Saturday, October 29, 2016

164 英语迼句 (七)

164  英语迼句 ()       Testimony for Christ  为主作见证        10/29/2016

我们的天父, 求祢赦免我心中骄傲的罪, 以祢的大爱充满. 我走在祢的旨意中不要偏离祢的道路. 爱我的主耶稣, 求祢赐下恩典, 使我学像祢, 为天父作见证以生命去见证祢是上帝的儿子. 奉主耶稣的名祈求阿门

愿以生命见证我所信仰的主耶稣基督是上帝的儿子道成肉身的来到世间, 受尽世人的对祂的羞辱, 且死在十字架上, 成全了祂来世上赦免我的罪的救赎大恩谢谢祢赐给我新生命, 使我胜过魔鬼的试探, 貪婪肉体情慾病入膏芒得到醫治, 而依赖祢的大能使我脆弱的本性转为坚强. 敢在人前为主耶稣基督作见证.

在看 黑奴呼吁记 , 一位成年的女黑奴能说流利的英语, 但仍然要练习拼音: ba pa ca 便沉思为何美国也要学拼音经坐在旁边的儿子提醒, 她不会写. 她不知道papa 是由pa 拼成的;  mama 是由 ma两个字母合成的, 她只会说所以, 她要先学会写廿六个字母, 而后跟随老师学拼音, 最后才能写出英语单词. 至于, 要写正确的句子也得经过英语语法学习的熬炼. 但他们对冠词使用不会感到困扰, 因为从母语中就自然形成

冠词有不定冠词,  a an, 和定冠词 the 两类. 

不定冠词,  a an在造句上的用法如下:

    [: He takes a interest in everything. 
             : He takes an interest in everything. 
             : A army is made up of soldiers and officers. 
             : An army is made up of soldiers and officers. 
             : It was a unfortunate accident. 
             : It was an unfortunate accident. 
             : I have made a awful mistake. 
             : I have made an awful mistake. 
             : He was a honest man. 
             : He was an honest man. 
             : He takes a old book to the library. 
             : He takes an old book to the library

由上面的例子, 我们会发现不定冠词 an后面的名词的第一个字母是元音(vowel). 为的是在读时比较清晰, 母语中就自然形成试试把 an a 说说看, 挻麻烦的至于为什幺要加不定冠词, 这在可数名词的博客中讲得非常详细(参看英文文法博客74 ‘5/5/2014’ – 78 ‘7/3/2014’ 五个帖子).

不定冠词 “ a , an”, 在可数的单数名词前一定都要加上, 因为单数的可数名词不能没有 a an ” 陪伴而能单独使用在可数的复数名词前一定都不能加 a an ”,  因为肯定这名词是指一个不可数名词前不能加不定冠词 a an ”, 因为它没有单数复数的分别. 所以, 使用不定冠词在造句时比较上不大会错, 只是有时疏忽大意, 而在该用 an , 却使用了 a; 但在造句中常见的误用冠词多是在定冠词 “the” 的使用上面, 因为写作的人怕用错, 也真的会在造句时常常出错(参看英文文法博客74 ‘5/5/2014’ – 78 ‘7/3/2014’ 五个帖子). 所以对 the 的限制就要特别小心, 仔细去体会.

名词有限定, 特定, 指定的意义时, 在这名词之前一定要加定冠词 the.
   [: Few of students like drill.
: Few of the students like drill
比较: Few students like drill.
:  Most of people hate it.
:  Most of the people hate it.
比较: Most people hate it.
:  Many of graduates of universities have no work.
:  Many of the graduates of universities have no work.
比较: Many graduates of the universities have no work.
:  All of questions are difficult for me.
:  All of the questions are difficult for me.
比较: All the questions are difficult for me.

我国人在使用冠词时, 常常犯错误, , I give you a apple. 因在我们頭腦的记忆库中并没有这样的句子的存量但在以英语为母语的国家肯定不会这样写, 因为在他们的记忆中是 I give you an apple , 早已形成习惯若写 I give you a apple 他们不会. 定冠词也是这样的所以我们在学习定冠词时, 请背那些限制, 没有捷径.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

163 英文造句(六)

163 英文造句() Thanksgiving Heart is a good Medicine 感恩的心是良药  10/19/2016

爱我们的上帝, 主耶稣基督, 谢谢祢赐给我新生命, 使我胜过魔鬼的试探, 不再沉迷于肉体的诱惑, 而依赖祢的大能使我脆弱的本性得以坚强主阿, 求祢赐我感恩的心, 永远记住祢为我的罪钉十字架的恩典, 要永远的跟随祢奉主耶稣的圣名祈祷阿门.

本月九日编辑者摔了一跤, 依常理在八十六歳高龄, 会骨折的上帝差遣天使扶我, 免去受骨折的痛苦, 感谢上帝的怜悯. 
动词的运作在英语语法里已经够复杂的, 再加上其与另外词类撘配成各种短语, 就更要细心领悟和思考, 才能在造句中运用正确编辑者非以研究英语语法为专业, 只是顾及与我有一样处境的年轻朋友们的困难, 愿以自己受惠于教我英语的邓老师的教诲及多年注意英语的该类用法, 与爱好学习英语语法的青年们分享学习的心得, 兹将这些例句列出供各位参考.

admit                He would not admit it (他不肯容许那事).
admit of            It would not admit of  change (那事无可更改).

answer             I could not answer him (我不能回答他).
answer for        I could not answer for him (我不能为他负责).

apply                Apply your medicine (用你的药).
apply for           Apply for your position (申请你的位置).

ask                   He asked me (他问我).
ask about          He asked about me (他问起我).
ask for              He asked for money (他要钱).

attend               I attended the lecture (我听讲).
attend to           I attended to my work (我从事我的工作).

bear                 They could not bear it (他们不能再忍耐那事)
bear with          They had to bear with him (他们必须容忍他)

break               Don't break them (不要弄碎它们).
break with        Don't break with them (不要和他们絶交).

call                   Someone called me (有人叫我).
call for              Someone called for me (有人求见我).
call on              Someone called on me (有人访我).
call to               Someone called to me (有人喊我).

catch                He caught  her (他捉住她).
catch at            He caught at her (他抓住她).

come               When did you come? (你什么时候来的?)
come across     When did you come across it ? (你什么时候发现它?)

engage              What have you engaged? (你曾约定些什么?)
engage in          What have you engaged in?( 你曾从事什么事情?)

fall                    They fell (他们跌倒).
fall into             They fell into trouble (他们陷入困难).
fall upon           They fell upon me (他们攻击我).

fear                  We fear you (我们怕你).
fear for             We fear for you (我们担心你).

get                    He got a shock (他受了震动).
get over            He got over the shock (他从震动中恢复了理智).

go                    I shall not go (我不去).
go against         I shall not go against you (我不会攻击你).

grasp                They grasped the opportunity (他们抓住了机会).
grasp at            They grasped at the opportunity (他们紧握着机会).

guess                You have guessed the reason (你已猜中了这原因).
guess at            You have guessed at the reason (你曾猜测这原因).

happen             When did it happen ?(是什么时候发生的?)
happen upon     When did you happened upon it ? (什么时候你发现它的?)

hit                    You have hit it (你打中了它).
hit at                You have hit at it (你曾向它射击).
hit upon            You have hit upon it (你已发现了它).

keep                 I could not keep it (我不能保留它).
keep from         I could not keep from it (我不能制止它).

kick                 The horse kicked him (马踢他).
kick at              He kicked at the rules (他破坏规则).

know                I didn't know them (我不认识他们).
know of            I didn't know of them (我不知道他们的事).

learn                 We learned it too late (我们学习它太晚了).
learn of             We learned of it too late (我们晓得它太晚了).

lie                     Shall you lie here? (你将睡在这里吗?)
lie over             The goods must lie over (货物必须要堆积起来 ) .

look                 He looked her.(他看她).
look for            He looked for it (他寻找它).
look to             He looked to it (他注意它).

make                This makes  trouble (这造成困难).
make for           This makes for the peace of the world (这有利于世界和平).

near                  You are near the principal (你和校长住得很近).
near to              You are near to the principal (你和校长很亲近).

pass                 We passed it (我们经过它).
pass over          We passed over it (我们看过了它).

prepare            They prepared the meal (他们料理饭食).
prepare for       They prepared for the test (他们预备考试).

put                   Put it here (把它放在这里).
put through       Put it through(把它做完了).
put up              Must we put it up ? (我们必须把它放上去吗?)
put up with       Must we put up with it? (我们必须熬忍它吗?).

reach                I reached it (我触到了它).
reach for           I reached for it (我探取它).

read                 Haven' t you read it? (你不曾读过它吗?)
read of             Haven't you read of it? (你不曾读及它吗?)

relate                It relates his story (它述说他的身世).
relate to            It relates to his story (它和他的身世有关).

remember         They remember it (他们记得它).
remember about  They remember about it (他们记起那事).

run                   She ran the car (她开车).
run against        She ran against the car (她撞车了).

see                   Can you see it ? (你能看见它吗?)
see about          I will see about it (我将考虑它).

serve                No man can Serve two masters (无人能事奉两个主).
serve for           What do they serve for? (他们有什么用处?)

set                    How do you set it? (你怎样安排它).
set against         Her people are set against the match (她的亲属反对这门亲事).

shot                  They shot him (他们击中他).
shot at              They shot at him (他们向他狙击)

speak               He could not speak (他不能说话),
speak of           He could not speak of it (他不能说起它).

study                We are studying medicine (我们在研究医学).
study for           We are studying for examinations (我们在预备考试 ).

tell                    Please tell him (请告诉他).
tell of                Please tell of him (请告诉有关于他的事).

write                 I shall write books (我将写书).
write to             I shall write to him (我将写信给他).

这些常用动词及其短语动词, 若能记在心里, 肯定能帮助你造句.