239 英語單字的記憶探討(一) Born to Death 道成肉身 12/25/2020
Our heavenly Father, have a mercy on me. You are born to die on the cross for my sins. Without Christmas, there is nobody to know You, the Son of God the Father. As I was eight years of age, I acted as San-ta Claus in a play, I did not know what it really meant. Now I repent my sins from heart deeply to celebrate Your coming. Lord, forgive my sins, the lust of my old nature, the lust of my eyes, and the boasting of what I have and do---comes not from You but from the world. I prepare for watching Your coming again. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
註: 上帝的意念高過我們的意念, 祂的旨意是值得我們順服. 下面是小兒雷應遠(John Lei)的回心憶.
在我的經驗中, 記得1977年與父親初來美國時, 爸爸因没有得到北他科他州(North Dakota University)立大學的助學金, 想離開, 同時從家裡又寄來卡拉剌多州(Fort Collin, Colorado University)大學的入學許可.記得那時是十一月初, 快要下大雪的週末. 父親没有作任何的遠途開車的預備 :如毛毯和 足夠的食物和水; 也没有在美國超速公路開車的經驗; 對風雪的危險没有仍何概念; 更忽略了卡拉剌多州是最多雪的地方.只告訴我把一些衣物放上汽車, 等主日作完敬拜再走.當我們做完主日敬拜後, 爸爸忽然有所感動, 想等星期一去學校看看有没有助學金的通知函件再走.我們星期一到學校, 發現在信箱中有一封信, 是100美金的助學金.我們當時就跪下感謝上帝, 原來是上帝使萬事都互相效力, 叫愛祂的人免於死亡.事後我們才知道有很多八十年代的中國留學生在風雪中喪生的事件, 因為通訊設備簡陋, 活活的被凍死在車上.是上帝定意要留住我們的生命, 因為生命本來就是祂的.
(註: 1980年在北他科他州立大學完成碩士論文 : Groundwater Exchange at Falkirk North Dakota, 爸爸現年91歲.)
編輯者與第四代曾孫Calvin Swallow向訪友拜年, 新年健康喜樂. |
如何增進對英文單字的認識是編輯者一直想要與訪友討論的關鍵問題, 因為增進對英文單字的廣泛認識, 不論在寫作方面, 會話方面, 甚至在參與就業或升學考試等方面, 都會對你們有所幫助.
下列是分組列出字形或字音相似的字, 請注意仔細分別;
Attendants The bride had nine attendants. 新娘有九個伴娘.
2. Aught For
aught ,I know; you are correct. 據我所知, 你是對的.
Ought Ever
citizen ought to vote. 每個市民都應投票.
3. Ball You
threw the ball to me. 你拋球給我.
Boll This is a cotton boll. 這是一顆棉莢果.
4. Baring There
he stood, baring his head to the rain. 他赤光著頭站在那裡淋雨
Barring Barring the captain, everyone was in the lifeboat. 船長除外,
Bearing He
is bearing up under grave difficulties. 他正在忍受重大的困難.
5. Beach Atlantic City has a famous beach. 大西洋城有很著名的海灘.
Beech Peel the bark from the beech. 把山毛櫸皮剝下來.
6. Beat He beat the rug to clean it. 他拍打地毯使它清潔.
Beet The beet is source of sugar. 甜菜是製糖的原料.
7. Bare This
is a bare room. 這是一間空的房子.
Bear There is a bear in the zoo. 那動物園內有隻熊
8. Berry This is a small juicy berry. 這是小而多水的漿果.
Bury Please bury the dead dog. 請這死狗掩埋了吧.
Berth He slept in a lower berth. 他睡在下面那層床.
Birth His birth occurred in 1936. 他出生於1936年.
9. Biding The
nominee was biding his time. 這候選人在等待他的機會.
Bidding The
bidding for property was brisk. 這塊地產開投時出價很熱烈.
10. Boar He shot a boar.
Bored He was bored by the meeting. 他覺得會議很無聊
1. absence abscenco
2. accidendy accidentally
3. accomodate accommodate
4. acheive achieve
5. acknowledgment acknowlegeme
6. acquaintance acquantance
7. allotted alloted
8. analize analyze
9. anoint annoint
10. arguement argument
11. assistant assisstlult
12. bankruptcy bankruptcy
13. basically basicly
14. benefited benefitted
15. changable changeable
16. commission commision
17. committee commite
18. connoiseur connoisseur
19. conscientions conscientous
20. defenseless defenceless