Monday, December 20, 2021

242   英翻中基本認識(一    Merry Christmas      慶祝上帝道成肉身                     12/20/2021

我們親愛的天父,愛我們的主耶穌基督 謝謝祢的降生世間, 賜給世人恩典, 赦免祢孩子們的罪.  在這瘟疫苦難的日子裡,祢保守我們平安渡過。
謝謝主的拯救,使我靠祢的大能, 戰勝魔鬼的誘惑能勝過肉體及眼目的情慾不再驕傲而謙卑順服祢的旨意, 作成祢的工。
謝謝祢恩賜91年平安喜樂的日子。使我繼續能堅決見證祢道成肉身, 來到世上為贖我們的罪,在十字架上捨身流血,第三天復活永遠活在我們的心中。

造物主 道成肉身的來到世上,不是為討人的事奉,而是要達成贖世人罪的目的。所以聖誕節的意義非常明顯,應是世人該大喜樂的日子。 雖然,兩年來瘟疫愁雲滿佈這世界,但凡有基督信仰者,都會高聲歌唱 哈利盧亞! 基督今降生…..”

編輯者蒙上帝的恩典得以存活,肯定有祂的旨意。在這兩年的瘟疫猖獗中,我盡力的使用主賜的生命,翻譯慕廸聖經學院駐院牧師魏士比(Warren W. Wiersbe)牧師所著的“Be Book”中的 : 馬太福音 忠心事奉(Be Loyal)路加福音(分兩本: 勇往直前(Be Courageous) 滿懷憐憫(Be Compassionate),及腓立比書 務要喜樂(Be Joyful)。現在把 務要喜樂的書在聖誕節日與訪友分享。

The Joy – Stealers    

Mark Twain was a professional humorist whose lectures and writings made people around the world laugh and, for a short time, forget their troubles. Yet Mark Twain himself was, in private, a man whose life was broken by sorrow. When his beloved daughter Jean died suddenly of an epileptic seizure, Twain, too ill to go to the funeral, said to a friend, "I have never greatly envied anyone but the dead.  I always envy the dead."    
Jesus Christ was “a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief." Yet He possessed a deep joy that was beyond anything the world could offer.  As He faced the cruel death o
Calvary, Jesus said to His followers, "These things have I spoken unto you, that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full" (John 15:11).
耶穌基督是多愁的人,常遭受悲傷。”  但祂却擁有世界所沒有的深深的喜樂。當祂面對髑髏地的殘酷死亡時,耶穌對祂門徒說,這些事我已經對你們說過了,是要叫我的喜樂存在你們心裡,並叫你們的喜樂可以滿足(約  1511)。
Those who have trusted Christ have the privilege of experiencing "fullness of joy” (Ps. 16:11). Yet, few Christians take advantage of this privilege.
有基督信仰的人,很榮幸的能體驗到  “喜樂的滿溢(詩   16:11)。然而,很少基督徒能善用這恩賜。
The answer to that important question is found in a letter written centuries ago. It was written by the Apostle Paul when he was a prisoner in Rome about A.D.62; and it was sent to his fellow Christians at the church in Philippi, a church Paul had founded on his second missionary journey (Acts 16). One of their members, Epaphroditus, had been sent to Rome to bring a special offering to the apostle and to help him in his time of difficulty (Phil. 2:25-30; 4:10-20). Paul's letter to the Philippian church is something of a missionary thank-you letter, but it is much more than that. It is the sharing of Paul's secret of Christian joy! At least 19 times in these four chapters, Paul mentions joy, rejoicing, or gladness!
該重要問題的答案,早在幾個世紀前,已存在保羅寫給腓立比人的信中。該信是在公元 62年左右,他在羅馬為囚犯時所寫;是寄給腓立比教會的基督徒,該教會是保羅在他第二次宣教旅程中建立的(徒  16 章)。腓立比教會選派教友以巴弗提親往羅馬,為使徒保羅帶去特別的奉獻禮物,在他有困難時可以助於他(腓  2:25-304:10-20)。這信像是宣教士的感謝信,其意義遠不止於此。保羅在信中分享基督徒喜樂的秘訣!  在該信共四章中,保羅至少使用 “喜樂,歡欣,或高興 19 次!
The unusual thing about the letter is this: Paul's situation was such that there appeared to be no reason for him to be rejoicing. He was a Roman prisoner and his case was coming up shortly. He might be acquitted, or he might be beheaded! Acts 28:30-31 indicates that he was a prisoner in his own hired house, but he was chained to a Roman soldier and not permitted to preach in public. Paul had wanted to go to Rome as a preacher (Rom. 1:13-16); instead, he had come as a prisoner. And, unfortunately, the believers at Rome were divided: some were for Paul and some were against him (Phil. 1:15-17). In fact, some of the Christians even wanted to make things more difficult for the apostle!
有關信中不尋常之事是:保羅的處境雖如此的艱苦,看來沒有使他高興的理由。他那時是羅馬囚犯,案子很快就要開始審理。可能會判他無罪,也可能被判決斬首!在使徒行傳 2830-31等節說明,他是囚在自己租的房子裡,且與羅馬士兵鎖在一起,不允許他再在公共場合講道。保羅曾想去羅馬傳道(羅  1:13-16);相反,他是為要公平審判作為囚犯而來到羅馬的。很不幸,羅馬的信徒意見不一:有些人支持保羅,有些人却反對他(腓  1:15-17)。事實上,有些基督徒甚至想給使徒添麻煩!
Yet, in spite of his danger and discomfort, Paul overflowed with joy. What was the secret of this joy? The secret is found in another word that is often repeated in Philippians: it is the word mind. Paul uses mind 10 times, and also uses the word think 5 times. Add the time he uses remember  and you have a total of  16 references to "the mind”.  In other words, the secret of  Christian joy is found in the way the believer thinks-his attitudes. After all, outlook determines outcome. As we think, so we are (Prov. 23:7). Philippians, then, is a Christian psychology book, based solidly on Bible doctrine. It is not a shallow "self-help" book that tells the reader how to convince himself that "everything is going to turn out all right." It is a book that explains the mind the believer must have if he is going to experience Christian joy in a world filled with trouble.
然而,儘管保羅在危險和痛苦中,他仍然喜樂滿溢。是什麼秘訣使他喜悅?  在腓立比書中經常重複使用的另一字詞中, “心志(the mind)” 發現這秘訣。 保羅用了 10  “心志,又用了 5  “思想” 。再加上使用一次  “記著,總共有16次提到  “心志。換句話說,基督徒喜樂的秘訣在於他的心裡如何去想  “他的心態。總之,心志決定行為。人心裡怎樣思量,行事為人就是怎樣(箴   23:7)。那麼,腓立比書是基督信仰有關心理方面,以聖經教義為堅固基礎的書信。腓立比書不是淺薄的  “修行”  的書,告訴讀者只要說服自己,其他  “一切一切都會自動的好起來。”  這卷保羅所寫的新約書信,是他誠懇的以個人的經歷,告訴基督信徒必須具備的 “心志,若他要在這充滿困擾的世界中,還能體驗到基督徒的喜樂的秘訣。
The best way to get the total picture of the book is to discover first the "thieves" that rob us of our joy, then determine the kinds of attitudes we must have in order to capture and conquer these "thieves."
要了解本書全貌的最好方法 : 首先要去發現偷走我們喜樂的  “那些小偷,然後確定我們必須採取什麼樣的心志來捕捉,和征服這些 “小偷們
The Thieves That Rob You of Your Joy.
1. Circumstances
1. 環境
Most of us must confess that when things are "going our way" we feel a lot happier and we are much easier to live with. "Dad must have had an easy day at the office," little Peggy said to her visiting girlfriend. "He didn't squeal the tires when he pulled into the driveway, and he didn't slam the door when he came into the house. And he even gave Mother a kiss!"
人必須承認,當事情  “順著自己的心意”  時,我們會感到比較快樂,這一天也更容易渡過。小佩吉對她來訪的女朋友說,“ 今天我爸爸在辦公室裡一定輕鬆的渡過了他的一天,否則,他開進車道時不會沒有吱吱的燥聲,進屋時也不會沒有砰的大聲的關門聲。而且,他肯定不會去親媽媽的!

But have you ever stopped to consider how few of the circumstances of life are really under our control? We have no control over the weather or over the traffic on the expressway or over the things other people say and do. The person whose happiness depends on ideal circumstances is going to be miserable much of the time! The poet Byron wrote, "Men are the sport of circumstances." And yet here is the Apostle Paul in The worst circumstances, writing a letter saturated with joy!
但是你有沒有停下來想過,在生活的環境中真能控制我們的情緒的因素有那些? 天氣,在高速公路上的塞車,或別人對我們的閒言閒語。把快樂取決於理想環境的因素的人,肯定大部分時間都會很痛苦!  偉大詩人拜倫說,人是環境的玩物。”  然而,使徒保羅在坐監的痛苦境遇下,却寫了給腓立比教會知足,充滿喜樂的信。
2.  People
2.  人際關係
My daughter jumped off the school bus as it stopped in front of our house and slammed her way through the front door. She marched defiantly up the stairs into her room and again slammed the door. All the time she was muttering under her breath, "People-people-people-PEOPLE!"
I went to her door and knocked softly. "May I come in?"
我走到她房門口,輕輕敲了一下,問她, 可以進來嗎?
She replied, "No!"
回答, 不行!
I tried again, but she said it even more belligerently: "NO!"
I asked, "Why can't I come in?"
我再問, 為什麼?
Her answer: "Because you're a people!"
她的回答, 因為你是人!
All of us have lost our joy because of people: what they are, what they say, and what they do. (And no doubt we ourselves have contributed to making somebody else unhappy. It works both ways.) But we have to live and work with people; we cannot isolate ourselves and still live to glorify Christ. We are the light of the world and the salt of the earth. But sometimes the light grows dim and the salt becomes bitter because of other people. Is there any way to have joy in spite of people?
人都會因不良的人緣而失去自已的喜樂:他們的所是,他們說的,及他們所做的。 (毫無疑問,我們自己也會使別人不快樂。這是互相有關係的。) 但我們必須與別人一起生活和工作;我們不能孤立自己,還能為榮耀基督而活。相信基督的人是世上的光,地上的鹽。 但有時却因為人緣的關係,光變得暗淡,鹽變得苦澀。在這世上有人能不顧人的影響,而仍然能享受喜樂嗎?
3. Things
3. 事物的纏繞
A wealthy man was moving into his mansion, and his Quaker neighbor, who believed in simplicity of life, was watching the activities carefully. The neighbor counted the number of chairs and tables and the vast amount of bric-a-brac that was being carried into the house. Finally, he said to the lord of the mansion: "Neighbor, if thou dost need anything, come to see me and I will tell thee how to get along without it!”
Abraham Lincoln was walking down the street with his two sons, who were crying fighting.  “What's the matter with the boys?" a friend asked.
"The same thing that's wrong with the whole world," Lincoln replied. "I have three walnuts and each of the boys wants two!"
Things! What thieves they can be! Yet Jesus said, "A man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth" (Luke 12:15).  In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus warned against laying up treasures on earth: they are not safe, they do not last, and never satisfy.  Yet most people today think that joy comes from the things that they own. In reality, things can rob us of the only kind of joy that really lasts.
世上事物! 它們怎麼會是小偷! 可是耶穌說,因為人的生命不在乎家道豐(路 12:15)。耶穌在登山寶訓中,祂更警告人不要積攢財寶在地上:因為財寶在地上不安全,且不會持久,也永遠不會使人滿足。可是,今天大多數人認為,快樂是來自他們所擁有的財寶。事實上,財寶可以奪走我們唯一真正持久的喜樂。
4.  Worry
4.  憂心
This is the worst thief of all!  How many people have been robbed of peace and fulfillment because of worry! In fact, worry even has physical consequences, and, while medicine can remove the symptoms, it cannot remove the cause. Worry is an "inside job." You can purchase "sleep" at the drug store, but you cannot purchase "rest."
憂心是最可惡的小偷! 多少人因憂心而剝奪了平靜和知足的心境! 事際上,憂心甚至會產生生理上憂鬱症的後果,而且需要藥物才能消除的病症,並且還不能消除病因。這病需要  “心的治療。”  你可以在店裡買到有助於  “睡眠”  的安眠藥,但不能買到  “安息
If Paul had wanted to worry, he had plenty of occasion. He was a political prisoner facing possible execution. His friends in Rome were divided in their attitudes toward his case. He had no mission board supporting him and no Legal Aid Society defending him. But in spite of all these difficulties, Paul does not worry! Instead, he writes a letter filled with joy and tells us how to stop worrying.
若保羅想憂心,對他來說機會真多。他是政治犯,憂心面臨生命的處決。 且憂心在羅馬的朋友對他的案子的態度存的分歧。更憂心傳道委員會不支持他,又憂心沒有法律援助協會為他辯護。儘管保羅有這些艱難,但他並不憂心! 反而他寫了封充滿喜樂的信,告訴我們如何停止憂心。
These, then, are the four thieves that rob us of joy: circumstances, people, things, and worry. How do we capture these thieves and keep them from taking away the joy that is rightfully ours in Christ? The answer is: we must cultivate the right kind of mind. If outlook determines outcome, then the attitude of mind that we cultivate will determine our joy or lack of it. In the four chapters of Philippians, Paul describes four attitudes of mind that will produce joy in spite of circumstances, people, and things, and that will keep us from worrying .
這就是搶奪我們喜樂的四個小偷:環境,人,事物,和憂心。要如何抓住這些小偷,使他們不能偷走我們在基督裡的喜樂?  答案是:必須培養正確的心志。若是心志決定行事為人,那麼培養正確的心態,將決定我們有喜樂,或是喪失了它。在腓立比全書的四個篇章中,保羅描述了四種正確的心志,忽視環境、人和事物,都會產生喜樂,更為我們提出免於憂心的藥方。(未完。請耐心的等待下篇博客帶出保羅賜下抓住這四個小偷的方法。)

 : 編輯發表該博客不是要談翻譯的論戰及類別,而是要闡明我七十年來所作翻譯工作的心得。英翻中最感困難是因為它們語系的完全不同。不像從英文翻德文在語言單詞選擇的方便,因為它們是同一語系。茲舉例說明。

1.    英語主詞翻譯的困擾, 尤其是虛主語(it)。在中文中主詞是可以省去的。所以編輯者在上面文章中加上英文。請你們對照一下,有很多地方我是省去.

2.   英語冠詞翻譯的困擾,中文是不變字詞的形狀的。所以   aanthe  這三個字在翻譯中要特別留意。請你們看看上面的譯文是如何處理。能省略就省,因為中文的冠詞使用方法不同       

3.   英語的關係子句的翻譯非常擾人。必須用英文文法知識來處理。