我们在天上的父, 孩子感謝祢的慈爱和怜悯. 多少时候遇到試探的时候, 祢都用祢的大能使我勝過, 让孩子更深一层的认识祢. 多少时候孩子沉迷于罪惡之中, 祢釘十字架的大爱就賜我新生命, 讓我靠祢的恩典而得活在祢裡面. 谢谢祢, 賜我力量戰勝魔鬼, 使我深深的體會住在祢裡面, 就是“你們若常在我(主基督)裡面, ……凡你們所願意的, 祈求就給你們成就.”(約15:7) 靠我主耶稣的圣名祈求. 阿门.
活到如今不惑的年齡, 有兒孫, 仍然勝不過眼目的情慾, 固然掌握這世界的惡魔設下很多的陷阱, 並且越來越多的媒體更加以渲染. 的的確確是我的“老我”(原罪), 在犯罪. 2009年在為編寫“英文文法”博客, 於網路找尋資料時, 突然跳出污穢不堪的淫蕩畫面. 這是魔鬼對信徒的惡計, 看過後心裡深知是犯罪, 雖一再的告誡自己下次一定不犯, 並求上帝饒恕. 但到時魔鬼又施惡計來引誘, 腦筋就又糊塗起來, 一犯再犯. 另外, 還有驕傲的罪. 多次求主基督憐憫, 總是在做事與人相處時一犯再犯. 因此造成與人不和的壞透了的人際關係, 使聖靈為我擔憂, 在我的生活中羞辱了上帝的聖名, 無法把主耶穌的福音向人傳開. 在這裡我見證人是有原罪的, 只有靠釘十字架上的主耶穌的血能洗淨, 賜我新生命. 重生得救成為上帝的兒女.
禱告不是有基督信仰的人的自言自語. 禱告是委身(全心信託). 每當人要重生得救, 成為上帝的兒女時. 第一步要做決志禱告. 懇求上帝赦免我們的罪. 當遇到上述試探時, 知道自己的無能力獨自勝過, 就跪下用心靈和誠實來禱告, 求釘十字架的耶穌基督賜下祂的大能, 給我們新生命. 魔鬼才會懼怕的離開我們.
下面是信徒禱告的模式. 是有基督信仰的人常常與上帝談心的內容.
Christ said, “After this therefore pray you 主耶穌基督說, “你們禱告的時候,
(Gospel of Matthew : chapter 6, verse 9) : (馬太福音 6章9節) 要這樣說:
Father which is in heaven, 我們在天上的父, 願人都尊祢的
Hallow by Your name, Your kingdom come. 名為聖. 願祢的國降臨.
Your will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 願祢的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上.
Give us this day our daily bread. 我們日用的飲食, 今日賜給我們.
forgive us our debts, 免我們債.
as we forgive our debtors. 如同我們免了人的債.
And lead us not into temptation, 不叫我們遇見試探,
but deliver us from evil: For 救我們脫離兇惡.
You is the Kingdom, the power, 因為國度、權柄、 榮耀,
and the glory, for ever. Amen.” 全是你的,直到永遠。阿們!”
In condescension to our weakness,
our heavenly 我們屬天的導師體恤我們的軟弱,
Teacher has given us the very
words we are to 祂用這些禱告的話語告訴我們親近
take with us as we draw near to
our Father. We 上帝時應該如何與祂面對面的
have in them a form of prayer in
which there 講話.這段禱詞所呈現的模式, 使我們
breathe the freshness and fullness of the 可以吸收到永生的清新和豐盛.
Eternal Life. So simple that the
child can lisp it, 該模式簡單得孩子也會;
so divinely rich that it
comprehends all that 其屬靈的含意却是何等的深遠,
God can give. A form of prayer
that becomes the 能帶下上帝的一切賞賜. 它是所有
model and inspiration for all
other prayer, and 一切禱告的樣式和靈感; 並且它本
yet always draws us back to
itself as the 身仍然帶領我們到上帝面前告訴
deepest utterance of our souls
before our God. 上帝我們心靈最深處的訴求.
“Our Father which art in
heaven!” To appreciate 一開始用親切的口吻叫
this word of adoration aright, I
must remember 天上的爸爸. 要了解舊約時代
ventured that none of the saints
had in Scripture 没有信徒敢這樣的稱呼上帝.
ever to address God as their
Father. The invocation 使我們與上帝和好.
places us at once in the centre
of the wonderful 帶來啟示的中心──祂要使
revelation the Son came to make
of His Father 祂的父, 也成為我們的父.
as our Father too. It comprehends
the mystery of 這禱詞參透了救贖的奧秘──
redemption--Christ delivering us
from the curse 上帝的兒子耶穌釘十字架的死──
that we might become the children
of God. 使我們罪人能成為上帝的兒女;
The mystery of regeneration--the
Spirit in the 重生的奧祕──聖靈重生了我們,
new birth giving us the new life.
And the 使我們得到新生命;並且是信心的奧
mystery of faith--ere yet the
redemption is 秘──在救恩尚未完成, 及門徒尚不
accomplished or understood, the
word is given 明暸其真義之前, 這禱詞已經賜給他
on the lips of the disciples to
prepare them for 們, 預備去承受那即將來臨的尚好的
the blessed experience still to
come. The words 福分. 我們在天上的父─這禱詞是這
are the key to the whole prayer,
to all prayer. 禱告的模式, 也是所有禱告的鑰匙.
[註] : 該詮釋是取自Andrew Murray 所著“With Christ in
the School of Prayer.”
Hymn Amazging
Grace 聖詩 奇異恩典
1. Amazing grace!
how sweet the sound, 1. 奇異恩典,何等甘甜,
That sav’d a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found, 前我失喪,今被尋回,
Was blind, but now I see. 瞎眼今得看見.
I once was lost, but now am found, 前我失喪,今被尋回,
Was blind, but now I see. 瞎眼今得看見.
2. ’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, 2.
And grace my fears reliev’d; 使我心得安慰;
How precious did that grace appear, 初信之時即蒙恩惠,
The hour I first believ’d! 真是何等寶貴.
How precious did that grace appear, 初信之時即蒙恩惠,
The hour I first believ’d! 真是何等寶貴.
3. Thro’ many dangers, toils and snares, 3. 經過許多危險網羅,
I have already come; 飽受人間苦楚,
’Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, 此恩領我平安渡過,
And grace will lead me home. 他日歸回天府.
I have already come; 飽受人間苦楚,
’Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, 此恩領我平安渡過,
And grace will lead me home. 他日歸回天府.
4. The Lord has promis’d good to me, 4. 主已應許向我施恩,
His word my hope secures; 祂話就是保証;
He will my shield and portion be, 祂要作我盾牌, 永分,
As long as life endures. 帶我經過此生.
His word my hope secures; 祂話就是保証;
He will my shield and portion be, 祂要作我盾牌, 永分,
As long as life endures. 帶我經過此生.
5. When we’ve been there ten thousand years, 5.
Bright shining as the sun, 恩光如日普照,
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise 好像最初蒙恩景況,
Than when we first begun. 讚美永不減少.
Bright shining as the sun, 恩光如日普照,
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise 好像最初蒙恩景況,
Than when we first begun. 讚美永不減少.
Author John
Newton (John Newton 作者約翰牛頓(John Newton
1725-1807) was
born in London, England. 1725-1807)生于英國倫敦.
Father is
Spanish, in aviation industry; 父親西班牙人,從事航業.母親
his mother is British, is a devout Christian, 英國人, 是一位虔誠的基督徒,
his mother is British, is a devout Christian, 英國人, 是一位虔誠的基督徒,
eager son to
well-educated, and a priest, 渴望兒子能受良好教育, 並為
she often wish
to pray to this end. John 牧師,她時常為此心願祈禱.
mother's childhood and hymns text. 約翰自幼隨母熟誦經文及
Unfortunately, chanting when he was seven 聖詩. 不幸在他七歲時,
Unfortunately, chanting when he was seven 聖詩. 不幸在他七歲時,
years old, his
mother died, and her prayer in 母親病逝,而她的禱告
the three
decades before Answered. 在三十年後才蒙應允.
After his
mother died, John on a two-year 母親去世後, 約翰上了兩年學,
school, but
dropped out due to strict 因寄宿生活嚴謹而輟.
school life. Eleven live aboard 十一歲時隨父親上船過
sailing with
his father lives, and then was 著航海的生活, 繼而被徵兵,
conscription, deserter
also recaptured. After 逃役又被捕回. 退伍後,
the war,
working in slave ships, often in the 在販賣奴隸船上工作,
vicinity of
the slave trade in Africa. His 經常在非洲一帶販賣黑奴.
footprints all
over the whole world, 他足跡遍四海,
moral depravity, and soon 道德日益墮落,
sailors dissolute habits, 不久染上了水手們放蕩的
deception, doing everything. 生活習慣.奸詐欺騙, 無所不為.
The spring of
1748, en route from Africa 1748年春, 從非洲返英的途中,
back to
Britain, and met with strong storms, 遇到強烈風暴, 船險沉沒,
dangerous boat
sank, he roughs, and cry out 他在怒濤中, 向神呼求,
to God:
"!. God save me Thy Ann arrived “上帝啊!求祢救我安抵港口,
in port, I
will never make Thy servant," 我將永作祢的奴僕.” 船長是一
Captain is a
devout Christian, so he lives on 位虔誠的有基督信仰的人, 使
Christian love
of the heart. During 他對船長的生活產生愛慕之心.
the long voyage, he
read Thomas Kempis 使他在漫長的航程中,他讀到
"The Imitation of Christ, " his heart was 肯培斯的 “遵主聖範”
"The Imitation of Christ, " his heart was 肯培斯的 “遵主聖範”
moved, determined to repent. In 1754, 心受感動, 矢志悔改. 1754年,
he and his wife settled in Liverpool,as a living 他與妻子定居利物浦,
as a living member of the tide, and with the 作觀潮員為生, 並隨衛斯理
as a living member of the tide, and with the 作觀潮員為生, 並隨衛斯理
Wesley brothers studying Latin and Hebrew 兄弟, 研讀拉丁文及希伯來文
Bible, occasionally sermon. In 1764 he was 聖經, 偶而也證道. 1764 年
Bible, occasionally sermon. In 1764 he was 聖經, 偶而也證道. 1764 年
ordained as a priest by the Episcopal Church. 他由聖公會按立為牧師, 他
He strongly opposed slavery in the rest of his 在餘生中竭力反對蓄奴.
This song "Amazing Grace" is a rebirth of his 這首“奇異恩典”是他重生
experience. He has been working for God for 的經歷. 他事奉上帝工作到八
80 years until retirement,when he said,"I memory十歲才退休,當時他說“記得二
things, that I am a great sinner and
Christ is great件事,我是大罪人,基督是大
Before his death, he was himself 救主.” 死前, 他為自己寫下墓誌銘:
wrote the
epitaph: "Pastor John Newton, the “約翰牛頓牧師,從前是位犯罪
former was a crime evil people do not believe in God, 作惡,不信上帝的人.曾在
former was a crime evil people do not believe in God, 作惡,不信上帝的人.曾在
who made the
servant of slaves in Africa, but the 非洲作奴隸之僕, 但藉著
rich mercy through
the Savior Jesus Christ, he 主耶穌基督的豐盛憐憫,
may receive conservative
rehabilitation and pardon, 蒙保守, 重建並赦免其罪
assigned preaching
the gospel ministry. " 指派宣傳福音的事工. ”
[註] : 曲調為當時熟悉的民謠.
重生是基督信仰的中心. 聖經中告訴信徒必須重生才能進上帝的國. 雖然信徒經過教會牧師施行的浸禮, 表示已有基督信仰. 但要進上帝的國, 還必須要經過聖靈的再生. 現在請讀聖經中一節偉大的經文, 葛理翰曾用它帶領成千上萬的罪人悔改信靠主耶穌的名.
of John: chapter 3, verse 16 約翰福音第三章第十六節講到重生.
For God so loved the world that He gave His 上帝愛世人, 甚至將祂的獨生兒子
One and only Son, that whoever believe 賜給他們,
in Him shall not perish but have 不至滅亡
Eternal Life. 反得永生.
The greatest Love of the world : God so loved the world 世上最偉大的愛 : 上帝愛世人.
The greatest gift of the world : 世上最偉大的禮物:
He gave His One and
only Son 甚至將祂的獨生子
The greatest action of the world : gave to them 世上最偉大的行動:
The greatest promise of the world : 世上最偉大的應許:
whoever believe in
Him shall not perish but have 叫一切信祂的不致滅亡,
Eternal life. 反得永生。
我們可以將這經句中的 “世人” 和 “他們” 的地方, 把自已的名字換上:
God so loved Stephen Lei (雷萬清) that He gave His One and only Son to
Stephen Lei (雷萬清), that whoever
believe in Him shall not perish but have Eternal life.