋了他的事工,並且這樣做,使敵人的指責沉默。當信徒意識到保羅為他們做了這麼多的服事,他也激發了他們的感情。

All of us are not called to be apostles, but each one of us does have a God-given ministry. We can share the gospel and be soul-winners. We can suffer for Christ and fulfill the ministry God has given us. We can strive in prayer for God’s people and encourage them to mature. Paul took time to minister to individuals; note the repetition of “every man” in Colossians 1:28. If we minister to only a few believers, we are helping the whole church.                                                                        我們每人都不是使徒,但我們中的每人都有上帝賜予的事工。我們可以分享福音,並贏得靈魂。我們可以為基督受苦,並履行上帝所賜給我們的事工。 我們可以努力為上帝的子民禱告,並促進他們成熟。 保羅花時間為個人服侍注意在歌羅西書128節中重複的使用 每人。若對少數信徒服侍,我們就是在幫助整個教會。

Are you fulfilling your God-given ministry?                                                                                          在履行上帝所賜的事工上,你完全做到了嗎?

Thursday, May 9, 2024

758 英翻中 (458) Paul was “filling up in his turn the leftover parts of Christ’s sufferings, preaching completed gospel. 保羅用自身痛苦填補基督受苦患難,使福音得傳講全備. 09/05/2024

758 英翻中 (458)     Paul was “filling up in his turn the leftover parts of Christ’s  sufferings,                               preaching completed gospel保羅用自身痛苦填補基督受苦患難,使福音得傳講全備.       09/05/2024

親愛的主內訪友,  編輯者懇請您們打開聖經對照研讀, 只有 6 節, 句句扎心, 好嗎?  作者魏士比的文章實在是簡潔有力, 沒有太深奧的哲理, 却明白寫出讀者心裡所想知道聖經的奧祕.  編輯者在約翰福音查經時, 同仁推薦兩本解經書 : Be Alive 約翰福音上1- 12章, Be Transformed約翰福音下13-21章. 讀後獲益非淺. 特此敬告親愛的主內訪友.

2.  Suffering for the Gentiles (1:24–27)                                                                                                      2.  為外邦人受苦(124–27 

Paul’s enemies made much of the fact that the great apostle was a prisoner of Rome. The false teachers in Colosse probably ridiculed Paul and used this as a weapon to fight the truth of the gospel. But Paul turned this weapon around and used it to defeat his enemies and to build a closer relationship with the church in Colosse.                                                                                                保羅的敵人使用他是羅馬囚犯的事實,使人懷疑他是偉大的使徒的確認。歌羅西的假教師,可能嘲笑保羅,並將這事實作為對抗福音真理的武器。但是,保羅却把這事實作為反擊的武器,擊敗了他的敵人,並與歌羅西的教堂建立更緊密的關係。 

Paul’s rejoicing (v. 24). “Instead of being ashamed of my suffering, I am rejoicing in it!” How could anyone rejoice in suffering? To begin with, Paul was suffering because of Jesus Christ. It was “the fellowship of his sufferings” (Phil. 3:10). Like the early apostles, Paul rejoiced that he was “counted worthy to suffer shame for His name” (Acts 5:41). A Christian should never suffer “as a thief or as an evildoer,” but it is an honor to “suffer as a Christian” (1 Peter 4:15–16).         保羅的喜樂(第24節)。將我痛苦的羞辱變為喜樂!  怎麼會有人在痛苦中還能喜樂呢?首先,保羅是 因耶穌基督的緣故受苦。這是他受苦的團契(腓  3:10)。 像早期的使徒一樣,保羅非常喜樂,因他能為耶穌的名受苦,這是值得的(徒  5:41)。基督徒應該永遠不要因  偷竊或作惡而受苦,但  若因為作基督徒而受苦  這是榮耀(彼前  415-16)。

There is a special blessing and reward reserved for the faithful believer who suffers for the sake of Christ (Matt. 5:10–12).                                                                                                                       為基督而受苦的忠實信徒,有特殊的祝福和獎勵為他們存留(太  510-12)。

Paul had a second cause for rejoicing in his suffering: he was suffering because of the Gentiles. Paul was the chosen apostle to the Gentiles (Eph. 3:1–13). In fact, he was a prisoner in Rome because of his love for the Gentiles. He was arrested in Jerusalem on false charges, and the Jews listened to his defense until he used the word Gentiles (see Acts 22:21ff.). It was that word that infuriated them and drove them to ask for his execution. (The full account is given in Acts 21–28, and an exciting account it is.)                                                                                                                 保羅在苦難中有第二種使他喜樂的事: 他為外邦人受苦。保羅是上帝特別選為外邦人職事的使徒(弗  31-13)。在事實上,由於他對外邦人的熱愛,他被囚於羅馬。他因虛假的指控在耶路撒冷被捕,猶太人聽了他的辯護,直到他使用 "外邦人" 這詞句(見    2221 比照研讀)。那是激怒猶太人的造句,激怒他们要求处死他。 (徒   21-28 等章,是描寫這事件的完整叙述,令人兴奋的事件。)

So the Gentile believers in Colosse had every reason to love Paul and be thankful for his special ministry to them. But there was a third cause for Paul’s rejoicing: he was suffering for the sake of Christ’s body, the church. There was a time when Paul had persecuted the church and caused it to suffer. But now Paul devoted his life to the care of the church. Paul did not ask, as do some believers, “What will I get out of it?” Instead he asked, “How much will God let me put into it?” The fact that Paul was a prisoner did not stop him from ministering to the church.                       因此,歌羅西的外邦信徒有充分的理由愛保羅,並感謝他對他們的特殊職事。但是,保羅的第三種喜樂是他為基督的身體教會的緣故受苦。保羅曾經多次迫害教會,使教會受苦。但現在保羅畢生致力於教會的照顧。保羅不像別的信徒那樣問,我將從中學到什麼?相反,他問,上帝會讓我放入多少事奉進去?  保羅是囚犯這一事實,並沒阻止他服侍教會。

It is important to note, however, that these sufferings had nothing to do with the sacrificial sufferings of Christ on the cross. Only the sinless Lamb of God could die for the sins of the world (John 1:29). Paul was “filling up in his turn the leftover parts of Christ’s sufferings” (Col. 1:24, literal translation). The word afflictions refers to the “pressures” of life, the persecutions Paul endured. This word is never used in the New Testament for the sacrificial sufferings of Jesus Christ.                                                                                                                                                       然而,重要的是這些苦難,與基督在十字架上的犧牲痛苦無關。只有上帝的無罪羔羊可能會為世人的罪而死(約  129)。保羅是  用他的肉身填補基督受苦患難的欠缺(西  1:24,直譯)。苦難是指生活的  壓力,保羅忍受了這迫害。在新約中從未將它使用過在耶穌基督犧牲的苦難上。

The sacrificial sufferings of Christ are over, but His body, the church, experiences suffering because of its stand for the faith. The Head of the church in heaven feels the sufferings that His people endure. (“Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?” [Acts 9:4]) Paul was taking his turn in sharing these afflictions, and others would follow in his train. But Paul did not complain. “For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds by Christ” (2 Cor. 1:5).     基督犧牲的苦難過去,但祂的身體,教會,因為堅立的信心,經驗此痛苦。在天堂裡教會的,感受祂子民受苦難。(掃羅,掃羅,為什麼逼迫我? 94 該輪流到保羅,也來分享這些苦難,而其他人會跟隨他一起受苦。但是保羅沒有抱怨。我們既多受基督的苦楚, 就靠基督多得安慰(林後  15)。