圣诞快乐! Merry Christmas!
我们在天上的父, 感谢祢赐我祢的独生儿子---主耶稣. 祂的大爱改变了我的生命. 更谢谢祢让我深知祂的降生是为了赦免我的罪而死在十架字上. 求上帝再次恩赐我属天的智慧, 来显明我真实的信心, 见证主耶稣是祢的儿子. 奉主耶稣我们的主的名祈求.
Our heavenly
Father, thank You for giving me
Your only begotten Son. My life has been changed by His love. Thank you more for letting me to understand
that His born was for going to be crucified for forgiving my sin. Would You, my God, grant me the heavenly
wisdom to show the realities of my faith, Jesus is Your Son, to the world? I pray through Jesus Christ our Lord . Amen
圣诞节告诉我们一个大好的消息! 上帝的独生儿子在今天道成肉身的来到世上, 为了我们的罪, 自己甘愿为了拯救人类而死在十字架上.
Christmas is a good news! God gave us His begotten Son to us
today! Christmas means that Jesus was
born for saving us voluntarily to be crucified.
上帝没有为祂预备有教导, 且具有丰富经验的父母, 只是一个年轻的木匠, 一个乡
村的少女. 家中没有什么老人帮忙, 一个能与祂谈心的亲戚, 都住在山地里的另一个城市中.
村的少女. 家中没有什么老人帮忙, 一个能与祂谈心的亲戚, 都住在山地里的另一个城市中.
God didn’t prepare a highly educated and experienced couple to be His
parents. They were merely a young
carpenter and a country girl. There were
no older folks in the family. The only
relative with whom He could talk, lived in another town in the hill country.
上帝没有为祂预备一个舒适的家. 祂出生时连一张小床都没有, 只有一个粗糙的马
糟. 婴孩就随便用布包着, 放在马糟里.
糟. 婴孩就随便用布包着, 放在马糟里.
God didn’t prepare a comfortable home for Him. When He was born He had no crib or cradle,
just a coarse manger. The baby wrapped
in cloths and laid in the animal’s manger.
朋友! 上帝为了爱我们, 甚至将祂心爱的独生儿子赐给我们. 而主耶稣为了要救我们脱离罪恶 , 甘愿顺服这样的安排. 道成肉身的从神降为人的样式, 取了奴仆的形像, 且自己卑微, 存心顺服, 以至于死, 且死在十字架上.
Friends! This time, it seemed
that God announced to the world; “I
loved you so much that I gave my only begotten son. I gave Him to you totally. You could treat Him as you please. He had no privilege, no exemption; because He
came not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for
好消息! 今天你却可以预备一个住处为主耶稣, 那就是你的心房. 请打开你的心门吧! 接祂进来做你生命的主!
There is more good news! You
could prepare a place for Jesus to stay today.
You could offer Him your hearts.
He would like to stay there and be with you all your lives!
圣诞快乐! Merry Christmas!