Sunday, October 22, 2017

185 英语语法应用(一)

185 英语语法应用()          Knowing Jesus Christ       认识主耶稣基督          10/22/2017

Before 2000 years, the Lord Jesus Christ was conceived by Mary from the Holy Spirit. He was born by the virgin Mary.  He was growing in poverty and over humble.  He did not travel far; only once as in His childhood,  He fled from the King Herod, He left the border to Egypt.
2000多年前主耶稣基督因马利亚从圣灵怀了孕,祂由童贞女马利亚所生.   耶稣生长于贫穷和微贱的环境祂没有远行过, 只有一次离开国境还是在孩童时期祂逃难到埃及.

He has never had a fortune, and His relatives are of mediocre, not trained or educated.
耶稣从未拥有过财势, 祂的亲朋也都平凡, 没有受过训练或正是教育.

But when He was born, He had made the king horrified, and as He was a child, He had made the teachers awkwardly. When He was grown up , He had ruled nature, walking on the water, and was able to calm down the waves.
但耶稣在诞生时, 就曾使国王惊骇在孩童时祂曾使教师们窘惑长成后, 耶稣曾管辖自然祂在水上步行且能喝令风浪平息.

He could heal the sickness of  persons without medicine and free.
耶稣不用医药而能治愈人的病, 又从不收费.

He never wrote a book, but all the libraries in the world did not have a book about his writings.

He never composed a song, but the song of  His theme, yet it was more than the sum of all the other music.

He never built a college, but the sum of the number of students in all schools was no more than his disciples.
耶稣从来没有建立一所学院但所有学校的学生人数的总和, 也不及祂的门徒多.

He had never led an army, nor had He recruited a soldier, nor had He ever fired a gun, but none of the leaders had so many volunteers. Under His inspiration, how many rebels had converted without  charge a bullet.
耶稣从来没有率领受过一支军队也没有招募过一兵一卒更没有开过枪但没有一个领袖能有祂那幺多的志愿兵.   在祂的感召之下多少叛逆者归降不费一粒子弹. 

He had never learned the spirit of healing, but healed many broken hearts, far better than all the ancient and modern doctors.

He is not the king on the earth, but for two thousand years, one day in a week, countless people gather and worship and praise Him.

The mighty scrambling political men of  Greece and Rome, they have gone forever;  many scientists, philosophers, and theologians were also gone with the passage of time.  But only Jesus Christ,  this name,  last forever.
希腊, 罗马那些不可一世的政治人物叱咤风云但都成为过去多少科学家, 哲学家, 神学家也都随时间而消逝.   只有耶稣这名字越久越彰.

From that time the mobs of nailing Him on the cross to this generation,  it was crossing for more than two thousand years,  He is alive.   His enemies could not kill Him, and the grave was empty.

Nowadays, Christ Jesus is in the glory of heaven with God,  blessed with the angels,  worship by the saints, and the devil afraid of Him.  Jesus is the risen Christ, our personal Savior, and He is God.
如今, 祂在天上荣耀至高之处与上帝同在被天使称颂圣徒崇拜魔鬼恐惧祂就是复活的基督是我们个人的救主祂是上帝.

The Bible says,  “In the beginning was the Word”;  He is the true light;  He is the bread of life: and the Word became flesh into the world, and made His dwelling among us, full of grace and truth; we have seen His glory, the glory of God, and the only begotten Son, who is at the Father’s side, has made the Father known.
圣经上说, 耶稣是泰初就有的道是世上的真光是生命的粮祂道成肉身来到世上住在我们中间充充满满有恩典有真理祂让我们看见的荣光正是上帝的荣光只有这位父怀里的独生子将天父表明出来.

Jesus Christ is "the way, the truth, and the life";   His name is the only Name in heaven and earth that is God’s gift,  we can be saved by the holy Name; no one comes to the Father except through Me.
耶稣基督是  “道路真理生命”;  祂的名是天上地下唯一所赐可以靠着得救的圣名若不藉着祂没有人能到天父哪里去.

若您认为编辑者所见证的有道理, 请与我一同作以下的祷告:

亲爱的天父,耶稣基督,我们的主. 祢是创造宇宙的真上帝,降世为人,因为祢爱我,为我的罪死在十字架上,流宝血洗净我一切的不义,从死里复活,叫我得新生命。



求祢看顾我的家,叫我们全家归祢, 享受祢的爱。我这样祷告,是奉主耶稣基督的名求,阿们。

英文的介系词 (prepositions) 有很多字,在许多场合,用或不用,用这个 或用那个,都是很困扰学习英语的朋友, 尤其是我国学习英文的年轻人, 主要原因是习惯用法, 非記憶不可. 
        The train is approaching to the station.  (.)
       ( 应译成  “The train is approaching the station”).
        This medicine can relieve you that pain.  (.)
        ( 要译成This medicine can relieve you of that pain. )
       The machine is familiar with me.  (.)
       ( 要译成The machine is familiar to me.)
       He is surprised by the news.  (.)
       ( 要译成  He is surprised at the news.)
      I am senior to him for ten years.  (.)
      ( 要译成I am senior to him by ten years.)