Thursday, June 26, 2014

81 代名词与其先行词的一致性 (二)

81 代名词与其先行词的一致性 ()                                                     6/26/2014
要学好英文, 必须在代名词上面下功夫, 把它的用法以勤做练习来掌握它现把所有不到八十个的代名词分类列于下面, 以供参考:

   第一人称 :  I, me, my, mine 多数 we, us, our, ours
   第二人称 :  you, your, yours 多数 you, your, yours
   第三人称 :  he, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its  多数  they, them, their, theirs

本身强势 反身代名词
   myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves

what, who, whose, whom, which, that

all                    both                  everything               nobody                several
another            each                  few                         none                    some          
any                  each one            many                      no one                 somebody
anybody          either                 most                       nothing                 someone
anyone            everybody          much                      one                      something
anything           everyone            neither                    other                    such

who, whose, whom, which, what

this, that, these, those

代名词是用来代替或代表名词的当你使用它们时, 必须要把它们所代表的人,,物非常清楚的和有效的显示给读者或听的人, 令他们不会误解换句话说, 在交谈或写文章时用到代名词时必须加入清晰的先行词给以阐明, 要在意念上完全一致. 否则句子的意义会含糊不清, 反而失去了使用代名词使句子简洁明暸的目的.
 例如 :
   The woman put on her hat.
         (先行词 woman 代名词 her 都是单数 , 女性, 第三人称是一致的)  
       The women put on their hats.
             (先行词 women 代名词 their 都是复数 , 第三人称是一致的)
       The boy misplaced his tickets.
             (先行词 boy 代名词 his 都是单数 , 男性, 第三人称是一致的)
       The boys misplaced their tickets.
             (先行词 boys 代名词 their 都是复数 ,第三人称是一致的)

这些代名词 n nonenothing  nobody 是不定代名词, 其代表的名词不确定, 在应用上须要注意例如, 使用 no 要加上名词.       
               We had to walk home because there was no bus. 
                  (等于说那里没有共公汽车, 我必须走路回家”.)
               I can’t talk to you now.  I have no time.
                  (等于说我现在太忙 我现在没有任何时间’,不能与你交谈.”)

  在句子前也可以使用 no 加上 名词.
        例如 :
     No cars are allowed in the city center.
     The plane was late .  No reason was given for the delay.

使用 none , 不必在其后加名词; 但可在其后加介词短语介词 of 的賓复数时, 其后动词可以是单数或复数.
    例如 : 
                 “How much money do you have?”  “None.”                 
                 None of this money is mine.
                 None of the stores were ( was) open.
在应用 nothing nobody 时应注意不可再用否定的动词, 形成双重否定的冗赘.
         例如 :
               I said nothing. (不能用 'I didn't say nothing')
               Nobody tells me.  (不能用 'Nobody doesn't tell me.')

       试填入 no none 以完成下列各句子:

  1. It was a public holiday, so there were no shops open.   范例
  2. We took a few pictures but ____of them were very good.
  3. What a stupid thing to do! ____ intelligent person would do such a thing.
  4. I'll try and answer ____ questions you ask me.
  5. I couldn't answer ____ of the questions they asked me.
  6. We cancelled the party because ____ of the people we invited were able to come.

all most 等不定代名词的习惯用法 all 后面可以加复数名词 most 可与介词短语一并使用, 它后面用的动词是单数或复数,要依它们所用介词 of 语的来认定(如下例用底线所表示).
     例如 :
               All cars have wheels. (不可以说 'all of cars'.)
               Most of the food complaints are coming from the seniors.
               Most of the tabletop is sticky with melted ice scream.

              Most tourists don't visit this part of the town. (不可以说 'the most tourists' )
              Most of my friends live in Taipei.  (但不可用 'most of friends')

      试用下列所给的各字填入以完成该句子字若需要 most of 也可使用.
          cars,  her friends,  birds,  my spare time, large cities, European countries 

  1. All cars have wheels.             范例
  2. I spend most ____ gardening.
  3. Not many people live in the north of the country. Most ___live in the south,
  4. Not all ____ can fly. For example, the penguin can't fly.
  5. Sarah travels a lot. She has been to most ____.
  6. Taipei, like most ____ has a traffic problem.

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Saturday, June 21, 2014

80 代名词与其先行词的一致性 (一)


 80 代名词与其先行词的一致性 ()                                              6/21/2014

英语句子的一致性可说是该语言的特征, 它们出现在很多地方, 非常重要, 不能不在读, , 写与说英语各方面都要小心和提高警觉.

   例如 :

  • 主语与述语动词(subject and verb):  ,  We are ready.
  • 同位名词 (substantive in apposition): ,  He, a man of science, said so.
  • 述语主位和主语 (predicate nominative and subject):
      如, They seemed fine fellows.

  • 代名词和其先行词 (pronoun and its antecedent):
            ,  The boys corrected their mistakes.

关于前三项的一致性,  已在12/10/2011 贴出的 主语与动词的一致性(Subject – Verb Agreement)” (23) 讲到一些, 现在要把它们的应用仔细的说明.  因为在我国语文中没有关于这方面的语法.  所以, 它们对学习英语语法的国内朋友们特别作难, 必须要在应用方面以悟性及毅力来记牢, 因为它们在英语表达方面太重要. 

代名词和其先行词必须在数, , 和人称三方面一致.  这一点很重要.  我们使用代名词的目的是要使句子简洁而明暸.  若用它们后反而使句子的意义模糊, 要读者或听的人去猜, 就失去了使用代名词的初衷.  ,  She is a beautiful.  这句话令读者模糊不清.  到底谁是那漂亮的她?”  除非作者使用恰当的前行词加以说明.

it 的用法 :  it 在英语语法里是中性的第三人称代名词, 被用得很广泛.  对以英语为母语的英美人士早以习以为常在口语中使用. 

     例如 :
It's dangerous to walk in the road. (It 等于 ‘to walk in the road’)
                    英美人士不常说: 'To walk in the road is dangerous.' 因为主语冗长不雅,
                    所以习惯用 it 来开始, ‘to walk in the road’ it 的前行词.
常用 it 表示距离, 天气及时间. 下列是常用的口语, 希望背熟.
     例如 :
               It's a long way from here to the airport.
               How far is it to the airport?
               What day is it today?
               It's a long time since I last saw you.
               It's going to be a nice day.
               It was windy.

       试填入适当的 (it is it was); 有些是疑问句, 填入适当的 (is it ...?) 否定句, 填入适当的 (isn't wasn't).

  1. What's the new restaurant like?   Is it good?            范例
  2. I couldn't see anything __ completely dark.
  3. __ trouble at the club last night. They had to call the police.
  4. How far __ from Taipei  to Tainan?
  5. __ three years since I last went to the theatre.
  6. '__ time to go?' 'Yes, __ nearly midnight.'
  7. __ a beautiful day yesterday. We had a picnic.
  8.      __ Mary's birthday yesterday. We had a party.

some (somebody, something) any (anybody, anything) 的用法 :

一般来讲, some 用在肯定语气, any 用在否定和疑问的句子里.
  例如 :
              We bought some flowers.
              He's busy. He's got some work to do.
              There's somebody at the door.

  any 多用在否定及在疑问句中.
   例如 :
               We didn't buy any flowers.
               He's lazy. He never does any work.
               There isn't anybody at the door.
               'Have you got any luggage?' 'No, I haven't.'
               'Has anybody seen my bag?' 'Yes, it's under the table.'

      [] :  something 在疑问句, 常常期望有正面的答复.
                例如 :
                           What's wrong? Have you got something in your eye?

当我们用 something 在疑问句中时, 常含有给人帮助或向人祈求的意念:
     例如 :
                     Would you like something to eat? (我能给你什幺吃的吗?)
                     Can I have some sugar, please?    (能给我一些糖吗?)

习惯上时常在 if 的后面用 any , 希望能牢记这习惯用法.
     例如 :
                If there are any letters for me, can you send them on to this address?
                Let me know if you need anything.

下面是很好的对话口语, something anything 的比较, 希望能牢记如此的对话.
     例如 :  : I'm hungry. I want something to eat.
                  : What would you like?
                  : I don't mind. Anything. ( 等于 something, 任何东西都可以.)

Somebody, someone; anybody, anyone 都是单数, 但在它们后面却常用 they, them,
their 等字以示其包含所有性别的人.
   例如 :
               Someone has forgotten their umbrella. (等于说他的或她的雨伞)
               If anybody wants to leave early, they can. (等于说他可以或她可以)

      试用 some any 填入下列各句, 以完全之.

  1. We didn't buy any flowers.      范例
  2. This evening I'm going out with  __  friends of mine.
  3. 'Have you seen __  good films recently?' 'No, I haven't been to the theater for ages.'
  4. I didn't have  __  money, so I had to borrow  __ .
  5. Can I have  __  milk in my coffee, please?
  6. I was too tired to do  __  work.
  7. You can cash these traveler's checks at __ bank.
  8. Can you give me  __  information about places of interest in the town?
  9. With the special tourist train ticket, you can travel on  __  train you like.
  10. If there are  __  words you don't understand, use a dictionary.

      试用 some any + -body, -one –thing 填入下列各句, 以完成之.

  1. I was too surprised to say anything.    范例
  2. There's  __  at the door. Can you go and see who it is?
  3. Does  __  mind if I open the window?
  4. I wasn't feeling hungry, so I didn't eat  __.
  5. You must be hungry. Would you like  __  to eat?
  6. Quick, let's go! There's  __  coming and I don't want  __  to see us.
  7. This machine is very easy to use  __  can learn to use it in a very short time.
  8. There was hardly  __  on the beach.  It was almost deserted.
  9. I'm going out now. If _ phones while I'm out, can you tell them I'll be back at 11.30?
  10. Why are you looking under the bed? Have you lost  __?