190 英语习语应用(三) New Year Resolution 春节决志
我们在天上的父 , 求祢容我在春节喜乐的时候 , 跪下向祢祈祷. 主耶稣啊, 求保守我有颗清洁的心, 常常思想圣灵所结的果子, 仁爱、喜乐、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信实、温柔、节制. 主啊!求祢赐我悟性, 知道心中惟一的喜乐是因着满有祢的同在. 奉主耶稣基督的名祈祷 . 阿们.
主内的访友, 请与我一同享受圣经的恩赐, 世上没有任何书能与它相比. 它真是本活命的书. 在中国农历新年, 让我们一起下决心, 每日读圣经, 天天学像耶稣基督, 使世人认出我们真是上帝的儿女.
在新约圣经中, 加拉太书记载: 圣 灵 所 结 的 果 子 、 就 是 仁 爱 、 喜 乐 、 和 平 、 忍 耐 、 恩 慈 、 良 善 、 信 实 、温 柔 、 节 制 . 这 样 的 事 、 没 有 律 法 禁 止(5:22-23 新美国标准版).
New Testament, Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit
is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, Gentleness,
and self-control: against such
there is no law (NASB).
I decide to give LOVE. 施舍仁爱
在任何情况下, 绝不怀恨. No occasion justifies hatred.
即使遭遇不公, 也绝不苦毒. No injustice warrants bitterness.
也爱祂所爱. I will love
God and what God loves everyday.
I decide to be JOY in Jesus Christ.
邀请上帝来掌管我的环境 I
will invite God to control my circumstances.
拒绝看低任何人,因为我深知人是上帝所创造的万物之灵 I will refuse to look down upon any one because
we are all created by God.
在任何境遇下, 我都会看作是寻求上帝的机会. I will
refuse to see any problem as anything less than an opportunity to seek God.
I will be in PEACE of my mind. 心中充满和平
为了心平气和,求上帝怜悯 Oh, God, have a mercy on me so that I might live in
为了心平气和,要完全的宽恕得罪我的人 I
will forgive others so that I might live in peace.
I must be PATIENCE 存心忍耐
Rather than complain that the wait is too
long, I will thank God for
listening my prayer.
别埋怨新派下来的任务, 反而要高高兴兴的好好干 Instead of clinching my fist
at my new assignments, I will face them with
joy and caring.
有安静的心. Have
a peace of mind.
I will always be KINDNESS 恩慈待人.
善待活在孤单困苦中的贫穷人. I will always be kind to the poor for they
are alone and suffer.
对活在恐惧中的富人要怜悯. I will be kind to the rich because they are
善待毫无恩慈的人,上帝也是这样善待我 I
will be kind to the unkind for such is
how God has treated me.
I will be GOODNESS 心存良善
即使被人轻看,也不要自夸. I will be overlooked before I will boast.
先自责,再责备人. I
will confess before I will accuse.
上帝是善良的. God
is merciful.
I will always be FAITHFULNESS like our faithful God. 像上帝一样的信实 .
每天言出必行. I will keep my promises everyday.
有借有还. My debtors will not regret their trust.
讨同事的信任. My associates will not question my work.
My children will never fear that their parents will cease to pray God to take care for them.
My children will never fear that their parents will cease to pray God to take care for them.
I choose GENTLENESS 好温柔
Nothing is won by force.
好温柔 I
choose to be gentle.
我如果提高嗓门,是单为赞美上帝. If I raise
my voice, may it be only to praise God.
我如果握紧拳头,是单为祷告上帝. If I clench my fist, may it be only to pray
我如果提出要求,是单单要求自己. If I make a demand, may it be only of myself.
I choose SELF-CONTROL 我选择要节制
拒绝让短暂的控制永恒. I refuse to let what will not rule the
只容许喜乐让我醉倒. I will be drunk only by joy.
I will be changed only by God’s Son Jesus
亲爱的访友, 世上有什幺书如圣经教人学像上帝. 请告诉我.